
Let me go.

With trembling hands, the INFINITE members except Myung Soo had opened their letters from Eun Ji.

To: Sung Gyu

Dear Sung Gyu

We have known each other for only 7 days but it seems like I have known you guys for a long time. I know that although sometimes you don’t say it out, you care a lot about the boys. You had to be fierce at them at times to keep the mischievous them in check and they may take it personally. Don’t worry,they will understand one day. You are a charismatic leader and I know you will always be one. Please take care of the others, especially L after I am gone. It was nice to know you, really.

Yours truly

Eun Ji

To: Dong Woo

Dear Dong Woo

Don’t grieve too much over my death. I supposed you would since you are a really emotional guy. Don’t cry and laugh more. Your laughter is infectious and would definitely cheer up the other boys. Although the other guys always joke about you being silly and all, I know that sometimes you are doing that just to make them laugh. You are like the sun of the group, keeping them warm during the harsh times. Keep laughing because I will hear you from above...

Yours truly

Eun Ji

To: Woo Hyun

Dear Woo Hyun

You have been a really nice and caring friend to me for the past one week. I remembered how you reassured me when I couldn’t see my reflection and was crying madly. I know you are a warm and gentle man under that greasy image you exhibited. I can feel your concern for me and I really enjoyed my times with you. I noticed that you have been eating less to keep fit. Don’t overdo it, okay? Please remember to take good care of health at the same time. I am glad to have known you.

Yours truly
Eun Ji

To: Hoya

Dear Hoya

Although you didn’t speak much to me, I could feel that you are concerned about me too. I see it from your sincere eyes and small actions. You are a really good dancer and would always be one! INFINITE’s Dance Machine, FIGHTING! I will be watching you people so don’t slack, arraso? Rest well and eat well too. Don’t fall sick.

Yours truly
Eun Ji

To: Sung Yeol

Dear Sung Yeol

We are not that close but I feel that you are a really warm and easy person to get along with. You care a lot about the members even if you don’t show it obviously. I remember how you were the first one to grab Sung Jong when he got into the worm hole. It is really regretful that we have to part but I know you guys will definitely do well in future. It was nice knowing all of you.

Yours Truly
Eun Ji

To: Sung Jong

Dear Sung Jong

You are the cute and lovely maknae of the group. I feel like you are my little brother and a close friend of mine even after only one week. I really like you a lot, Sung Jong! I am guessing you are crying a lot now... Please don’t cry and smile more. I will miss you a lot...

Yours Truly
Eun Ji

To: Myung Soo

Dear Myung Soo

You are currently sleeping on my bed while I am writing this letter to you. I dread writing this letter to you so you are the last one I am writing for. I have so many things to tell you that I don’t know what to start with. You are probably going to be the longest letter I am writing among the others. Don’t tell them, okay? They are going to say I am biased towards you again...Do you still remember our first encounter? I wonder what your first impression of me was. Frankly, I remember how your cool personality put me off initially. However, as I got to know you more, you’re a really nice and warm guy. You are always there to comfort and console me during the hard times. Without myself knowing, I have fallen for you. I knew I shouldn’t have since I had not much time left but I still couldn’t help it. The first time when you told Sung Gyu my name, I was really surprised that you remembered. You said that you were going to bring me to your favourite park when we return to 2012. I really want to but I guess we can’t do that anymore if you are reading this letter already. If I have made it, you probably won’t get to read this letter anyway. Myung Soo, these seven days are the happiest times of my life because I got to know you. Are you crying now? Don’t cry. I really don’t want to see you cry. I want you to be happy and live strongly. I know you can and remember that I will be watching you. Don’t be sad anymore, okay? Here is something that I always wanted to tell you but I didn’t dare to.

Kim Myung Soo, I love you.

Ah, I finally got that off my chest! Hehe... It is going to be morning soon and I got to go. Farewell, Myung Soo.

Yours Truly
Eun Ji

“Eun Ji, I…I…love you too.” Myung Soo mumbled as more tears fell from his eyes and landed on Eun Ji’s face. He hugged the letter close to his chest and cried harder. Everything was over. Eun Ji had left him for real and forever. He hoped that Eun Ji would suddenly open her eyes and sit up from the bed, telling them that she was fine already. He hoped and hoped but nothing of such happened. She was still lying there, in her deep slumber. The rest of INFINITE was crying after reading her letter to them too. The whole room was filled with grief and sadness over the death of Han Eun Ji, the girl who time travelled with them.

Author's Note:
Hello people!:)
I am sorry for ruining the ending :X It didn't turn out ot be as sad as I intended. Mianhae >.<
Anyways, thank you so much for supporting 'Let me go.' till the very end!:D
SPECIAL THANKS TO SUBSCRIBERS AND READERS(Those who commented and silent ones:) )
Please leave me a comment below, alright? ^^
I don't mind new subscribers too :p
Finally, thanks for reading 'Let me go.' :D!~
OH! If you have time you can check out my other fics too ~^^
My Robotic Boyfriend
Turn of the tide (Sequel to 'You laughed...at me.')

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Chapter 13: this is so sad T__T its so unfair that the 8 of them couldnt return together...only 7 days of being together
and i really pray that a day where infinite's popularity would go so downhill
Chapter 13: I'm crying. Omgeee. This was so sweet yet sad. Wow. That little one week thing could've been like their break and the girl. I feel sorry she had to die. Aigoo. But yeah, although this is fiction, I will forever be an Inspirit. Infinite will always be infinite, our bond is endless.
mylovebigbang #3
Chapter 13: Why did she die!!! you made me cry ;-;
imveryloser #4
i cried so hard at the ending ; - ;
your writing is just amazing ♡
i wish you could make a sequel
but that would be asking for too
much right? > n < ; thanks for
creating such flawless &; moving
stories, author-nim ; uuuu ;
@jinheeloves-yeollie: Thank you so much for reading and loving (:!
I am glad you liked it <3!
it's so saddd ;AAA;
I love it though!
@Daikatsu: oh my gosh, I made you cry?<3 Thanks for the comment :D!~
@zelly15: Your comment totally made me go crazy !!(: I am really really happy to read your comment <3!
@5201314: YAY for making you cry <3!
@neomanuisarang: Thanks for loving (:!
Love you guys infinitely for Leaving me these lovely comments :D!!
that was soooo sad! i loved the unique concept, though. =)) good job!
Why??? :'(
It's making me cry.
Well done, regardless. :')