Chapter 7

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

I love all your comments btw! I keep meaning to tell you this but I kept forgetting.

Ahh I had so much fun writing this xD I hope I'm not disappointing anyone so far.

Double update hehe since I'll have to start on my presentation sometime over the week. Plus I'm bored.

And I hope you guys won't be disappointed with the choice of variety show for Ria, Haejoong, Doohwan, Junghwa and L-D. It's one of my favourites so I had to include it somewhere. Despite mentioning it however, you still won't find out this chapter hehe, mianhaeyo.




L-D yawned sleepily with his head resting on the dressing table. TJ who was sat at the dresser beside him, glanced over a little worried about his dongsaeng.

“What time were you up at?” asked TJ.

“Uhm… five maybe? I’m not sure. The radio show starts at six so I have to be there earlier. It’s Saturday tomorrow though so I don’t have to get up early… I think… unless the manager planned something cruel for me.”

“How will you cope next week though?”

L-D shrugged his shoulders and smiled at TJ.

“Don’t worry hyung, I’ll just sleep when I can. And that variety show thing hasn’t started yet. I’m still healthy.”

The group were just waiting to go back to the dorm now. Their performance on Music Bank had been even better now that fans had already seen them once. There was a much better response to their performances.


Rin had changed back into her casual clothes by now and was watching one of Seoeun’s drama’s with her. Seoeun was crying a little, sniffling as she couldn’t take her eyes off the screen.

“Why are you crying? It’s not even sad,” sighed Rin.

“Are you watching the same thing! The male lead just got rejected!”

“Aish he’s the second male lead. You should know they never get the girl by now.”

“Yeah but…”

“OMO!” Chu and Ria’s voice came equally, interrupting Seoeun and causing her to look to see what was happening, pausing the drama much to Rin’s annoyance. A small camera crew had entered the room and one of them handed an envelope to Rin.

“What’s this?” she asked but no one answered her.

“Yah open it!” said Ria excitedly. All of them crowded around Rin, even E.Jin who was curious as to what the envelope was.



“…and make beautiful babies!” added on Chu at the end. Seoeun and E.Jin scowled at her.

“If he performed here does that mean he saw me perform!” said Rin suddenly feeling very nervous.

“Probably,” said E.Jin. “Don’t worry, you look awesome on stage.”

“You have to let us meet him!” said Ria.

“You guys will scare him away,” said Seoeun.

“All the performances have finished so just go find out who he is,” grinned E.Jin. All of them were quite excited for Rin, who herself had gone a little pale, feeling rather nervous at having to go alone. Just as she was about to leave however, Jungho, Doohwan and Junghwa had popped their heads around the door.

“Haerin-ah, if he’s mean to you, let us know!” said Jungho with a grin.

“Yeah! He’s got us to face too if he wants to be our brother-in-law,” said Junghwa with a smirk.

“Oh god… I’m already feeling sorry for this guy,” sighed Seoeun and E.Jin nodded her head in agreement.

“Are you going to meet him now?” asked Doohwan.

“Yah!” yelled Seoeun. “How did you guys even know about it?”

They all pointed to Chu who pretended to walk away as if she wasn’t to blame.

“Noona text hyung,” said Doohwan, pointing to Jungho in return.

“Aish go back to your dressing room,” said E.Jin. “You guys are making Haerin-ah even more nervous.”

“I hope the producers are prepared for a lot of editing,” chuckled Seoeun in amusement. No variety show would be boring with this lot around.

“Araseo, we’re leaving. Haerin-ah hwaiting!"


Rin took a deep breath as she left the others. Most of the lights had been turned off and the stage was pretty much impossible to see.

“Annyeonghaseyo?” called out Rin, wondering if there was anyone there.

Suddenly the stage lit up with a different coloured lighting shining down on six chairs where six boys were sitting. Rin jumped a little, wondering what was going on. It was kind of scary a little. She noticed that they were all wearing bunny ears. There was a giggle and then one of them spoke, she wasn’t sure which one though.

“One of us is your husband. But you have to guess. You should stand behind the one who you think it is. The envelope should help.”

“…” Rin wasn’t sure what to say and looked over the envelope that she still had a hold of. “Do I get any other clues?” she asked curiously.

“Not really,” said another.

She sighed and read over the letter again, wondering how it would help. Since they were all wearing bunny ears, it didn’t help so she guessed the next best thing.

“I guess it’s green or pink then,” she said, thinking out loud to herself.

