Chapter 9

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

You guys are getting another double update!


Because I had actually finished writing this chapter before the previous one O_O I don’t even know how I managed it… I went to post this chapter which is saved as chapter 9 on my computer but then realised there was no chapter 8 posted… I was like eh? Where is chapter 8? So I looked through my files and opened up the one named chapter 8... and it was only half written… I was disappointed because it meant I had to finish it before I posted this one xD

Long story short… you get a double update haha.

I kinda like this chapter and I get to write about Myungsoo! He’s totally awesome in shut up flower boy band which you should really watch if you’re not.


Can you guys guess the variety show yet? Hehe… I think I made it obvious.



“Ah Seoeun-sshi! You’re here,” said the producer of Inkigayo. “There will only be two of you MCing today, is that okay? I know it’s your first time but I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“Ne, Gwenchana. Who am I MCing with though?” she asked curiously since she still didn’t know.

“Ah, I’ll call him over. Myungsoo-sshi!”

“Wait what! Kim Myungsoo!” she said, almost yelling at the producer.

“Ne… is there a problem?” he asked.

“Ani ani,” she sighed.

Seoeun used to be one of his biggest fans before she had debut, he always seemed so wonderful and cute on stage but when she met him off stage after music bank, she was in for the biggest shock of her life. He didn’t smile or greet her and his eyes seemed to pierce straight through her coldly.

“I’ve already told you just to call me L,” he sighed before his eyes wandered over to Seoeun. “Oh it’s you,” he said rather indifferently.  “Are you the other MC?” he asked.

“Ne…” she replied.

“Don’t mess up,” he said simply before walking off.

She was momentarily stunned but quickly spun around.

“YAH!” she yelled pointing at him. “I hate you!”

Myungsoo stopped and looked at her surprised.

“Eh? You hate me?” he asked her, sounding genuinely shocked.

“Ne… waeyo!?” she scoffed, folding her arms. “Don’t be thinking you’re so brilliant and that everyone loves you!”

He chuckled slightly which caused her to glare some more.

“It’ll be fun working with you Seoeun-ah!” he said playfully.

“YAH! Who said you could drop the honorifics!”

“You can call me oppa, I won’t mind,” he said with a shrug and a hint of a smirk on his face.

They didn’t have any more time to talk but he had definitely left her feeling annoyed. How she was going to deal with him every Sunday night, she had no idea. When it came round to filming, it looked as if they never argued as they acted well together, laughing and joking with each other, mimicking some of the other groups dances before they introduced them. It was very successful, the producer was happy.

“Wah… you two must be good friends!” he told them at the end. Seoeun laughed and smiled politely in return. When he disappeared, she scowled.

“Friends? With him? As if,” she scoffed, going to meet up with the rest of the girls.


Monday morning, L-D was already away for his radio show but a few others were also up too.  Haejoong, Doohwan and Junghwa were all downstairs while there manager paced around impatiently.

“Ria-sshi! Ppalli!” yelled the manager, glancing at his watch once more.

Ria suddenly came running down the stairs, slipping on the last two steps sending her onto her bum with a small umph escaping past her lips. Haejoong chuckled and helped her up.

“We need to pick Jaesun-ah up first,” he told her, explaining the reason for her rushing around.

“Gomawo oppa,” she said, grateful for the hand he leant her.

Jungho yawned sleepily and rested his head on Junghwa’s shoulder, it was too early for his liking.

“What are we up for so early anyway?” asked Doohwan.

“You guys have a schedule.”

“Eh? But it’s not on the white board,” pointed out Ria.

“Aish just come on, we’re late.”


L-D was sat on the steps waiting for the manager to pick him. He had never been late before so he wondered what was taking him so long. He also noticed a camera crew that actually had one of their cameras on him.

“Is that filming me?” he asked them. The guy nodded.

“Wae?” he asked looking around wondering if he was being watched by anyone else.

“Is the manager picking me up?” he asked the guy but the guy simply shrugged his shoulders in response.

“Of course… you wouldn’t know,” sighed L-D.

As his manager finally pulled up, he stood up however the others were being ushered out.

“Huh… but I thought we were picking Jaesun-ah up…” asked Haejoong, wondering why they had to leave the car.

“Have fun kids,” grinned Dongsun before driving away without another word.

They stood there stunned for a moment, amazed at how Dongsun could ditch them so easily and without any clues as to what was going on.

“HYUNG!” yelled Junghwa, rather dramatically. “Yah…! How could he just abandon us here!” he huffed.

“Jaesun oppa,” said Ria cheerfully, not really bothered by what had just happened as she skipped over to L-D.  “What’s going on?” she asked him. He was just as baffled as she was however. His plan had been just to go home and get some rest but it seemed like that wasn’t going to happen.

Doohwan and Jungho had taken to playing in front of the camera, pulling faces even though they didn’t even know what the camera was doing there.

“You know that it’s filming you guys right now?” asked L-D.

“Omo really?” asked Doohwan surprised. “I didn’t think it was on.”

“Even though you’re smart, you are really slow,” laughed Haejoong.

Suddenly an envelope was passed to Haejoong by whom he guessed was the PD of the show. He bowed respectfully as he took it from the woman.

“Open it,” nudged Jungho.


‘In many countries, many teenagers become parents at a young age; especially in countries such as America and the UK.

The five of you will begin to experience the life of a young parent in South Korea today.

Head to Lotte World where you will be given further instruction.”


“People have children at our age!?” exclaimed Ria in amazement. “Omo… that’s shocking!”

“Wait… what show is this?” asked Doohwan, looking at the letter. There was no hint of what show it was. “Is this a variety show or some documentary we’re filming?”

Haejoong and L-D both had a rough idea of what show it was but they decided not to tell the others’ just for some fun. L-D whispered something in Haejoong’s ear and Haejoong laughed in response, nodding his head.

“Yah, what are you two whispering about?” asked Jungho, eyeing them with a suspicious look.

“Nothing,” replied L-D airily, grinning slightly. Despite being tired, he was feeling more awake now.

Haejoong was looking around, a thoughtful look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” asked Junghwa.

“How do we get to Lotte World?” asked Haejoong.

Their faces dropped slightly. They were all so used to being driven about that they weren’t very good at getting around themselves any more.

“You can get there by subway right?” asked Doohwan to the PD. The PD simply nodded her head.

“Oooh… so you are smart,” replied Jungho. “I was starting to wonder.”

“Okay… so where is the subway from here then?” asked Junghwa.

“Yah, you should know! You’ve always lived in Seoul!” replied Doohwan.

“Seoul’s a big place!” defended Junghwa.


“It’s this way guys!” came Ria’s chirpy voice suddenly. They all looked round to notice she was a far distance from the already. She had got bored of all the waiting around and discussion so she simply asked someone on the street. Also she was excited, they were going to Lotte World!

“I wonder if they’ll let us go on the rides,” she said hopefully.

“That would be awesome!” said Doohwan happily as he caught up with her, walking beside her.

With Doohwan in such a cheery mood, the others couldn’t help but feel happy as they followed on. They were all quite excited to be going to Lotte World even though they had no idea what they were going to be doing. They all secretly hoped that they could have some fun, just so they could annoy the others a little. Chu would be the most fun to wind up since Lotte World would be her kind of place.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!