Chapter 2

High Volume & T.I.U - NH Media debut 2 New Groups [APPLY CLOSED!]

Okay so just another trainee chapter continuing on.


The next one will probably be just before their debut and I'll start to focus on the characters a little more individually to. 




“As much as I love my brother. If I have to listen to Lucifer once more time tonight, I’m going to snap that disc in half,” muttered TJ, annoyed as Lucifer was playing for the 6th time already. He wanted some peace and quiet but it seemed Seoeun didn’t as she pranced around her room.


“So who’s your bias again?” asked Rin curiously from her bed, watching as Seoeun put up a poster.

“Taemin-sshi of course,” she answered as if it was obvious.

“You should ask Taejun oppa to set you guys up,” teased Rin playfully.

“Yah, I never said I would date him! And oppa probably wouldn’t do that anyway.”

“Mm… true…” sighed Rin as if she was disappointed.

There was suddenly a knock on their door so Seoeun since she was up on her feet anyway ran over and opened it.

“Do you think you guys could turn it down a little? Taejun doesn’t really want to listen to his brother on repeat over and over again and it’s bugging me too.”

“It’s not that loud though,” replied Seoeun. Ren raised his eyebrow at her.


“Araseo, we’ll turn it down,” said Rin. “Mianhae oppa.”

“Ah… anyone want some tea? I’m going to make some,” he said lastly but they shook their heads.


As Ren headed towards the kitchen, he noticed Jungho lying on the sofa half asleep.

“Hyung… you have a bedroom to sleep in.”

“Ah… but it’s comfy here,” he stated.

“Manager won’t be happy if he comes back and finds you sleep on the sofa… Tea?” he asked but received another shake of heads. It seemed no one else wanted tea apart from him. Well that suited him fine. He loved his tea.


Chu suddenly came bounding down the stairs happily, looking around the dorm to see what else they had. She loved the new place already and was curious to see what else they had. She jumped as someone suddenly hugged her from behind.

“Noona,” came Jungho’s chirpy voice.

“Weren’t you going to bed?” asked Ren surprised at how fast Jungho had moved.

“Wae?” asked Chu with a roll of her eyes. She didn’t mind since she happened to be pretty close to Jungho and this was just his usual way of greeting her. Close as in friends, nothing else. Jungho gave pretty much anyone back hugs if he felt like it.

“I just wanted to hug you,” replied Jungho as he let go casually.

“Araseo,” she laughed

Ria suddenly came skidding across the floor, crashing into Chu while laughing. Jungho had jumped back so that he wasn’t caught in the cross fire.

“We have food right?”

“Nope,” replied Ren for Chu. “There’s a note here saying we have to go shopping. There’s only a few basic things here.”

“Let’s just order pizza and go shopping tomorrow” she suggested.

“Did I hear pizza!” called a voice all the way from the third floor. Doohwan was hanging over the balcony. “I want pizza!”

“Yah, I’m not eating pizza,” complained L-D who was wondering what all the yelling was about so went to see. “Just go shopping. And bring back healthy stuff! I’m not eating any of your junk food.”

“Aishh...” complained Doohwan, knocking his fist of L-D’s head gently. “So naggy for a maknae. You go shopping then!”

“Araseo. “

Junghwa who didn’t like to be alone came out to join in on the conversation.

“Don’t buy mushrooms, I hate having to pick them out of my food.”

“Who’s coming shopping with me then?” asked L-D.

That was when the conversation went dead. Junghwa walked off down the stairs and Doohwan quickly followed after him. L-D sighed sometimes feeling like he was one of the oldest and poked his head into his bedroom.

“Hyung… you’ll come shopping with me right?” asked L-D

“Eh… Oh, uhm sure… Now?” asked Haejoong looking up from the desk where he looked as if he was working on something.


L-D, Haejoong and Ria were the ones left to do the shopping and left with the budget that had been left by the manager. Ria only really went along just to make sure they bought her orange juice since she couldn’t live without it.

Downstairs, Ren sat at the kitchen table sipping his tea while Jungho, Doohwan, Junghwa and Chu were sat on the sofa.

“Can we order Pizza now? Noona will pay right?” said Doohwan with a grin.

“Yah! You pay for it” replied Jungho defensively for Chu.

“I haven’t any money,” he pouted.

“I’ll pay, just go order your pizza’s,” sighed Ren.

“Yay! Thanks appa!” replied Junghwa.


Suddenly, SHINee’s ‘Ring Ding Dong’ filled the house and Rin came out of her room, wiggling a finger in her ear.

“Oosh, so loud,” she muttered with a laugh going to see what the commotion was down stairs. Doohwan was doing the dance to it as Chu tried to order pizza over the noise.

“Yah, you can’t dance!” laughed Junghwa throwing a cushion at Doohwan.  Both Junghwa and Jungho got up to show how it was really done and Rin laughed, humming along in amusement.


The pizza arrived before the others had come back from their shopping but it didn’t seem to stop the others. Ren grabbed a box and took it up stairs, knocking on E.Jin’s door before opening it slightly.

“Want some Pizza? I’m gonna go up to Taejun’s room with it.”

“Ah... I’ll come with you,” she said, thankful that the music had been turned down by now as Seoeun was obviously more distracted by the arrival of pizza.

Ren, E.Jin and TJ enjoyed their pizza quietly, no needing to make conversation with each other. The others were doing enough of it to make up for them and already the house was becoming a mess. As L-D, Haejoong and Ria all returned.

“Yah Yah! I was going to make us all something to eat!”

“Mianhae! Pizza sounded much nicer.”

“I WANT PIZZA!” yelled Ria, pushing past L-D and stealing a slice out of Doohwan’s hands.


If anyone had thought settling in was going to peaceful experience, they should have known otherwise. When the managers returned the next day, Jungho was sleeping on the sofa after falling asleep there accidently. Pizza boxes lay around him with cushions lying everywhere. While Doohwan and Junghwa were sleeping in their rooms, L-D had also appeared in their room sometime over the night unknowingly. He had a habit of sleep walking and waking up in other places.

E.Jin, TJ and Haejoong were all in the Kitchen eating breakfast quietly as they tried not to wake Jungho up. Seoeun and Rin were also fast asleep in their room and the same went for Chu and Ria.

Ren who had not long got up, began cleaning up around Jungho. The managers weren’t too sure what to say at the state of the house and only hoped that they had at least got along together. They had been trainee’s together for a long time now so they should at least all be friends. The next six months were going to be busy for them, they hoped that the kids were prepared.

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xRiChan #2
Number 1!! Your inspiration will come back!
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol lets go with number 1 :P
LOLOLOL OMG Minseok seems so annoying e_______e;;; Good thing Doohwan has Hyunsu~! 8D
That's sad though ; A ; Hyunsu doesn't like Ria as much as Doohwan ;_; I hope he begins to like her a lot D: Ria does seem determined xD
aldkfjsd. I hope Haejoong and LD will make Yunhee open up >w<
awesome chappie~
1ll1ll9oo #5
Lol, jungho xD
Hyunsu must really hate Ria its sad that she cant have fun with everyone else too.
Minseok likes Haejoong appa best! Haha!

All the children are so cute~
I can't wait to see how they all interact!