“Ha! You guys already got rejected,” said one of them to his other members.

“Shh! She still has to make her choice!”

“Don’t tell me to..”

“YAH! Shut up and let her choose. You’re probably scaring her!”

“Hyung… you’re the scariest here,” they mumbled in response, going quiet.

Rin smiled a little, they seemed like a lot of fun but she still had a choice to make. She was worried about making the wrong choice. Would it look bad if she chose the wrong person? She shook her head and then boldly went and stood behind the chair with the green light shining down on it.

“Okay, I’ve picked,” she said.

“Are you sure?” asked the one under the pink light causing her to hesitate a little, but she knew to always stick with her first choice.

“Mm. I’m sure. Am I right?” she asked curiously.

The guy sitting in the chair got up and turned around, bowing politely.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Jongup imnida,” he said before looking at her. He jumped a little when he realised it was Rin. Rin looked just as equally surprised and blushed, remembering the first time they had met. Jongup had stopped her from falling when they were both back-up dancers. Her for U-KISS and him for Secret. They were pretty good friends as it happened.

“Ah.. how did this happen…” he said awkwardly, scratching his head slightly.

“You didn’t know it was me?” she asked. She had thought all of them knew. The rest of B.A.P had got up now.

“Oh, I should introduce myself,” she said. “Annyeonghaseyo. Rin imnida from High Volume.”

“Let’s introduce ourselve’s," said Yongguk. “You as well Jongup.”

Of course there introduction was as fierce as their stage was, including all the foot stomping that they had included when they made it up.

“Aren’t you two too young to get married,” said Himchan with a tilt of his head.

“I’m never getting married,” said Zelo happily.

“Waa... do you know how many fans you just disappointed there,” said Youngjae with a grin.

Rin laughed, amused by the way they were acting. Jongup meanwhile was trying to get them to go away, feel embarrassed by the way they were acting.

“Araseo,” said Himchan getting the hint. Daehyun who had remained silent, helped to drag the rest of the other members away so that Rin and Jongup could be alone. The two of them were silent for a moment, wondering what they should talk about. Although they never usually had a problem talking to each other, now it seemed rather awkward.



I: How did you feel knowing you were going to be married?

HR: Nervous?... Hmm. Because we’re one of the youngest couples *laughs at calling them a couple* I think there will be a lot of people watching us. Although I don’t know much about married life, I have this chance to learn and maybe one day… when I’m much older, I might be a suitable wife for someone.


I: Were you happy when you found it was Haerinsshi who would be your wife.

JU: Rather than saying I was happy or sad, I think I was just more surprised. We’re both the same age and we’ve known each other for a while. I never really thought of her in that way so now it’s like ‘ah… she’s my wife now’. I have to treat her well *nods*


Back at the dorm, they had returned from music bank. Chu and Ria were still curious about who Rin’s husband would be. L-D had fallen asleep, his head resting on Ren’s shoulder. Ren looked down at the sleeping boy gently.

“Someone should put him to bed,” said Jungho softly.

Haejoong volunteered himself, picking up L-D carefully so that he didn’t wake him up.

“Isn’t he heavy?” asked Doohwan, looking over the top of his manga that he was reading.

“Ani, though I might say different when I climb up all these stairs,” he chuckled quietly.

“I’ll come with you,” said TJ getting up, just in case Haejoong got tired. It was a lot of stairs to climb just to get to the boys room. Haejoong simply nodded his head thankfully and began carrying L-D up the stairs, glad that the younger boy didn’t have to get up early.

“Waa, manager really did give him too much to do,” sighed Seoeun watching as they carried him.

“You know he won’t complain about it though,” said Junghwa. “And he’ll still nag at us.”

“Well just make sure you’re nice to him then,” replied Ren with a laugh. “Don’t be causing trouble for him.”

“Yah, when do I cause trouble?” pouted Junghwa.

“Pshh, you, Jungho and Doohwan are a right trio,” said E.Jin.

“When is Haerin eonni coming back,” complained Ria, interrupting them.

“I hope she doesn’t tell you what happened and makes you wait for the broadcasting,” smirked Seoeun.

“Ooh… when is it?” asked Chu.

“Next weekend I think.”


Haejoong returned downstairs, stating that L-D was fast asleep in his bed and that TJ had also decided to turn in for the night. The rest of them considered it a pretty good idea too, although the weekend was pretty much free apart from their performances for Show! Music Core and Inkigayo to do Saturday and Sunday night.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!