
Let me go.

“This is crazy! We were in 2012! Why is it 2018 now?!” Sung Yeol exclaimed. Everyone was confused and lost.

“We will…Are we… I mean… Will we…not be able to go back anymore?!” Dong Woo asked in a flustered manner.

No one had the answer. There was silence and a worried look written on everyone’s face.

“Yah! INFINITE! What the heck is wrong with you people today! We are going to be late for the fan signing so hurry up and get changed!” The manager rushed in and shouted at the boys. “Yes! We will be ready soon, hyung.” Sung Gyu replied. “Let’s go guys. We will talk about it tonight but for now let’s go do the fan signing first!” Sung Gyu said to the other six members.

Everyone went to change and was ready in a few minutes time. “You! What is your name again?” Sung Gyu questioned Eun Ji. Before Eun Ji could answer, someone answered, “Eun Ji. Han Eun Ji.” She turned and looked at Myung Soo who said it without any expression. Sung Gyu nodded his head and said, “Eun Ji. You stay here and wait for us. Once we finish with the fan signing we will come back and come up with a plan to go back!” Eun Ji nodded her head and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Come on kids. Let’s go!” Sung Gyu signalled to the INFINITE members. He is indeed a charismatic leader. INFINITE members got onto their manager’s car which was still the same as before just that it became a little worn down. “Hyung! Why didn’t you change your car after so many years?” Dong Woo asked innocently. “That is a very good question. Thanks to you people who are putting in less effort, we are making so much less than before. Don’t you know your popularity is declining? Can’t you put in more efforts?!” Their manager reprimanded.

The INFINITE members looked at each other in a shocked manner. “Our popularity declined… within 6 years time?” Woo hyun said in an unbelievable tone. “Cannot be…” Myung Soo mumbled to himself. Sung Jong sank back into the car’s seat. Getting down the vehicle, the seven of them followed their manager into the make-up room. They looked around the small and cramped room which was like the one they had before they debut.

It seems like what their manager said was true at the look of it. After putting on their make-up, they entered onto the stage. When they were on stage, they were shocked by the number of fans. It was pathetic. In 2012 the last fan signing they had, the venue was packed with people and was extremely noisy. However, this time the fans were scattered around with many spaces left. They were taken aback. The members shot their leader a worried look.

Sung Gyu nodded his head and started introduction. “Annyeonghasaeyo! Infinite imnida!~” The seven of them chorused. The pathetic fans response made their hearts sink. Sitting down on the chair, the fans ran forward and got their signature. They smiled and signed for them one by one. Even before the time planned, there were no more fans left. They were all disappointed and upset. Although since the start of their career they knew this day would finally come, they never knew it will be so fast.

“Okay. I think there will be no more people coming. I will close the venue. There are no more schedules for the day. Go back to your dorm and rest well!” Their manager told the seven boys. “No more schedule? Are you serious?!” Hoya asked in a surprised tone. Back in 2012, they were forever having schedule even till the point when they had a lack of sleep. Their manager put on an expressionless face and nodded.

They leaned back onto their chairs in disappointment. It was the first time they hoped that there will be schedule the next moment. “Hyung, where is our dorm? Is it the one we set off from?” Dong Woo asked Sung Gyu. “I don’t know. I think so.” Sung Gyu said. “Hyung! What is the passcode to our dorm? We… we changed too many times and we forgot.” Sung Gyu lied to their manager. “Do I look like your nanny? Seriously! 7799.” He replied in an annoyed tone.

Sung Gyu nodded his head and they got up from their seats. Their manager drove them back to their dorm. On the way back, no one spoke. Everyone was having the same thing on their mind- INFINITE’s future. Alighting, they thanked their manager and returned to their dorm. Eun Ji looked up at them and was crying badly. “What happened?” Woo Hyun asked in a concerned tone as he walked over to Eun Ji.

“I…I… cannot see myself in the mirror! There is no reflection!” Eun Ji explained as she continued to cry. “Don’t cry first. Maybe it is an after effect of the time travelling.” Woo Hyun reassured Eun ji as he patted her shoulders. Myung Soo looked at the glass window and spotted his reflection. He then looked back down on Eun Ji as a thought crossed his mind.He shook his head and cleared the thought, hoping his prediction was wrong.

