Fun time

Let me go.

More reports surfaced and the words just got harsher and harsher. The boys gave up on reading the articles as the claims merely agitated them and did not help the situation. They were upset but there was nothing they could do. They can’t possibly sneak up on the reporters and bash them up. Their manager merely gave them the orders to stay silent. Silence is the best way to end everything. The plan was to let the topic die down and go on with life.

For the remaining of the week, they were instructed that there will be no more schedules. Their managers had sent them a message to take a break in their dorm and not cause any more troubles. They did not bother telling them in person. Obviously, they were still mad at the INFINITE members. They deemed their action as immature and childish. The boys lazed around in the living room. They were bored and there was a deadly silence lingering in the air.

Everyone was still not in the mood to joke and play. Myung Soo was lying there, hugging his bamboo pillow while Sung Yeol was playing on his lap top. Dong Woo was taking a short nap at a corner and Hoya was listening to his hip hop music on his phone. Woo Hyun and Sung Jong were watching the television intently. Eun Ji picked up a book and was reading silently. Sung Gyu was bored as he crossed his arms and looked about the living room. Everyone was occupied except for him.

“Hey guys.” He said.

Everyone looked up from their activities and paid attention to the leader.

“Yea, Hyung?” Woo Hyun asked as he shifted his gaze from the screen to the leader.

“I was thinking… shall we go out? I mean we are cooped in here for the whole afternoon. And it is kind of… boring.” He finished his sentence lamely.

He looked around to see the others’ responses.

“Yah! The elder is talking!” Sung Gyu yelled as he threw the cushion at the sleepy head Dong Woo.

Dong Woo flinched a bit and went back to his nap.

“Hey… The old man is talking. Wake up~!” Woo Hyun said as he shook Dong Woo.

Reluctantly, he sat up with his half open eyes.

“So… I was saying that we should go out together. You all in?” he asked the rest of the members.

“Sounds good.” Myung soo commented.

“I am in!” Sung jong said excitedly. He was getting bored of the show anyway.

“Okay, I am fine with the idea.” Hoya remarked.

Sung Yeol made an ‘okay’ hand sign as he returned to his lap top.

“Umm…Umm…” Dong Woo made some noise as he nodded his head sleepily.

“I am definitely on your side!” Woo Hyun said with a wink.

“Eun Ji?” Sung Gyu asked.

She nodded her head with a sweet smile.

“So everyone is in! Let’s get going…” the leader said as he got up.

Everyone got changed and was ready to go.

“But… Where are we going?” Sung Yeol asked.

“Eh… Good question.” Sung Gyu replied. Frankly, he had not thought of where to go.

“How about… Yeouido Park?” the maknae suggested.

“Oh! Oh! The one we went to during sesame player season 2?!” Woo Hyun recalled.

“Why do I have no recollection?” Sung Gyu said as he scratched his head.

“Hah. Hyung, you and L were left behind in the dorm…” Dong Woo reminded.

“Ah. That time.” Sung Gyu remembered.

“Oh. Watermelon with milk!” Myung Soo said.

“So shall we… go there again?” Sung Jong asked with a pleading smile.

“Let’s go!” the boys chorused.

Eun Ji had no idea what they were talking about obviously. She wasn’t an infinite fan and apparently did not watch sesame player season 2. She merely smiled and followed the guys. It was definitely better than staying at home.

After some travelling, the guys arrived there. Like before, it was sunny and there were pockets of people here and there. They weren’t much recognised or rather they didn’t even care if they were. Fun was the only thing in their mind.

“Whoa~ Paradise!” Sung Yeol exclaimed.

“It didn’t change since before… Wow!” Hoya said as he looked around.

It was more or less the same as before just that it probably went through some renovations and looked newer.  The boys seemed to be reverted back into kids. They were screaming, pushing and playing with water like children. Eun Ji was standing there, smiling and enjoying the scene before her. They were having fun and she was glad. Since the day they came to 2018, they were always troubled and upset.

Someone joined her in watching. She turned around and saw Myung Soo who had sweat glistening on his forehead. She smiled.

“Not joining them?” she said.

“Not until you join…” he said with a cheeky smile.

“Hey!~ Don’t stand there like two statues!~ Join in the fun!!” Woo Hyun said as he scooped some water in his hands and ran to the two. He splashed some on Eun Ji and smiled.

“Oh, to be fair…” he said before splashing some onto Myung soo.

“Hehehe~” he laughed and ran off quickly.

“Yah!” Myung Soo yelled as he chased after him. Eun Ji joined in the chase and they ended up chasing one another.

Everyone was wet at the end of the day. The sweat and water blended well and seeped through their clothes. Lying on the slope like before, the guys smiled. It was a tiring but fun day.

“Will we be as happy as today in future too?” Dong Woo asked.

“We will. Nothing will change. The friendship in INFINITE will be unchanged even after years.” Sung Gyu said confidently.

Everyone smiled upon hearing their leaders’ words. They shut their eyes and enjoyed the cool wind blowing. Slowly, they fell asleep.

“3 more days to go.” Eun Ji thought as she closed her eyes.

Author's Note:
Hey there(: How was the new update?:D
I went to rewatch parts of sesame player season 2 to write this chapt so i hope you enjoyed reading^^
Please comment/subscribe ?:)
Thanks for reading^^ And YAY I finished "Petals of the rose" <3
Oh! If you are free check out my new fics: "Because she loves him" and "What should I do?" (These two have Hoya as main lead:D)

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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')