Chapter 11

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]


I took long right? Well I hope this was worth it. I wrote this in the car so sorry if I’ve made a mistake somewhere since I didn’t have the internet for research on certain things. I did do a small check on some details when I got home. I apologise in advance for the way I write about Boyfriend. I don’t know the first thing about them, except for they have twins in the group >_< I’ve only read one fanfic on boyfriend too but it was based around the twins.

Next Chapter: Back to Hello Baby.


An a/n from the car: Ugh… I hate country roads. I feel bleughhhh. And right now, I’m sitting next to a huge snake in the car haha! My mum is a volunteer for a reptile group thing so on the way back from my grans, my mum offered to pick up a snake and some lizards. It’s quite a nice boa though, I think it is feeling the same way as me right now where all the bumps and turns and shuddering. Totally unrelated to the story but hey, I like talking to you guys :D

My laptop has nearly flown off my lap a gazillion times too.



E.Jin was a little nervous as she entered the building, today was her first day working Boyfriend. As far as she knew, that day they would just have a small meeting, meet the boys and perhaps a small practice recording to see how well her voice fit with the boys. She walked over to the reception desk and waited patiently until the women had finished on the phone.

“Kang Hye Jin,” she told the woman who immediately looked on her computer for her name.

“Ah, yes. Just wait a second while I get you your pass. It’ll allow you to come in and out freely while you’re working here. You’re from that group High Volume right?” asked the woman, as she waited for the pass to be printed and passed a small form that E.Jin had to fill out.

“Ah… ne,” replied E.Jin, for some reason feeling a little embarrassed.

“Just sign here and here,” the woman pointed out while she filled out a few details. “I shouldn’t do this but my daughter is a huge fan of High Volume. Could I get your autograph?” she asked as she put the pass into a plastic case so that it was protected.

“Oh uhm… sure. Wait a minute!” said E.Jin. She dug around in her bag until she found one of the signed albums that she carried with her. She had brought a couple to give out and she always carried spares just in case. “What’s her name and how old is she?” asked E.Jin as she opened up the album that had already been signed by the other members.

“Jang Soo Young,” she replied as she took the forms that E.Jin had signed and put them away. “She’s in middle school at the moment.”

E.Jin wrote a small message opposite her autograph before closing it and offering it to the receptionist with both hands.

“Omo…” the woman had been so busy she hadn’t actually realised what E.Jin was doing. “Gamsahamnida! My daughter will love this. Here is your pass,” she said handing it over. “Any trouble and just come back here. The boys are very friendly though,” she smiled.

E.Jin bowed gratefully before making her way through the building. She was a tad early but at least she would make a good impression. She took the elevator to the 3rd floor and then knocked on the conference room door before entering. It was pretty empty except for the manager of Boyfriend who would be taking care of E.Jin while she worked there.

“Annyeonghaseyo. Kang Hye Jin imnida,” she said with a bow.

“Hye Jin-sshi, take a seat,” the manager smiled. “I’m Go In Su and also the manager of Boyfriend. Has your manager sorted out the contract for you?” he asked, wanting to make sure that everything had been settled.

“Ah ne, I think so,” she replied.

“And you have your pass?”

“Ne, the receptionist was very friendly.”

“Good good. The boys are currently in the dance studio. Shall we go meet them?” he said with a friendly smile.

“Oh… I don’t want to interrupt them if they are busy-“ began E.Jin.

“Don’t be silly Hye Jin-sshi. The boys are looking forward to working with you. This week we’ll work on recording the song and then for a couple of weeks you’ll be working on the choreography and music video. We may ask you to perform a couple of times on stage as a special guest but that will all be organised at a future date. Right, let’s go then shall we,” he said, clapping his hands together.



“OH EM GEE OH EM GEE OH EM GEE! ” yelled Chu repeatedly as she ran around like a headless chicken. She couldn’t even be bothered to say oh my god properly, opting for spelling out omg instead.

Seoeun, instead of asking her what, because she was pretty sure she didn’t want to know, stuck her leg out and tripped her up, skilfully tossing a cushion beneath her before she hit the floor to soften the landing. Chu sat up straight away however, her eyes wide open.

“It’s not fair!!” she wailed, surprising Seoeun, she thought that Chu might have yelled at her or something.

“Can you tell us what you’re yelling about?” asked Rin who was a little curious as to what had got the leader so worked up.

“They went to Lotte World without me!!!!”

“Who did?” sighed Seoeun.

“Ria and the boys!”

“What about the boys?” asked Ren as he came out of the kitchen with his warm cup of tea, only hearing the end of the conversation. Though he had heard Chu’s frantic yelling.

“They went to Lotte World!” she pouted childishly.

“Oh. I wonder if they’re having fun,” he wondered out loud.

“I bet they are having LOADS of fun,” smirked Seoeun with a wicked grin at Chu to wind her up even more.

“It’s not fair!!” she cried again. “I want to go!”

“We can go when we have some free time Eonni,” smiled Rin gently.

“Where’s Hye Jin-ah?” asked Ren curiously, looking about for her. “Is she in her room?”

“Aniyo,” replied Seoeun. “She’s meeting Boyfriend today. She’s gonna be recording that song with them.”

“Oh… yeah,” he replied with a tone of disappointment.

“What is she crying about?” asked TJ, though he didn’t sound overly interested or concerned in anyway as he came down the stairs.

“She’s upset because the others went to Lotte World,” smirked Seoeun, finding great amusement in that fact.

“You act like a 5 year old Rylie-sshi,” muttered TJ, not amused by the current situation as he decided to make something to eat for himself. He had been hiding out in his room all morning merely because Chu was one of his least favourite people.


While the others watched TV, TJ ate his lunch in the kitchen before appearing once more.

“I’m going out for abit,” he told them.

“Where are you going?” asked Ren.

“I’m meeting up with hyung and Onew hyung,” he told them.

“Mind if I tag along?” asked Seoeun suddenly. TJ had suspected she would ask though, she seemed to be quite good friends with his brother.

“Ah sure, I’ll let Minho know you’re coming,” he said with a shrug.

“CAN I-“

“NO!” both Seoeun and TJ interrupted Chu before she could finish what she was saying.

Chu pouted and folded her arms and legs while she still sat on the floor.

“Not fair, you guys never even let me finish!”

“Eonni, let’s play a game or something while they’re out,” suggested Rin to keep the older girl happy. She knew that she was missing Ria who was practically her best friend.

“Oh can we!?” she replied excitedly. “Ren-ah, you’ll play too right?”

“I guess so…” he replied, not quite sure what he was getting himself into. Oh well, we’ll see you two later,” said Ren with a small smile.

TJ and Seoeun left together to meet up with Minho and Onew while Chu, had dragged out a game for them to play. She was about to start when she suddenly received a text message from Ria. This time is was a picture of a baby but Chu was more focused on the background.


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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!