And the story begins! ~ 6 months before debut.

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]


This took me FOREVER to write since there were so many characters to write about and I had to keep referring back to the apps to try and get their personalities right. Please be understanding if your character strays abit from what you wrote, it's hard keeping on top of 12 main characters. 


I so hope you enjoy the first chapter ^^ It get's better near the end, promise.


I'm using their stage names to try and make it easier to stay on top of everyone. Only in dialogue will you see their real names being used.



In the NH Media building, everything was pretty quiet except for one of the studios where 17 trainees were being put through a rigorous dance. They had been at it continuously for 3 hours but the choreographer showed no sign of stopping or giving them a break. That wasn't to say there wasn't those who had already dropped out and were taking a break of the own accord. The choreographer, never bothered to waste her time to tell them to keep going, she just focused on those who were working hard. However she did indeed surprise them.

“Okay Okay. You guys have a 30 minute break but then I want you all back up and dancing, araseo?”

“Ne…” They responded, a couple of them collapsing onto the ground in relief for the break. Sometimes they wondered if being a trainee was harder than being an idol.

“Ah… finally,” panted Kyuhyun, lying down. He had been up for 2 days straight trying to juggle his schedule around and fit everything in.

L-D began passing around the bottle of water for those who were too exhausted to get up and get them themselves.  E.Jin got up and helped too.

“Did you guys hear about the rumours?” asked Maya, being the usual chatterbox she was. “I heard there’s a new group being planned. Ah… I hope I can debut.”

“What rumours?” asked Hyemi, fiddling with her domokun necklace.

“I heard it was two new groups,” replied Choonyei.

Zi Tian who was busy taking selca’s while pulling cute faces spoke out. “Mm, I heard that too.”

“Rumours are rumour, you shouldn’t listen to them,” murmured TJ, there were way too many people in the room for his liking. He considered not returning to practice since he didn’t need it anyway but he was interrupted by two people coming into the room.

“Annyeonghaseyo, can you guys settle down please,” said the first guy.

“What’s going on?” asked Ria curiously.

The second guy smiled in response to her question.

“Don’t panic, we’re here to clear up a few rumours and to give you guys some good news.”

“In 6 months, 12 of you shall be debuting. Five of the girls and seven of the boys – it wasn’t easy deciding but some of you should continue waiting before we think about your debut. Anyway, I’m Kim Dongsun and I’ll be the manager for the boys. My brother Kim Namkyu will be the manager for the girls.”

“The names that we read out, if you could come with us, we’ll go through to one of the conference rooms and talk about it further. If you don’t want to participate, then you can tell us that too. Those who names I do not read out should stay here and continue with your schedule.”

Everyone remained quiet, wondering who had been chosen. Everyone of course wanted to debut so they listened carefully, just to make sure they didn’t miss their names.

“Ladies first; Shin Hana, Lee Haerin, Noh Seoeun, Kang Hyejin and finally Rylie Choi.”

“Now for the guys; Seo Jaesun, Lee Junghwa, Choi Taejun, Takahashi Ren, Yang Doohwan, Lee Jungho and Hwang Haejoon.”

Kyuhyun, Maya, Zi Tian, Hyemi and Choonyei all groaned as their names were not called out however they gave a small applause to the others.

“You better not forget about us,” said Choonyei seriously.

“As if we could forget you,” grinned Jungho with a wink causing Choonyei to grin back slightly.


As they settled themselves down in the conference room, they looked over the sheets of paper that had been handed out to them concerning all the legal stuff that most people never read anyway. As they did so, Dongsun began explaining about the two groups to them.

“High Volume and T.I.U which stands for Turn It Up, are like a brother and sister group. Although you are debuting as separate units, there will be times we’ll you will do things as a whole unit so it would help if you all got along. The concepts for both groups will be pretty similar, both with a lot of energy and strength. Over the next six months, we expect you guys to have some input on your first mini-albums. Both will consist of 4 songs and a bonus song. The bonus song will be the same on both albums but that’ll be explained at a later date. You’re schedules over the next 6 months will be pretty hectic but even more so once you debut. Once we’re finished here, you lot will have the rest of the day off to move into your new dorms and to settle in and I hope we can work well together.”