Eun Ji stopped crying as she listened to Woo Hyun. She felt less scared and realised she is not alone. “Okay. So let’s sit down and talk this situation out.” Sung Gyu said as he took the seat on the couch. The rest of the members then took their places and formed a circle. “This is too bizarre! Why would we travel through time out of a sudden? And why did our popularity dropped so drastically?!” Woo Hyun said in an agitated tone. “Even if there are many bands coming up every year, how can the number of fans that went for the fan signing be so pathetic?” Hoya added on. “No one wants our signatures anymore…” Sung Jong said in a sad way.  “Hey. Cheer up. Don’t be like that. You can sign for me and I will sell them when we get back. I will become rich by then!” Eun Ji joked, trying to cheer them up.

The boys laughed lightly at Eun Ji’s comment. “How about… we search up on the internet about ‘time travel’ and the day of our accident?” Myung Soo suggested. The other boys nodded in agreement. Sung Yeol went into one of the rooms and took out a lap top. “umm, I don’t know whose this is but let’s just use it.” He said as he placed the lap top on the table. Opening a browser, they searched up and got some information.

“Hey. It says here that… We went through a portal called worm holes which are all around us. They are very tiny and occurs in nooks and crannies in space and time. Somehow, they expanded and formed a path through the fourth-dimensional space causing people to move through time.It is explained by Einstein's theory of relativity that links two places in space-time. It is visualised above as the contours of a 3-D map, where negative energy pulls space and time into the mouth of a tunnel, emerging in another universe. This is confusing.” Sung Gyu read off and scratched his head.

“Heck it. So how do we go back?” Woo Hyun asked. “Umm. It is not stated here.” He answered with a worried face. “I know! We can go back by a time machine. That’s what they always write in science fictions!” Dong Woo said smugly. “That only happens in the movie, you dumb!” Sung Gyu smacked Dong Woo’s head. For a moment, Sung Gyu thought something intelligent and useful was going to come out of Dong Woo’s mouth.

“Hey Hyung. Check up the day of our accident.” Myung Soo said calmly. “3rd Feb 2012 INFINITE” He said as he typed out in the search bar. “Yes, here it is!” Sung Gyu said as he clicked onto the article. “It says here that we were found unconscious in our dressing room with a girl. Then, we are sent to the hospital and remained unconscious till 10th Feb. There was no diagnosis because the case was peculiar.”  Sung Gyu read off the screen. “10th Feb which means we woke up in a week’s time in that world. So…7 days from now we will be able to go back to our world!” Myung Soo concluded with a relieved smile.

“Yes!” Sung Jong screamed a high-pitched scream as he hugged onto Myung soo. “Yah! Get off me.” Myung Soo said, giving Sung Jong an icy stare. “Come on! I am just too happy~” Sung Jong nudged Myung Soo and smiled like a kid. “This is great. We can finally leave this crazy world.” Woo Hyun said. “But will this really happen to us in 6 years time?” Hoya asked as he looked down sadly. “Come on! Cheer up~ That’s for us and our manager hyungs to worry 6 years later!” Dong Woo smiled and said.

Everyone nodded in agreement. “I think we should call our parents and see how they are now. We won’t know what happened in 6 years time. It will be better to check.” Sung Gyu told the guys as he took his phone out of his pocket. “Oh. So this is how the phones in 6 years time look like.” Woo Hyun said as he admired his cell phone. Eun Ji took out her pink mobile and punched in her home phone. “The number you have dialled is unavailable, please try again later.” Was the only thing she heard.

She called a few times but to no avail. After some time, everyone had contacted their family and ensured that everything was fine. Eun Ji was getting worried. “Hey guys, I think I will have to make a trip home. I can’t contact my family.” Eun Ji said in a nervous tone. She was afraid that something might have happened. “We will go with you.” Myung Soo said to Eun Ji. “Okay, thank you.” Eun Ji replied as she stood up. “Umm, not all of us go together. We can’t fit into the cab. Woo hyun, L and Dong Woo follow Eun Ji while the rest stay with me in the dorm in case our managers return.” Sung Gyu ordered.

