Travelling back.

Let me go.

Returning to the dorm, all the other members were already asleep in their own rooms. Myung Soo tucked Eun Ji to bed and sat beside her. He looked down at her and her hair softly. Giving her a gentle smile, he spoke.

“Don’t worry. Go to sleep.”

With that, he stood up and was about to leave. Eun Ji grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn back.

“Stay with me.” She said with pleading eyes.

She wanted to spend her last moments by his side. Joining her on her bed, Myung Soo hugged her softly and shut his eyes. Lying on his chest, Eun Ji felt protected and warm but she knew it was probably not going to last. Somehow, she had an instinct that everything was really going to end tomorrow.

“Myung Soo, what are you going to do if you go back to 2012?” Eun Ji asked.

“I want to go on an official date with you at my favourite park.” He said with a smile.

“I want to eat ice cream with you there.” Eun Ji continued as she smiled blissfully, imaging the scene.

After some time, Myung Soo fell asleep while Eun Ji was still wide awake. She was staring at the sleeping Myung Soo with teary eyes. If only time would stop for the two… How good would that be? Eun Ji removed his hands on her carefully and got off her bed. Covering the blanket over Myung Soo, she smiled weakly at the sight of the peaceful L.

“Kim Myung Soo, I like you.” Eun Ji confessed before turning around. Allowing those tears to fall freely, she walked away.

The next day…

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by Eun Ji’s beautiful face. He smiled to himself and tightened his arms around her waist. Eun Ji opened her eyes slightly and caught Myung Soo staring at her.

“Morning.” Eun Ji greeted as she felt her cheeks heat up.

He leaned closer and kissed her lightly on her forehead.

“Morning kiss.” Myung Soo said with a smirk.

Eun Ji blushed a little at his action and felt her heart racing.

“I will go wash up first.” Eun Ji said nervously as she climbed out of bed.

Myung Soo sat up and chuckled at her who scrambled to the washroom hurriedly. Washing her face, Eun Ji looked into the mirror. Staring at her own reflection with water still dripping from her face, the smile from before was wiped off. She sighed.

“I am going to… die today.” Eun Ji thought to herself.

Apart from the fear when she knew the news, she felt regretful and sad. She was sad to part with the others, especially Myung Soo. She regretted not doing all the things she wanted because she always thought she was still young and there was going to be a long way ahead of her. Stepping out of the bathroom, she went to the living room. Everyone was dressed in the attire they wore on the first day.

It reminded Eun Ji of their first encounter. In just one week, she felt attached to the boys and it was as if she knew them for a long time. She knew she would definitely not bear to part with them when the time comes. Eun Ji’s worried face was noticed by Woo Hyun as soon as she joined them. Walking over to her, he nudged her.

“What is with that face, Han Eun Ji?” Woo Hyun asked with a cheeky smile.

“Nothing much.” Eun Ji lied.

“Fine, go on and tell Myung Soo, you biased woman.” Woo Hyun joked.

“Hyung!” Myung Soo said as he stared at Woo Hyun, slightly embarrassed by his remark.

Eun Ji giggled slightly and the concerned face she had on disappeared.

“There. You look prettier without those knitted brows.” Woo Hyun said as he poked her forehead lightly.

“Hyung!” Sung Jong shouted to Sung Gyu and pointed to the wall, flustered.

There was an opening in the wall. It was a swirling dark matter just like the previous one. Sung Gyu approached the wormhole slowly and the boys linked hands with one another. Myung Soo was the second last and Eun Ji was the last one in line. Myung Soo extended his hand and gave Eun Ji a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry. I promise you I will be by your side. Just don’t let go of me and we will be alright.” Myung Soo said.

Eun Ji handed him her hand and returned a weak smile. Myung Soo squeezed her hand lightly and smiled at her. Stepping into the tunnel, Sung Gyu was in immediately. All the others were pulled in as a chain and the hole closed up right after Eun Ji. There was a large force pulling them through and ahead of them, there were seemingly two paths. The 7 of them were heading to the right path but Eun Ji was being towards the left. They were separating. The force was immense and they couldn’t fight against it. The other INFINITE members were having a painful expression on for fighting against the strong pull.

“Let go of me, Myung Soo!” Eun Ji screamed as she looked at the rest who were in severe pain. Myung Soo was having a difficult expression on too but he tightened the grip on Eun Ji. He was never going to let go of her. Eun Ji started crying as she looked at the others hurting so badly all because of her. Slowly, Eun Ji let go of Myung Soo’s hand.

“Hold onto me tightly~!” Myung Soo shouted as he tried tightening his grip on her.

Their hands were slipping and parting with Eun Ji letting go.

“I love you, Myung Soo.” Eun Ji said as they broke the hold.

She was then in the opposite direction.

“EUN JI!!!~” Myung Soo shouted as the 7 of them got into the right path.

“EUN JI!” Myung Soo yelled as he sat up from the white sheets with a tear escaping his eye. He looked around the unfamiliar white environment and stood up, confused. He saw the other members in the same ward who woke up one after another too. All of them had a worried expression on as they exchanged glances. Frantically, Myung Soo dashed out of the ward and grabbed one of the nurses.

“Where is Han Eun Ji?! She is the girl who was admitted into the hospital together with us!” Myung Soo shouted as he shook the nurse violently.

“Th-There.” The nurse pointed to a ward down the corridor.

With that, he released the nurse and sprinted down the corridor. His heart was thumping from all the anxiety and fear. The other members were chasing after Myung Soo too.

“Myung Soo!~” Woo Hyun shouted from behind.

Opening the door to the ward, Myung soo saw the doctor stepping away from the patient bed. The nurse shook her head and covered the sheet over the patient lying on the bed. Myung Soo dashed forward and shoved the doctor away. Picking up the sheet with trembling hands, he saw the lifeless Eun Ji lying there motionlessly. More tears escaped his eyes as he fell to his knees by her bed.

“Eun-Eun Ji… Didn’t we promise to not let go of each other before entering? WHY?! WHY DID YOU LET GO?!” Myung Soo shouted as he buried his face into the sheets.

Then, he stood up and grabbed the doctor by his white collar.

“SAVE HER! AREN’T YOU A DOCTOR?! DO CPR, USE THE DEFRIBILLATOR, WHATEVER, JUST SAVE HER! I WILL PAY YOU WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE! JUST SAVE HER, PL-PLEASE…” Myung Soo shouted in the doctor’s face with hot tears streaming down his face.

“I am sorry but we have tried our best.” The doctor said coldly. He had probably broken similar news to many other heart-broken souls before with that same expressionless face.


“Myung Soo! Myung Soo! Calm down…” Woo Hyun stepped in and pulled him away from the doctor. He was kicking about and crying out of frustration.

“Eun Ji is dead and there is nothing he can do.” Woo Hyun said as he looked at Myung Soo who was devastated.

Myung Soo dropped to the ground as the doctor and nurses left the room. The seven members were crying and grieving over the death of Eun Ji. Then, Sung Gyu took out several letters and handed them to each of the member.

“They are from Eun Ji.” He said in a solemn tone.

Author's Note:
Hello everyone... This is not the final chapter yet! The last chapter will be out probably tomorrow:)
Hope you enjoyed reading 'Let me go.' :D!
Thank you for reading~
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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')