Saviour, Not a Villain

28 Days

  There was that rude, unemotional side to him again. I sigh. It's important for me to not be hurt to to his insensitive words because I'm not here to be his compatible soulmate. I'm here to save him.

    Jungkook sits down on his bed and motions his hand for me to sit beside him. I stay frozen in my stance.

     "Try again Playboy, I ain't never gon be on your bed," I snap.
     Jungkook looks at me strangely and bursts out laughing.

     "You have got to relax. I hope you realize you aren't my type at all. And why would I try anything, when you have a boyfriend?"
    Oh yeah, I forgot Taehyung and I were fake dating.

    "Bro Code are the rules. I'm just here to help. Am I not allowed to be a decent human being?"

    "C'mon Jungkook, when have we been decent human beings to each other?"

     "You make a fairly good point. I just feel so guilty about what happened today. I can't believe Ji Hee could be cruel to you..." he looks down in shame.
     "And I feel like it's all my fault. God I just want to die." He exhales a deep breath.

     Instinctively, I Dashi Run Run Run and sit beside him on the bed.

     "No no no! Don't say that. It wasn't in your intentions for Ji Hee to hurt me!" I patted his shoulder to assure him.
     "Yeah, but I'm a bystander sometimes, and it screws all the people around me over..." He then unexpectedly smiles.

     "I thought you said you'd never ever sit down on the bed, next to me, a Playboy?"

    I get up and tried to make up an excuse. "Uh, uh well you said you wanted to die..." I smack my head with my hand. "OH wait that's more of your dark humor?"

"Duh." He clicks his tongue and says "badum tss".
"I still don't get it." I shrug my shoulders.
"You don't get a lot of things, y/n. So how about we get started on fixing your face so it doesn't get worse?"

"True..but first..." I get a chair from his desk and place it near the table of supplies which was next to his bed. "I'm using this seat, I'm not sitting on your bed."
"That's pretty pointless, considering you already sat on my bed and the chair you placed is right beside the bed.. but Do You."

He picks up the antibacterial ointment and twists the top off. He motions for me to get closer so he could put it on.

Pulling back from him, I say, "I can do it myself, Jungkook, I'm not a baby."
"Are you sure you can? This ointment is fast healing, but it hurts like hell when you put it on."
Snorting, i grab the medicine from his hand. "It can't be that bad."

    Using my phone's camera as a mirror so I can see my face, I put a blob of ointment on my finger and place it on a cut above my upper lip.


I pull Jungkook by the collar of his shirt and our faces were so close that our noses were touching.   "WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME?" I whined. 
    "Yes, this is clearly my fault. I apologize. Wish I gave you a heads up beforehand," he rolled his eyes.

    "Yes it is your fault. How the heck am I supposed to put this on?" I pondered.
   "I could put it on you, and you could endure the pain-"
    "That's an INGENIOUS IDEA! Why didn't you suggest something like that before?" I yelped. 
     Jungkook tousles his hand through his locks and chuckles. "I guess I finally met someone who's even more crazier than me."

     I sit down on the chair so we're across from each other. He squeezes the ointment out of the container and hovers his hand above my upper lip.

     "Are you ready?"
     "Hell no, but let's just get this over with."

    He gently spreads the medicine on my upper lip. I wince, but the whole time, he's looking right into my eyes. Even though it's painful, it isn't as bad as before. His golden brown eyes gazing into my own distracts me from the pain. It's like he's my own personal adrenaline.

"Not that bad right?" he softly murmurs as he places more ointment on my cheek. His fingers are so gentle. He lingers his hand there for a few seconds after spreading the ointment. I felt that he was doing that on purpose but I don't say so.

     Jungkook does the same to my other cheek and chin. Our faces were inches apart and we continuously look into each other's eyes. This wasn't my first time that someone else put cream on my face. My parents and school nurse have done the same. But it felt so intimate when Jungkook does it. Why was my heart beating so fast?

     "Your hair is in front of your forehead, where you have a wound. Is it okay if I move it?" Jungkook asks for permission.
     I nod and he slowly pushes my hair from my forehead. But the weird part he doesn't stop. He ruffles my hair, with his fingers repetively. It felt oddly calming. He suddenly discontinues and I'm lowkey disappointed.

     "Oh sorry. It's just... your hair is so soft," he apologizes and pulls his hand away. His face turns red like a tomato.

    "Really? Thanks! I use a special shampoo and conditioner that my mom's hair stylist recommended to me. I can tell you the name of it if you want-"
     Jungkook shakes his head. "Nah I'm good." He finally places the last of the ointment on my forehead and neck.

    "Well thanks so much. I guess I'll get going now." 
     I tried to get up but my stomach was hurting so much. But I couldn't fully stand up. Sitting back down, I grunted.

