High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]


► Always2oclock's Section ◄



So, I'm thinking of revealing the girl group since there are enough apps there. Or should I wait longer?
Those who haven't been picked for High Volume - I will allow them to apply for T.I.U since there are a lack of male applicants.
For those who aren't picked for High Volume or T.I.U, please don't be too disappointed. I'm going to try and give you all some minor parts and I'm planning out a new apply fic too so there will be more chances to be in my stories as a main character sooner or later.
If you guys have never read any of my stories and are curious about how I write, you can check out my other apply fic [Applications are closed and the story has started].
I will do my best to repersent your character the way you want them ^^


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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!