The 12 of them stood outside with their bags staring at the building.

“Now I know it’s not ideal but with the budget we had, this was the best we could do for you guys,” said Namkyu.

“But… but… how can we all live together!” exclaimed Chu.

“The top floor is the boy’s dorm while the middle will be yours. The ground floor has a living quarter and kitchen which is large enough for you all to live together.  You’re all practically adults now anyway.”

“I never imagined I’d be living with five girls,” grinned Jungho.

“You guys don’t walk around in your underwear right?” asked Doohwan causing Haejoong to face palm himself.  Doohwan jumped as Ren slapped his head gently.

“Yah pabo, what kind of question is that. Have some respect for them,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

“It’s just like a big family,” said Rin. “Just imagine you have a bunch of brothers.”

TJ took the sheet of paper from the manager which had the code on it and went and punched it in so he could enter the dorm. There was no point talking on the street when they could go inside. The rest followed suit and they were amazed by the quality of the interior. They would have never expected it just by looking from the outside. It looked a lot bigger than they had expected.

“Waa, this is pretty amazing!” said Seoeun, pretty excited about the new arrangements. Then something caught her eye and she went and picked up the sheet of paper she saw on the table.

“Why has the leader already been decided,” she whined suddenly, she looked around for a moment. “Haejoong-ah, you’re the leader for T.I.U. Rylie eonni, you’re our leader. Apparently the leaders are supposed to decide the sleep arrangements for us.”

“How many rooms is there?” asked Haejoong curiously, going to look at the piece of paper before sliding it out of Seoeun’s hands. “Three rooms for us and three for the girls.”

“Shouldn’t we have more since there are more of us,” asked Junghwa but Haejoong simply shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s doesn’t really matter. Well it’s easy. TJ and Ren will share a room together since they’re the quietest members. Is that alright with you TJ?” he asked.

“Yeah that’s fine. I’d rather share with Ren than you lot.”

The boys simply laughed however, not minding his words. They knew that TJ preferred to be alone most of the time so they never bothered pushing him.

“I’ll share with Jaesun leaving you three together.”

“Perfect, Doohwan will keep the bedroom clean for us,” grinned Jungho.

“Yah! I ain’t touching your mess Jung! You probably…”

Junghwa suddenly wrapped his arms around the two other boys and grinned however at the same time put his hand over Doohwan’s mouth.

“Girl’s present,” he reminded. “No need to talk about what Jungho does or doesn’t get up to. Let’s go find our room!”

“Were they talking about…” began L-D but Haejoong covered his mouth and shook his head.

“Don’t listen to them three, they’ll corrupt you. You’re our innocent maknae even if you do try to act like our umma.”


As the boys headed to the top floor to find their rooms, the girls all went up to look at their rooms and decide who would be sharing. Since one of them could have their own room, Chu offered it to E.Jin.

“Hyejin-ah, would you prefer your own room? I don’t think the rest of us would mind sharing with someone.”

“Uhm yeah, if you guys don’t mind…”

“We don’t,” said Ria happily. “I’ll share with eonni!”

“Only if you behave,” grinned Chu

“Aigoo! You’re as bad as me eonni!”

“So I guess I’m sharing with Rin then,” said Seoeun.

“Yup, unless you have a problem with that?”

“Ani… At least I know she won’t pull a prank on me.”

“It works out perfect, since you two act like annoying little kids sometimes,” laughed Rin. “Come on Seoeun-ah. I’ll let you play your SHINee CD’s.”



So this was how High Volume and T.I.U started off when they first found out they would be debuting together. The managers weren’t due back until the next day meaning the first night the kids were left alone to settle in. I’m sure we can all imagine how smoothly that went ~ not. 


Living Area

Chu and Ria's Bedroom

Seoeun and Rin's Bedroom

E.Jin's Bedroom

Haejoong and L-D's Bedroom

TJ and Ren's Bedroom

Jungho, Doohwan and Junghwa's Bedroom.




I'm sorry if I made Jungho and Doohwan out to be erts ㅠ_ㅠ They're not that bad, promise :D

Ria,Ren,Rin,Ria,Ren,Rin *tongue-tied* The names are so similar haha.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!