Chapter 3

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]



"We have to wear these jackets?" asked Seoeun, holding up the leather jackets that they would be wearing for their debut.

“Mm, I like them,” said Chu happily with her eyes closed as the make-up artist did her work.

“Are they trying to cook us on stage!” she whined. “We’re gonna be sweating buckets wearing these!”

“Do you have to whine about everything Seoeun-ah?” asked E.Jin with a sigh, holding her jacket over her shoulder. She was also finished getting ready. Though she wasn’t overly thrilled about the wardrobe choice, she knew what she had signed up for when she wanted to debut.  “Yah! Get the camera away!” she held her hand up to Ria who was pointing her camera directly at E.Jin.

“Come on! One picture!” pleaded Ria. “I want to have lots of pictures. These will be our final pre-debut pictures!” she said happily.

“It’s bad luck to take pictures before you go on stage,” teased Chu playfully from her seat.

“OMO! Is it? Eotteoke!”

“Aish so gullible,” said Rin with a laugh as she was getting the last touches on her hair. At the thought of going on stage however she couldn’t help but nibble her nails slightly.


There was a knock on the door suddenly and then Chunji and L.Joe popped their heads round.

“Oppa!” said Rin happily, seeing him in the mirror that she was looking at.

“Annyeong. Yah stop biting your nails. You have nothing to be nervous about,” replied Chunji noticing her habit.

“Oppa, why are you here?” asked Ria towards L.Joe.

“We’re performing later too silly. We just wanted to say good luck to you all.

“You girls are gonna be awesome!” said Chunji.

“We’ve gotta go finish getting ready, we kind of ran off without telling anyone,” grinned L.Joe. “CAP will kill us.”

“And the stylists too,” pointed out Chunji.

“That’s because they obsess too much,” sighed L.Joe.

“Are you guys going or not?” asked Rin.

“Ne we are. High Volume Hwaiting!”


Seoeun was sitting down watching a drama that she had missed an episode of. She was that absorbed in the plot that she didn’t realise Chu coming up behind her.

“Are you not nervous?” asked Chu.

“Ani. What is there to be nervous about. We’re gonna rock that stage,” replied Seoeun calmly.

“Your personality gives me whiplash you know,” chuckled Chu in amusement.

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“I still can’t figure you out. One minute you’re whining and the next you’re totally calm.

“You’ll figure me out one day,” she grinned, glancing back in the mirror to check how she looked.


Their manager walked in, glad to see that the girls were all there and pretty much ready. He was worried that Chu or Ria might have been running wild. After spending 6 months with them, he knew what they were like by now but they still managed to surprise him one way or another.

“Right girls, I’ve looked at the line-up. High Volume are performing after Nightingale and then the boys will be after you,” said Namkyu.

“Who’s Nightingale?” asked Rin curiously.

“That new group that SM are debuting,” replied E.Jin before Namkyu could reply. “I heard they’re pretty good too.”

“Anyway, once you girls are done. I need E.Jin, Rin and Ria to come straight back here to get ready for the dance stage. Since the show has to kill some extra time, they allowed us put on a special stage at the end.

“Ne,” they responded.

“No running amok Ria!” warned the manager.

“Huh? Why are you only telling me?”

“Do you really see E.Jin running wild?” asked the manager sarcastically.

Ria stared at the manager, not quite sure if he was being sarcastic or not. It was only when Chu knocked her on the head gently that she realised he was of course being sarcastic.

“Araseo Araseo. Don’t worry, I’ll come straight back here so the eonni’s can torture me some more.”

“YAH!” yelled one of the stylists in reply however Ria just gave her a thumbs up in response.

“Right, well no disappearing! It won’t be long until you girls are on stage now,” said Namkyu before leaving the room.


In T.I.U’s dressing room, Junghwa was walking around topless before looking through the clothes rack at the variety of trousers they had the option of wearing.

“I want the purple ones,” he said pulling them off the rack.

“Tough, Haejoong is wearing the purple ones,” replied one of the stylists.

Haejoong stuck his tongue out and took the trousers from him.

“Then what colour am I wearing?” asked.

“White,” she replied. “They’ve already been decided.”

“Stop complaining and put a t-shirt on too,” replied L-D. “Your abs aren’t even that impressive,” he teased just to see Junghwa’s expression. Since Junghwa was the most confident with his body, he wasn’t happy.

“YAH! You’re still the maknae! Who said you could speak to your hyung’s like that!”

L-D was about to reply when his phone beeped suddenly and he opened the text he had received.

“Jaesun Hwaiting! All your noona’s are watching!” he smiled at the text that his sister had sent him.

“You guys better do well out there, SNSD are watching,” he grinned.

“Even Yoona-sshi?” asked Haejoong suddenly.

“Probably,” replied L-D with a shrug.

“Aishh… now I’m nervous,” he groaned.

Jungho laughed and patted the leader on his back.

“Relax, how can you be nervous just because of one person?”

“Because he lurrrrrrrves her!” teased Doohwan from his chair ignoring the scolding he was getting from his stylist as he moved slightly. She snapped his head back into place and continue to do his hair.

TJ knowing that SNSD were watching smiled to himself. He was a big fan of the girls so couldn’t help but feel a little happy to know they would be watching their performace. As soon as the stylist had finished doing his hair he got up and went to leave.

“Taejun-ah! Where are you…”

The door closed as he exited the room and Haejoong sighed with a small frown.

“Aish this guy, he can’t even stick around with us for 5 minutes even on the day of our debut.”

“Relax hyung,” said Ren. “It’s not like he’s ever let us down. He just isn’t much of a sociable person.”

“Yeah but we’re his friends,” pouted Doohwan.

“I don’t understand how he can be alone,” shuddered Junghwa, even the thought of being alone scared him.

“His good looks are put to waste,” piped up Jungho. “I’ll never understand how someone cute can be so cold.”

Suddenly TJ returned and they all looked at him causing his eyes to widen slightly at the sudden attention he was getting. He didn’t like being the centre of attention.

“I just went to find out our line-up,” he replied, surprisingly gently. “We’re performing after the girls.”

“He spoke!” yelled Doohwan.

L-D and Ren both slapped his head in unison at his comment, L-D laughed at the way Doohwan clutched his head in response.

“Umma! Appa!” he whined.

“Well don’t say stupid stuff then,” retorted Ren smiling.

TJ sat down, keeping his smile hidden from the group. Despite how annoying the other members could be, they were pretty much like family to one another. TJ quite liked being around them unless they got too noisy and annoying. He was glad to be finally debuting.

“Right guys,” came their manager Dongsun’s voice. “Nightingale are just going on stage the now so be ready for when High Volume go up. Junghwa, TJ, Ren and Jungho make sure you come back here to get ready for your other performance since you’ll need to change your outfits.”

“Time to show the fans what T.I.U can do,” grinned Jungho. 

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!