Woo Hyun, Myung Soo and Dong Woo nodded and followed Eun Ji out. Eun Ji bit her lips in fear as she felt her heart beating fast during the ride. She had a bad feeling. Reaching the destination, Dong Woo paid for the cab fee and they got off. Eun Ji led the way while the three of them followed behind her. She pressed the bell and the door flung open. A middle aged lady answered the door and asked, “Yes?” Eun Ji was shocked that the person who answered was not anyone from her family.

“Excuse me but do you know where is the family who lived here previously?” Eun Ji asked politely but the woman had no response. She just stared at the three guys behind her. “Excuse me. Do you know the Han family?” Myung Soo asked again. “Oh! The Han family? The one that lost their daughter a few years back and left for America?” The woman asked. “Lost their daughter?!” Eun Ji fell back a little and Woo Hyun caught her in time. The woman stared at Woo Hyun weirdly as he moved to catch Eun Ji.

“Can we have the contact number of them in America please? I am… her daughter’s friend.” Myung Soo continued as he looked down at Eun Ji. Eun Ji held her trembling hands out and waved in front of the woman’s face. It was certain. She can’t see her. Everything was clear. Myung Soo’s prediction was right. Eun Ji is dead by the Year 2018.. She is like a spirit and no one else could see her except INFINITE. That explains why their manager did not scold them when he entered the dorm earlier in the morning.

After handing Myung Soo the paper with a long string of numbers scribbled on it, the lady closed the door. “Eun Ji, are you ok?” Woo Hyun asked as he looked at the pale face Eun Ji had. She felt a mixture of emotions. She was shocked, upset and afraid at the same time. She was shocked that she is found dead suddenly. Also, she was upset that she died at such a young age. At the same time, she was afraid that she will die soon when she returns to 2012. Eun Ji nodded her head and faked that she was fine.

“Maybe everything will be fine once we return to 2012? This is maybe… a parallel world? Everything may not come true eventually?” Dong Woo tried to make Eun Ji feel better by crapping something out. “Thank you, dong woo. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Maybe it is like what you said?Everythin will be fine…fine.” Eun Ji lied. Myung Soo just silently watched her. She knew she was not okay and was merely putting on a strong front. When they went home, Eun Ji told them not to tell the others lest they got worried.

Once they returned home, Eun Ji went into the room saying that she needed some sleep. Sung Gyu asked Woo hyun, “What happened? Why is she like this?” “She is… probably tired?” Woo Hyun looked away and lied. “How is her family?” Sung Yeol asked Myung Soo. “They migrated to America.” He said coldly as he shifted his gaze to the closed door Eun Ji shut behind her.

Standing up, Myung soo entered the room while the other guys carried on with their stuff. Myung Soo looked at the trembling blanket as he walked towards the bed. Eun Ji was crying badly under the blanket. She was terrified, really terrified. Hearing someone enter, Eun Ji held her tears in and stopped crying. “Are you alright?” Myung Soo asked as he sat on the side of the bed. “Yes, I am. I am really tired. Can you leave and let me sleep a while?” Eun Ji lied as she tried to make her voice normal.

Myung Soo pulled the blanket down and exposed Eun Ji’s tear-stained face. “You call this okay?” He asked her. Lifting his hand, he wiped off her tears. “Don’t cry alone. You can talk to us. We will help.” Myung Soo said. “Than-nk you.” Eun Ji said as she cried even harder than before. She placed her hands over her face to hide her pathetic look. Myung Soo helped her up and placed her head onto his shoulder. He her back as she continued crying. She felt lost and helpless a second ago but now with him, Eun Ji felt warmth and a sense of security. She felt protected.


Author's Note:
How is chapter 2?(: This is a slightly longer one than chapt 1 :X I was typing and typing without noticing the length of the chapter...Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment/subscribe? (:
Thanks for reading~ ^^

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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')