"Y/n are you okay?" 
"I'm gonna be My stomach is in ridiculous pain. It's getting worse with each second," I look down in embarrassment.

"You don't have to be so ashamed of yourself. Honestly, the fact that you're not even crying or fainted..I'm impressed," he says as he props his chin in his hand.

I perk my head up. "Really?"
"Yeah. You have a lot of pain tolerance in comparison to most guys I know. You're really strong," Jungkook admits.

I grin. "Thanks so much! So what are we gonna do about my stomach pain?"
"I guess we're gonna have to put some rubbing alcohol on it...which means you're gonna have to take your shirt off."

I back away from him. "Oh hell nah." 
"Y/n it's really not that big of a deal..."
"It is a big deal to me," I cross my arms.

I've never taken my shirt off in front of a guy before. Never even had my first kiss. Yeah, that may be pathetic to most people, but I only want to be intimate with a guy I cared for. And it's not like I didn't have the opportunity to get a boyfriend.
    Even though I'm not the most attractive person, a few boys have flirted with me before. I didn't have feelings for them so I refused their advances. And now I have to take off my shirt in front of a boy I despised a few days ago?

"Y/n I won't do anything to you..Oh, I know why you don't want to!" Jungkook chuckles and smiles to himself, knowingly.

Oh dear Lord, he knows I'm a .

"You'd feel like you're cheating on Taehyung."
"Hahaha yeah. I care for my boyfriend a lot, you know." I tried my best to sound like I was telling the truth.

"I get it, but you can't put the rubbing alcohol on yourself. And if we don't treat those wounds properly, you can get blood poisoning." He shrugs his shoulders like he tells this to people everyday.
"Blood poisoning?" I screech, with my eyes widening.

"Yeah. Look, you taking your top off won't have any effect on me. If it makes you feel any better, I've seen tons of girls shirtless before, so I'm immune."
He covers his mouth and realizes what he just said.

"Damn, Jungkook. Really didn't need that extra not ordinary information," I scrunch my face and look away, disgusted.

     Jungkook begins panicking. "That's not what I meant! The circumstances required it. You see-"
     I put my hand up in front of his face.
    "I'd rather not hear about the situations that led you with being with shirtless girls."

     "I'm sorry y/n for making you uncomfortable.."
     "It's okay, you're human. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, Jungkook."

"I know I sound like a major player. I don't want you to think of any lower of me than you already do-"
"I don't think of you any lower," I say with complete honesty. His life is his own business.

He sighed in relief. "If it makes you feel any better, I can take my shirt off too. So you're not alone."
    He raises the edge of the bottom of his shirt and I immediately shut my eyes. 
    "I'd rather you not, you Playboy!" I yell.

Jungkook giggles at my gullibility. "Okay, how about you lift your shirt halfway up? So it's still below your chest and we can take care of the wounds on your stomach. Sounds good?"

Hmm, that actually was a decent plan. I wouldn't have to take off my entire shirt and he can take care of the main gashes. The cuts on my chest seemed minor anyways.

I stand in front of him and slowly lift up my shirt above my abdomen. It was a bit difficult to, because my sweaty sweater stuck to the wounds.

     He looks down at my body and grimaces.
"It's not that bad right?" I ask hopefully.
"No y/n it's really bad. Your entire stomach is black, blue and red. What did they do to you?!"

"They kicked me with their high stilettos. Oh yeah, one of those annoying jocks also hit me. It was only for about fifteen minutes." I shrugged.

     Jungkook looks like he's about to pass out. "You haven't had any breathing problems or lost of consciousness since then, have you?"

"Nope just exterior pain," I say, trying to not make it sound like a big deal.

He calls someone on his phone and they discuss my physical state. The conversation ends and he puts it back in his pocket. 
"I just talked to Jin Hyung. You know he's studying to become a doctor right?"

I nod. Everyone in our school knew he's  a medical prodigee. He would have skipped grades and graduated college by now, but he stayed in high school to get the normal teenage experience. Apparently, he volunteers at clinics and has saved numerous lives in the emergency room.

"Anyways, I told him your symptoms and he says you don't display signs of internal bleeding. But if you don't improve in a few days and you feel your health deteriorating, you have to let me or Jin know. Okay?"
I nod. I mean what else can I do? Go to the hospital and get my  whooped by my mom?    She'll make me move to a different school if she sees my condition. I wouldn't be able to continue on with my mission. I had to trust Jungkook whether I liked it or not. Later, I'll check google when I get home to see if I'm dying or not.

"Alright let's clean your tummy now." He obtains a few cotton pads and puts rubbing alcohol on it. This is gonna be just fun.

