Chapter 6

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]


My presentation has been postponed a week so I've been working on an update for you guys hehe.

I'm sorry that some of the quieter members never seem to appear much. I'm doing my best, honest. They will have their time to shine too though since I'll be focusing on the members a little more individually with the start of their schedules. And don't worry if your character hasn't got a busy schedule at the moment, schedules change ^^


And there's a lovely surprise at the end hehe. The company is rather generous :P



“Yah wake up, we didn’t wake you all up just so you could fall asleep down here,” complained Dongsun.

It was early in the morning as most of them were sprawled out on the sofa, still half asleep. Ren of course was sitting chilled with his usual morning cup of tea and L-D rolled his eyes at the other members. Seoeun pushed Chu off her shoulder who was trying to go back to sleep. Jungho had his head on Junghwa’s lap and his feet on Doohwans much to Doohwan’s displeasure.

“Why are we all here?” asked Ria curiously with a yawn.

“Aish, we still have schedules to talk about unless you guys just want to lie around here now that you’ve debut.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” murmured Jungho.

“Aishh tough!”


“Firstly, Ren, TJ, Jungho you guys have the easiest time at the moment so I just want you guys to focus on being perfect for your debut showcase next week. Well apart from of course the performances you all have on Music Bank, Show! Music Core and Inkigayo. L-D…”

The manager paused for a moment, wondering if the maknae would be okay with his schedule.

“Ne?” asked L-D curiously, wondering why the manager had stopped.

“Ah.. well you have the busiest schedule. Since you’re fluent in English, you’ll be a guest on Arirang Radio on the 6am til 7am show where they teach Korean Monday to Fridays, the contract is for a month for now but they may ask if you want to extend it. You’ll also be endorsing Reebok alongside IU and you’ll also be part of a variety show alongside Haejoong, Doohwan, Junghwa and Ria.”

“Ooh what variety show?” butted in Junghwa

“Ah we can’t tell you yet,” grinned Dongsun. “Anyway, Haejoong and Doohwan that’s your only schedule. Junghwa, you’ll also be a guest on Star King.”


“Ria you only have the variety show with the boys,” said Namkyu. “Chu, you have a fairly easy time too but girls, you’ll all be endorsing Kia…”

“So we’re basically gonna be car models then?” said Seoeun with a raised eyebrow.

“Aish, don’t see it like that. You’ll be shooting a CF for them and they’ll be a photo shoot too,” said Namkyu with a sigh, knowing what Seoeun was thinking. “Don’t worry, we’ve looked over the terms carefully. They’re not asking you to be wearing provocative clothing or anything. Anyway, Seoeun you’ll be an MC for Inkigayo, I’m not entirely sure who else you’ll be working with yet.”

“Ooh you’ll be a good MC,” said Chu happily. “You always have so much charisma in front of the cameras.”

“Who else is there... ah! E.Jin...”

He passed her some sheets of paper for her to look over.

“Starship Entertainment asked us if you could work with one of their groups for their new album. You’ll be recording a song with them and possibly be in their upcoming music videos. Look over the song that they want you to work with and give us your feedback as soon as. It’s optional but it would be good for you to work with some other groups. If you could let us know by tonight then that would be good.”

“Ah… ne,” replied E.Jin, looking over the music sheet and lyrics, she would have to try it out in her room later to see how it sounded.

“And finally Rin. Yours is entirely optional too but you know the show We Got Married right?”

Ria squealed in response at the show’s name, getting excited already even though Rin hadn’t even said a word yet.

“Ria calm down,” sighed Namkyu. “Well the show are interested in you but it’s not something you have to do.”

“Well it would be good for the group…” replied Rin in thought.

“You should totally do it!” said Ria still rather excited at the prospect. “It would be cool to have a brother-in-law.”

“Although we don’t know who your partner will be, it will be likely to be another Rookie since the show want’s to try and present a new image with their new couple.”

“Mm, okay. I’ll do it,” said Rin nodding her head. She knew it would be a good way for High volume to become known, especially if her partner was someone popular too.

“Excellent! We’ll let you know more about when we hear so. Though it’ll probably be a surprise when you start. It could be anytime this week since other couples have already started filming for the new season.”

“Everything is always a surprise with these shows,” sighed Haejoong, wondering what variety show that he would possibly be chosen for.

“Right, you guys have got the morning to do as you please. At 2 we’ll take you guys to Music Bank for rehearsals and then you’ll be performing live. L-D, you start tomorrow at Arirang I’m afraid. Everything will be written on the whiteboards for you guys.”

“Junghwa-yah, can I borrow your keyboard?” asked E.Jin. Although she wasn’t an expert at playing it, she knew the ins and outs of it.

“Uhm… sure. It’s a bit heavy though so why not just use it in my room,” he suggested.

“Mm, okay. I won’t be too long.”

Ria and Doohwan sat chatting together, wondering what variety show they could possibly on. Not matter how hard they racked their brains however, they couldn’t think of it. Especially with Ria being the only girl to participate too, it simply confused them.


Before the managers left however, they had a surprise for the members.

“Since you all did so well with your debut, the CEO has a present for you all,” grinned Namkyu.

Dongsun returned with two bags which looked like they all had boxes in them. However in closer inspection, they weren’t just normal boxes.

“Omo! Jjinjja?” asked Chu.

“Seriously! You’re giving them to us?” asked Haejoong, just as much in shock.

“There are six white ones and six black ones so you can all fight it out between yourselves. If you break them or lose them, you can buy your own mobile phone next time.”

Their new iPhones were passed out, with luckily no arguments about who got what colour. The members couldn’t believe that the company had bought them mobile phones, considering how expensive they were. They knew they had to work hard to show how thankful they were.


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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!