Chapter 10

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]


Okay, this chapter will focus on the 5 starting the show. The next chapter will be those who aren't in the show ^^

And I made a mistake too o_O Jungho wasn’t meant to be part of it…. But oh well, he is now I guess since I can’t just take him out of it.


Sorry for taking so long to update T_T



They had somehow successfully got to the subway and they were looking around, making small chit chat amongst each other. A group of girls who were sitting near them were giggling and whispering amongst each other, occasionally pointing at them. Jungho noticed and flashed a smile at him.

“Annyeong,” he said to them, bowing his head slightly.

They blushed and bowed back at him.

“Are you fans?” he asked

“Mmm,” replied one of them.

“Who’s your favourite here?” he asked with a grin.

Doohwan and Junghwa perked up slightly and took interested in the conversation that Jungho was having with the girls. Haejoong simply laughed but really he was listening too. L-D rolled his eyes but he figured it made some good footage for whatever they were filming.

“Uhm… Haejoong oppa,” replied the girl that was talking first. Haejoong couldn’t help but smile.

“Doohwan oppa!” said another girl.

“Mm, he’s so cute,” agreed her friend.

“Gomawo,” replied Doohwan cutely causing them both to blush and giggle. Jungho waited for the final girl to respond, surely it was him right?

“Jaesun-sshi,” she replied shyly.

“Aigoo, he’s really naggy you know, you don’t want to like him,” grinned Jungho.

“YAH!” yelled L-D. “Don’t try and change her mind.”

“What if I show you my abs? Will you like me more?” grinned Junghwa.

Haejoong nudged him with a serious look.

“We’re in public, you don’t just pull your top up!”

“Do you like High Volume?” asked Ria, sounding hopeful.

The girls nodded their heads but they didn’t seem as enthusiastic this time round.

“This is our stop guys,” said L-D as they slowly came to a halt.


Once in Lotte World, Ria and Doohwan were looking around excitedly. They were so hyped up that Haejoong had to literally hold on to the both of them so they didn’t disappear. Since Haejoong’s hands were tied up in the holding of the two, the PD handed the next envelope to L-D.

“I’m the next oldest,” pouted Jungho to the PD.

“He’s the vice-leader,” she replied back at him, shooting him down instantly. Their PD noona was not one to mess with it seemed.

“Welcome to Hello Baby!

Are you looking forward to meeting your three children?

You will be able to find them at the carousel. Good Luck!”


Finding where the carousel was easy, however finding their kids was easier said than done. There were lots of children riding the carousel and the only clues they had were blurry pictures.

“Let’s pair up. The last pair to find a kid will have some sort of punishment.”

The pairs were easily decided. Haejoong and L-D, Jungho and Junghwa, and Doohwan and Ria.


“It’s going too fast!” complained Junghwa.

“It’s a carousel for kids! How can it be fast,” replied Jungho, rolling his eyes at Junghwa. “All we have to do is find one kid. It can’t be hard! “


“I wonder if we can ride it once it stops,” said Ria.

Doohwan was busy holding up the pictures and squinting with one eye.

“Oh oh oh look!” Doohwan suddenly pointed out suddenly, getting Ria’s attention. “There! The baby that is sitting on the ahjumma’s lap? Don’t you think?”

Ria took her turn to squint slightly. The colours of the clothing were right and they were both the baby and picture looked like they had the same hat on.

“I think you’re right oppa!” Said Ria excitedly.


When the ride stopped, they ran without the others seeing so that they didn’t give it away. Many of the kids remained on the ride with their parents while some others got off and new ones got on.

“Excuse me,” said Ria boldly to the boy’s mother, or so she presumed. “Uhm… Is he our child?” she asked. It sounded a little awkward to her but she really didn’t know how else to ask. Doohwan watched with hopeful eyes.

“Ne, congrats,” said the mother with a small laugh. “His name is Pyo Hyunsu. He’s 2 years old.”

Together they got off the carousel and it began up again, the other two pairs still to find a child.


“Aigoo he’s so cute!” exclaimed Ria as she took hold of him.

Immediately he began to scream and struggle against her, wanting back in his mother’s arms. He put up quite a good struggle that in the end his mother took hold of him once more and he settled down.

“Hyunsu is quite shy,” she told them with a smile as Ria looked a little upset at how he reacted.

“What kind of things does Hyunsu like?” asked Doohwan curiously while eyeing Hyunsu carefully. He wasn’t very excited to be looking after 3 kids, especially if they were going to be annoying. However Hyunsu was practically a baby still.

“He likes watching TV, especially Pororo.”

“I like Pororo!” said Ria enthusiastically.

“You just like penguins in general,” replied Doohwan with a roll of his eyes.

“So? Penguins are cute!” she retorted. Their bickering would have continued if Hyunsu’s mother hadn’t laughed at them. Hyunsu was pouting at the two of them, not understanding everything they were saying.

“He’ll only eat food that has been mashed up for him but he’s not very fussy what he eats. He doesn’t really like to share so I hope you can help him change. I trust you.”

“Gamsahamnida,” they replied with a bow.

“We’ll look after him well,” said Ria and then decided to try and interact with Hyunsu again.

“Annyeong!” she said cheerfully, waving her hand gently. She was responded to by Hyunsu blowing bubbles, dribble running down his chin. She pointed to herself.

“Eom-ma Ri-a” she said before pointing to Doohwan. “A-ppa Doo-hwan”

“Don’t you think that’s a little complicated for him?” asked Doohwan.

“Does he talk?” asked Ria to the mother, wondering if she was making a fool of herself.

“Ne, he can say stuff like eomma and appa and other simple phrases.”

“See,” replied Ria, sticking her tongue out at Doohwan who decided to just laugh at her.


“One of your kids have been found, you have two left,” said the PD to the other four who were watching the carousel spin round.

“Jjinjja!?” replied Junghwa looking around. He noticed Doohwan and Ria sitting with a small boy and his mother. “Omo! How did they find a kid first!?”

“Doohwan is slow but he’s good when it comes to spotting things. Now I realise why Hana picked him as a partner,” replied Jungho shaking his head slightly. He should have thought about his partner more carefully. “Ugh this is so hard,” he complained.

“Hyung if they can find a kid then so can we. And don’t you want to beat Jaesun-ah?” grinned Junghwa.


“I’m not sure,” replied Haejoong with a frown.

L-D and Haejoong were busy debating about one the kids that they thought might be theirs.

“They kinda do but kinda don’t,” he sighed.

“We’ll just go on and ask when it stops again then,” said L-D.

“I think we should be sure about it instead of just hoping we’re right.”

“Hyung I’m almost positive!” said L-D a little frustrated. He jumped slightly as Junghwa suddenly yelled out in excitement.


“Hyung! Hyung! There!” he yelled, shoving the blurry picture in front of Jungho’s nose.

“Oooh. You might be right,” said Jungho grinning, ruffling the younger ones hair.


“Hyung, we’re gonna be last anyway if we don’t try…”

“Araseo. We’ll go with it. You had better be right.”

“Pssh, I’m always right,” smirked L-D


Both teams waited for the carousel to stop once more.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!