Chapter 8

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

So, let’s continue on with Rin and Jongup. ^^



Jongup was the first to break the silence between them as they sat on the stage together, looking around.

“Rin-ah… What do you think about being my wife?” he asked her, blushing a little as his own words.

“Well I don’t hate it,” she said thoughtfully. “I never imagined this situation though. I feel like I’m getting to know you all over again.”

Jongup laughed and nodded his head, understanding what she meant. It felt like the two of them had never met before.

“Have you ever thought about being married before?”Jongup asked curiously.

“I think every girl does occasionally. But… I don’t know anything about love,” Rin admitted.

Before Jongup could reply, the PD interrupted them saying that they had to leave the stage soon.

“Ahh.. Jjinjja.. Waeyo?” asked Jongup.

“The staff need to clean up,” replied the PD.

Jongup sat there in thought for a moment while Rin looked about, not quite sure what to say to him. She puffed her cheeks out as they looked at each other.

“Do you like Ddeokbokki?” he suddenly asked her. Rin nodded her head, looking at him with a confused look.

“Let’s go eat,” he said smiling.


As they walked towards one of the street vendors, Jongup noticed that she didn’t have a scarf and so took his off, wrapping it around her neck cautiously. Rin blushed and looked down at the ground embarrassed, holding her hands in front of her. Jongup never said anything either until they got to the street vendor. Holding the stick, he held his hand underneath it and went to feed her. Rin blushed again however took the stick from him, feeding herself.

“Mmm, yummy,” she said happily.

He perked up slightly, deciding not to be discouraged by the fact he wasn’t able to feed her successfully. At least she was still wearing his scarf. They enjoyed the food in silence; occasionally they glanced at each other and then looked away bashfully.

“Rin-ah..” began Jongup.

“Ne? “ she asked after swallowing her mouthful, covering slightly.

“Should we…” he paused and looked a little shy for a moment however he continued. “Should we have a couple name for each other?” he asked her.

“Shall I call you oppa?” she asked playfully.

Jongup laughed and covered his mouth, looking away from her in embarrassment. It was obvious how much he liked it however, it could be seen in his eyes how much he was smiling.

“What about Jongie oppa?” she laughed.

That was just too much for Jongup and he covered his face, stamping his feet slightly. Behind his hands he was blushing furiously. As he calmed down he nodded his head, he liked it too much.

“What about me?” she asked curiously. Jongup thought carefully for a moment.

“Since you call me Jongie…” he couldn’t help but laugh, no one had ever called him Jongie before. “Rin~nie!” He made sure to separate the two syllables as cutely as possible. Rin pulled the scarf up to cover her face, equally embarrassed as Jongup was. They said nothing more about their names for each other and finished eating at the vendor.


I: How did you feel when Jongup-sshi put his scarf on you?

HR: I was happy. I didn’t know Jongup-ah was like that so I kind of realised ‘so he is this kind of guy’. I liked it. I’m quite an independent person so knowing I can rely on Jongup-ah… it’s a good feeling.


I: Did you like your nickname?

JU: Mmm, I liked it! Even though we’re the same age, hearing her call me oppa was nice. I hope she says it more often *blushes*.


They walked back to the KBS building since Rin was getting picked up by Namkyu from there. They smiled awkwardly at each other and Rin puffed her cheeks out again.

“Why do you do that?” asked Jongup curiously.

“Do what?” she asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

“This.” He mimicked her and she couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“I did that? Mianhae… I didn’t realise. Usually when there’s nothing going on or I’m bored. I puff my cheeks out.”

“Ah…” he replied.

As their manager pulled up, she smiled not quite sure how say good bye to him. She realised she was still wearing his scarf so went to take if off.

“Ani,” he told her. “You can give it to me next time.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she laughed.

“Oh yeah… and Sunday,” he noted, totally forgetting. “Uhm… well it’s the last weekend for our warrior promotions. So keep it until we go on a proper date.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Ne… Uhm… you should get going. Your manager looks impatient.”

She laughed and began walking away, taking small steps backwards.

“Annyeong,” she waved at him.

He waved back and watched as she left, he didn’t stop waving until the car had gone out of view.


JU: Am I boring? Ah jjinjja…  *sighs* I’m not boring honestly. Ask the guys! They’ll tell you I’m not boring, honestly! I’ll take her on a fun date next time *nods* She won’t be bored.



When Rin arrived back at the door, it was eerily quiet which surprised her. She had expected to be bombarded by Chu and Ria but they were nowhere in sight. As she quietly passed the kitchen, she jumped a little as she noticed E.Jin and Ren were there.

“Omo.. you guys scared me…” she sighed, whispering.

“Mianhae,” replied E.Jin.

“How did your date go?” asked Ren curiously, taking a sip of his tea. He drink’s it constantly but what can he say, he simply loves the stuff.

“Ah… it was good,” she said blushing slightly.

“Who’s your husband?” asked E.Jin curiously.

“Jongup from B.A.P,” she said.

“Jjinjja? You’re both so young,” she commented.

“Mm... I’m kind of glad it was someone the same age as me. I think it would have been more awkward if he was older and had experience. It’s kind of comfortable with Jongup-ah.”

“That’s good,” said Ren, nodding his head. Rin seemed happy so although he didn’t personally know B.A.P, the sounded okay.

“I’m gonna go to bed, I hope I didn’t disturb you two,” said Rin, bowing her head slightly before waving to them.

“Aniyo, you never disturbed anything,” said Ren, sounding almost a little too defensive. Rin smiled glad that she hadn’t before disappearing.

E.Jin finished her coffee and stood up.

“I’m going to go to bed too. Don’t stay up too long, araseo?”

“Ne,” laughed Ren. “I’ll go to bed once I’ve finished my tea.” E.Jin laughed.

“Araseo. Good night.”

Ren watched as she left and then turned back to his cup, drinking it before it went cold. He stared off into the distance and smiled to himself happily. 

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!