Chapter 5

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

I just lost all the a/n I wrote! *complains*

Starts again ~

Firstly, Happy Valentines Day or Single Awareness Day to you all ♥ I am of course in the latter hehe. 

Some part of this chapter is rather fitting for valentines day I think.

Secondly, you guys are actually lucky to get an update this week. I have a presentation to make for monday which I forgot about entirely so I feel that this week is a little hectic for me. But, I had the idea for this chapter already in my head so I decided to write it for you. The next update probably won't be until next week. Sorry!

And lastly, I can't remember if I wrote anything else in the original a/n haha so I'll end it here. Enjoy the chapter!



Although E.Jin wasn’t a dancer, she had worked hard to keep up with the six dancers she would be performing with. Why they had chosen her she wasn’t entirely sure but she had spent many late nights practicing just to make sure she didn’t let the others down. Rin who was finished getting ready, came over and patted her shoulder encouragingly.

“Don’t worry. You’re a great dancer too,” she told E.Jin. She moved back a little as the stylist glared at her, indicating she was getting in the way.

“What if I slip though?” murmured E.Jin, tapping the table in front of her nervously.

“We all might slip we’ve only practiced realistically a couple of times. Just don’t think about it.”

“Mm, I’ll do my best.”

There was a knock on the door once more and Chunji and Changjo walked in.

“Changjo-ah!” exclaimed Rin happily causing Chunji to pout.

“Yah! You’re more excited about seeing him than your own brother?” he asked.

“Wae? I see you all the time and he’s one of my best friends.” she replied.

“Psshh. We actually have to head off so we thought we’d come round and just say well done before we did so.”

“Are you guys performing again?” asked Changjo noticing the stylist working on E.Jin.

“Mm, some of us are.”

“Ah well good luck!” he replied enthusiastically.

They both gave Rin a hug before waving a goodbye to everyone.


TJ was taking a walk down the corridor away from his excited friends. The stylist’s and make-up artists were having a hard time because of them, TJ felt a little sorry for them.

“Taejun-ah?” came a questioning voice. He spun around to see Jiyeon standing there. “Ah it is you!”

“Jiyeonsshi,” he replied. “I saw your performance.”

“You don’t have to be so formal with me” she pouted, a little upset.

“Mianhaeyo… it’s comfortable though,” he told her.

Ah… araseo.. Uhm.. Congratulations on your debut!” she said clapping her hands together.

“Thanks… I kind of have to get going,” he told her, simply finding the whole conversation with his ex-girlfriend awkward. He began heading back to his dressing room, deciding to see if L-D and Ren had calmed everyone down yet.

“Wait!” She ran over to him, catching hold of his arm gently. “You’ve been good right?”

“Of course,” he smiled. “Annyeong.”


As the seven of them waited to go on stage, the rest were sat in the boy’s dressing room, watching the TV as they waited for them to go on stage. When the last had finally performed, it was time for them to finish the show off with their last performance.

(A/N: Imagine a mixture of and – no singing though.)

In the dressing room, they watched as their friends put on an impressive dance, the water splashing and swishing around them just made the whole dance look ten times better. They were all so busy that they didn’t notice the knocking at the door. Whoever was there eventually gave up and simply opened the door, glancing in to see them all watching the TV. He coughed and then all glanced to look at who it was.

“OPPA!” yelled Chu, leaping up at once and running over. Yoseob jumped back as she hugged Hyunseung, almost making him drop the things he was holding.

“Annyeong,” he grinned, managing to give her a one armed hug in response. “We thought you guys might be hungry. Congratulations with your debut Rylie.”

Yoseob who had kind of been dragged along by Hyunseung who hadn’t wanted to go alone, went and greeted the others, sitting beside Doohwan as they watched the performance of the rest of their members.

“Yah hyung! These guys are better than you!” yelled Yoseob with a grin.

“What food did you bring?” asked Doohwan curiously, looking over the boxes.

“Fried chicken, what else are you meant to eat after debuting?” chuckled Yoseob. “I got you some chocolate though since I know how much you love your junk food.”

“Daebak! You’re the best!”

The chicken was passed around the members but Hyunseung and Chu were too busy chatting to each other to care about the food really.

“I thought you guys were currently touring?” she said with a questioning tone.

“We are but I couldn’t miss your debut. We have to head back soon,” he said with a small sigh. “Since we’re both so busy, we don’t have any time to go out so I bought you a present instead,” he said. He went into his bag and pulled out a small piglet plush for her.

“Waa cute! Gomawo!” she exclaimed, immediately attaching it to her bag so that she didn’t lose it.


As the dance finished, they came off stage relieved that it had gone brilliantly. They had only practice a couple of times on the water so there had been no telling if it would go well. Towels were wrapped around them to stop them from getting a cold. They headed back to the boy’s dressing room since the managers had told them everyone had gathered there. As soon as they entered, the whole room erupted with applause.

“You guys were daebak!” exclaimed Haejoong happily, proud of his dongsaengs.

“You guys definitely gave the fans something to remember! That was the best water stage I had ever seen,” said Doohwan while Yoseob gave them the thumbs up.

“Right come on, we better go so they can get changed,” said Seoeun.

“I don’t wanna go yet,” pouted Chu.

“Suit yourself, I’m sure the boys will get changed regardless,” she smirked.

“We have to go anyway,” said Hyunseung pulling Chu onto her feet as he stood up. “I’ll text you later araseo?”

“Ne…” she sighed as Yoseob skipped past her.

“Annyeong! Well done on your debut again!” Yoseob cheered happily.

Hyunseung gave Chu a hug before pulling away and planting a kiss on a forehead.

“Annyeong,” he said gently before waving to everyone else.

“Right come on girls, ppalli so the boys can get changed,” said Namkyu, motioning with his hands for them to get out of the room basically.

“We’re going, we’re going,” complained Ria, wishing the managers were a little more lenient with them. Although they were kind, they were firm. A lot like parents in a way. E.Jin and Rin had already got back to High Volume’s dressing room so they could get out of their wet clothes before they caught a cold. Ria had been a little more carefree but she was soon sniffling away.

“Ppalli and change,” told Seoeun with a roll of her eyes. “You can’t catch a cold on the day of your debut. Get Ren to make you some tea when we get back to the dorm.”

The two managers were busy pacing the corridor on their phones, organising the next lot of schedules they had. It seemed the two groups were extremely wanted for many things so there was a lot to be considered, especially since they couldn’t accept every offer they got. It was certain that their life as an idol group had only just begun.


With the mention of Hyunseung and Yoseob, have you guys since the new mv they released?

It's simple... and perhaps a little random haha, but it totally reminded me why Hyunseung is my bias xD If you have me as a friend, you'll have seen my blog stating this lol.

Anyway, randon a/n at the end of the chapter for a change too.

Oh wait, I remember the third point I was going to make at the beginning... Thank you for all your comments! I really do love reading each of them and I know everyone says this usually just so people keep commenting but they definitely encourage me to keep going.

One more thing (something just came to me haha, mianhae for waisting your time with my a/n), is there anything you guys would love to see in this story like specific variety shows or anything like that? I'm not saying I'll definitely put it in but if it's a good idea I might hehe.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!