Chapter 4

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

Congrats on debuting guys hehe :D 

I hope it isn't too bad ^^



“Waa that was awesome!” yelled Sookyo, jumping onto Minhyuk’s back as they left the stage. He spun her round with glee only stopping when they almost bumped into the girls of High Volume. He dropped Sookyo onto her feet causing her to pout childishly.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” said the maknae Hayoung. “Nightingale imnida.”

“Ah.. annyeonghaseyo. High Volume imnida,” replied Chu with a small bow.

Daejung took hold of Minhyuk’s hand shyly as they all greeted one another. He was the shyest member of Nightingale. Minhyuk wrapped his arm around the younger boy and ruffled his hair gently with a small chuckle.

“You guys are next right?” asked Hayoung. Despite being the youngest of Nightingale, she was probably the most boldest of the group.

“Ne,” said Ria with a happy nod of her head.

“Ah well good luck,” said Minhyuk, grinning at the girls. “I’m sure you’ll do well. Don’t be nervous. It’s totally awesome being on stage!”

“Once you’re on stage, you’ll totally forget about being nervous,” butted in Sookyo.

“We’re not nervous,” replied Seoeun, folding her arms a little.

“Speak for yourself,” whispered Rin in her ear.

Daejung giggled a little at their interaction but then quickly hid as they turned to look at him. Just as Seoeun was going to say something, Chu beat her too it.

“WAA! He’s so cute! Why can’t any of T.I.U be like him. Even Doohwan isn’t as cute as him!”

“Ugh... you get excited way too easily,” replied E.Jin. “I hope you’re not planning on kidnapping the kid or anything.”

“Oooh! I never even… Umf…”

Ria pushed Chu playfully to snap her out of any ideas, Chu stumbled a little in her heels. Before everyone knew it, Ria and Chu were running around, the mood becoming a little too hyper.

“Minhaeyo,” apologised Rin towards Nightingale. “They’re actually usually a lot worse.”

“Ah.. ne,” replied Hayoung, the two girls however just reminded her of Sookyo and Minhyuk when they were together.

“YAH!” Namkyu suddenly appeared yelling at Chu and Ria for messing around. “Are you going to be responsible for when you both break an ankle!” he scolded furiously. Chu and Ria bowed their heads in apology and stood by each other silently. Nightingale took their opportunity to leave, Sookyo and Minhyuk still hyped up from being on stage. Hayoung rolled her eyes at the two playful elders and then took hold of Daejung’s hand leading him along with the rest of the group.


As the girls prepared to go on the stage, T.I.U suddenly came out to support them just before they went one.

“Hwaiting!” cheered Doohwan happily.

“Show ‘em how y you are!” yelled Jungho.

“You really are a ert huh?” said Junghwa, turning to him. Jungho simply grabbed him and hugged the younger boy tightly.

“Ani. And they’re all too young for me anyway. I like noona’s remember,” he whispered.

“What about Rylie then?” asked Junghwa with a grin.

“She doesn’t count,” replied Jungho with a small tut. “Chingu, Chingu, that’s all.”

“Just do your best,” said Ren smiling at the girls.

There wasn’t any more time for anything else to be said as the girls had to go on stage. Seoeun took a deep breath to calm any nerves that even thought about rising. Chu squealed loudly as Rin patted her on the back gently. E.Jin tapped her wrist repeatedly as the nerves began to kick in a little.

“High Volume Hwaiting!” yelled Ria and then they went on the stage.


The manager stood nervously at the side, occasionally glancing at the screen that showed them on the stage more clearly.  The intro began and it was a good start.

“Beat one, Beat two, Beat three

Get ready

Because this

Is High volume.”

As the intro finished, the stage went dark and the girls got into their positions for their main song. Already they could feel how amazing it was to be on stage, the lights shining down on them and fans chanting and singing along with them. Someone of them had been waiting years for a moment, and now it was finally here.


For once, all seven boys were quiet as they watched the girls performing; every inch of attention was on High Volume. And it wasn’t because of their y dancing or anything, it was because they were a family which supported each other. The girl’s performed without fault thankfully, everything going smoothly as planned. As they finished, they were left breathless, staring at the crowd which supported them. Leaving the stage, the boys clapped for them happily. Seoeun took her jacket off, wiping the sweat from her brow.

“You guys should be happy you don’t have to wear these,” she told them swinging it over her shoulder.

“We are,” grinned Haejoong. “Well done, you girls did amazing.”

Namkyu handed them towels and passed a couple bottles of water around too.

“Right you three need to go back,” he said towards E.Jin, Rin and Ria.

“We know,” replied Ria. “Can’t we watch the boys first though?”

“Alright, Alright. But as soon as they’re done, straight back to the dressing room and no messing about!”

“Right guys! We’ve been training long and hard for this. Let’s show that stage what we’ve got!” yelled Haejoong enthusiastically.

“Was that your speech?” asked L-D with a grin. Teasing the leader.

“Aish… this kid!” replied Haejoong jumping at him slightly. L-D laughed and patted Haejoong on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry hyung. I’m just a more natural leader than you are.”

Doohwan suddenly spun round making a whooshing sound as he did so, when he stopped Jungho and Junghwa were looking at him curiously.

“You’re making random noises again,” sighed Jungho.

“You’re strange hyung,” said Junghwa with a tilt of his head.

“I.. I… ahh,” he gave in not bothering to argue with them. “I’m this way because I have to share a room with you two!”

Jungho laughed and wrapped an arm around Doohwan. “Ani, you always made random noises when you do stuff. But that’s why we love ya.”

Doohwan shrugged him off, not liking skinship unless he was the one to initiate it. Jungho simply replaced him with Junghwa who didn’t mind it. He rest his head on Junghwa’s shoulders.

“Ya you three, we have to go up now,” shouted L-D.

Ren and TJ had remained quiet, waiting patiently for their turn. Ren glanced around just to make sure everyone was there and then that was it, the boys were finally going on stage.

“Hwaiting!” cheered Chu.


It was a strong start as the fans chanted their names, showering with love just at the intro already.

“Yo, Turn it up baby

Louder Louder

You know what to do.

I said

Louder louder



And it goes a little like this…”

Once their intro was done, the stage lit up in a neon green kind of colour and the fans went crazy for them.  It seemed fans had been anticipating T.I.U’s stage the most but then who wouldn’t with seven cute, handsome boys going on stage. T.I.U showed the crowd exactly what they could do.


“Ah... it obvious they loved me the most,” boasted Junghwa in a rather cocky manner.

“Hyung I already told you, your abs are nothing impressive. The fans were probably laughing at you,” replied L-D as they left the stage.

“YAH!” yelled Junghwa. “My abs are the best here, let’s see yours then!”

Junghwa began chasing L-D around as he tried to grab a hold of his top to pull it up. L-D wasn’t having any of it though.

“You have to go back and get ready!” yelled L-D jumping back when Junghwa lunged at him to try and grab him.

“Aish..! I’ll get you later maknae,” grinned Junghwa before suddenly flinching as Jungho wrapped an arm around him. “Ah! You scared me!” he yelled.

“Hehe, Mianhae. Come on we gotta go get ready.”

“You guys were awesome,” said E.Jin as she spoke to Ren and TJ.

“Thanks,” replied TJ as Ren smiled, scratching the back of his neck a little shyly. He had been surprised at the sudden compliment and didn’t know what to say.

“We should get going so we can get ready,” said E.Jin.

As seven of them went to prepare for their next stage, the others decided to watch the other performances until their manager told them to go back to their dressing rooms so that they didn’t get in anyone’s way.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!