Last resort

Let me go.

All of the members were feeling the same anxiety, worry and confusion.

“What to do?” Sung Gyu thought. Many different ideas flashed across his mind as he danced. The part came.

“To hell with it.” He thought as he closed his eyes.

He ‘fainted’ onto the ground. The members were really shocked at their leader’s action. They hurriedly rushed towards him. However, deep down inside they knew it was mere acting. The reporters and camera rushed forward to snap pictures. Sung Gyu shut his eyelids tight and lay there motionlessly. The manager quickly dialed for the ambulance which arrived in no time.

Rushing him to the hospital, the other 6 members followed their manager in his car. There was an absolute silence in the car.

“Will he be discovered once he reaches the hospital?” Myung soo thought.

As expected, the reporters and press followed to the hospital. Pushing their way through, INFINITE and their manager made their way in. The reporters were trapped outside by the security of the hospital. Sung Gyu lay on the stretcher, racking his brain for the next solution. He was transferred to a ward as he was not in severe condition. Even the paramedics were confused why his vital signs were normal but he still did not regain consciousness.

They arranged for the doctor to make his way to the ward before leaving. The members reached and Sung Gyu woke up. He started his acting to trick his manager. They will be screwed all over if he knew that he was acting all along.

“Ah! Where am I? Let’s go back and finish off the performance!” Sung Gyu said stubbornly.

“Hyung! You just fainted. You need some rest. Lie back down.” Woo Hyun pretended to push Sung Gyu back onto the bed.

“Yea, you need some rest. Everything will be fine.” Hoya lied.

Myung soo kept quiet and observed the manager’s expressions. Something wasn’t quite right.

“Enough.” The manager said sternly.

The boys immediately quit acting and looked down. They were discovered.

“Kim Sung Gyu, I am so disappointed in you. You are the leader of the group and you come up with such nonsense?! What is the reason? Tell me! ”The manager yelled, awaiting Sung Gyu’s explanation.

“I am sorry.” He said as he avoided his manager’s glare.

“Don’t you know how important this performance is to your career? I really don’t know what the heck you guys are thinking! If you don’t want to be an artist anymore, tell me! I am washing my hands off you guys already!” The manager shouted before storming off.

The confused doctor entered the ward and bumped into the furious manager.

“Oh, Mr. Kim Sung Gyu, it is stated that you are in the state of unconsciousness.” The doctor said with surprise as he looked down at his records to double check.

“I am fine, already. Please help me check out.” Sung Gyu said to the doctor.

“That is for me to judge, not you. I am the doctor here.” The doctor emphasized his authority.

“I said that I want to check out.” Sung Gyu said, annoyed.

“What’s wrong with them?! No wonder they said that celebrities are hard to please…” the doctor thought as he left the ward.

“Hyung seems really upset.” Sung Jong commented.

“I had no choice. The second option was to jump and run away from the stage. Isn’t that worse?” Sung Gyu said as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

“How did Hyung discover that we were lying?” Dong Woo asked.

“I think we were too quiet on the van. We should have pretended to be worried and lost.” Myung Soo recalled.

“Aish.” Woo Hyun said.

Then, Sung Gyu received a message. It was from their manager.

“I have told the reporters that you fainted due to fatigue. Leave from the back door of the hospital.” He read out to the others.

“Hyung still cares about us.” Hoya said.

The six other boys nodded in agreement.

After checking out, the seven boys sneaked out of the hospital one after another. They avoided the press waiting at the front door and went back to their dorm.

“How was the performance?” Eun Ji asked.

Everyone was having a grave expression as they entered. No one answered Eun Ji and she knew something went wrong. Myung Soo was the last one to enter. He removed his shoes and stopped before Eun Ji.

“Don’t worry, everything is fine.” He reassured her with a smile.

Eun Ji nodded her head but she knew that something was wrong. However, she didn’t question further.

The next day…

“Hyung, look !” Sung Yeol called out to his leader.

He tilted his lap top and showed him the article.

“INFINITE leader’s desperate attempt to attract attention?” was the title of the article. Sung Gyu rolled his eyes and slammed the lap top cover down. Sung Yeol swallowed his saliva as he felt the pain for his lap top. However, he kept quiet. He didn’t want to agitate his leader further.

“Hyung, you okay?” Sung Yeol asked timidly.

He nodded lightly but his expressions gave him away.


Author's Note:
Hey there :) How's the new chapt?
Thanks for reading:D

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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')