He tenderly presses the cotton pad on my abdomen and I squirm.
"Y/n you gotta be still, or I can't help you."
He places his hand on my to hold me still. I was about to sass him, but he just smirks at me.
    "Just go with it."

I gulped nervously and he cleans my entire stomach, while his hand held onto my back. It felt strange, but oddly assuring at the same time. This was just like when we were having direct eye contact when he was cleaning my face. He distracted me from my pain.

He moves his hand away and pulls down my shirt. "You're done."
"Uhh thanks," I stretch my arms. Is there anything I can say now?

     "By the way, our absence in is covered in class. I got the attendance teacher to cover for us."

     My eyes widen in shock. "You were able to convince Mr. Stein?" Mr. Stein was one of the scariest attendance teachers to ever exist. If a kid skips class, he haunts them by calling his parents immediately and standing outside of their classes waiting for an explanation. If the student doesn't have a believable excuse, he yells at them and sends them into detention for a week. Our school was very strict and barely anyone could get away with unexcused absences.

"Yeah, lets just say I can be very persuasive." He winks at me.
    "Huh? Honestly I don't even want to know."

     I'm assuming it has to do with the money his family has. But how can he manipulate the system and not feel guilty?

     "I try to attend all my classes in school, but sometimes I gotta help with my dad's job, so I skip. Stein covers for me always, which is nice," he says casually.

    "What's your dad's occupation?"

    His cheery smile becomes a cold stare. "You'd be better off not knowing."
Jungkook was scaring me again.

    I sigh. "It's alright, I'll just leave then. But officer I got one question for you... WHAT ARE THOSE?"
     I point to his Iron Man socks he was wearing indoors.

     Jungkook glares at me, completely unamused.
    I cough awkwardly. "Okay I have a second question then."

Jungkook raises his eyebrow. "Depending on what it is, I'll answer it."

"Why did you save me today? You were teasing me all week knowing that I wrote the lie on the board. We've pranked each other since we were kids. What was different about today that made you my savior instead of a villain?"

Jungkook pursed his lips together before finally answering. "I just dislike it when people abuse their power and harm others. It's different when I do it to you."

     "Different how?" I scoffed.
     "First thing, I don't ever have my friends involved in my mischief. It's all from my own resources."
    I open my mouth to argue, but he's right. His shenanigans just involved him.

     "Second, I don't think I've ever physically hurt you. Have I?"

     I have war flashbacks. No he really hasn't. Emotionally traumatized me? He hasn't done that either. He pissed me off a lot, but he's never crossed the line so far. And I've been equally terrible to him too.

     "I guess not."
     "But what Ji Hee's unacceptable. Having a bunch of minions gang up on a single girl because of an ingenious prank?" Jungkook frowned.

     "Wait you thought my prank was ingenious? You liked it?"

     "Hell yeah! I wouldn't say it's one of your best, but not gonna lie, I was impressed. Also, Ji Hee's face after realizing the prize wasn't real was so funny. Ahh I haven't been that entertained like that for awhile," he reminisces and then smiles.

"But wait how did you know it was me?"
     "I immediately recognized your bubbly handwriting. Surprised no one else did. See, you gotta be able to change up your writing. Major flaw in your pranking technique."

     I nod, soaking up his advice.

"I just hate people like Ji Hee who attack defenseless people. I mean if she wanted to hit you, she should have at least done a One VS One to be fair. But to be honest, she wouldn't win."

"C'mon Jungkook you know I wouldn't be able to stand a chance. She's on the school's dance team for Pete's sake." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah your body ain't got that muscle, but you have a fighter's spirit. If you actually tried, you could beat anyone," he says with sincerity.

I shake my head. "Well I wouldn't be able to beat you. I mean you're a walking brick of muscle," I look down and gesture to his athletic physique.

"Excuse me, y/n did you just check me out?" Jungkook steps closer to me and his eyebrow.
"Uh, no, I was looking at your outfit. I love plain black shirts!"

"Sure. Anyways, back to Ji Hee. Yeah you lied. She could cry a river about it. But the fact that she had all these people holding your body, torturing you and you could do nothing to defend yourself. That's not cool."

I nod. Someone who gets me.

"And the bruises and cuts...if I didn't come sooner, some parts of your body could have been permanently damaged. She probably knew. But didn't care because she was blinded by her hatred."

I nod again. I didn't have anything to say. I didn't know that Jungkook had such a wise, old soul.

"I'm gonna let you on a little secret," Jungkook whispers. He looks around the room as if there were security cameras watching us.
I inch towards him. "What?"
    He gestures over to me, like no one else in the universe could ever know.
    I move my head closer, so his mouth is just an inch away from my ear. 
"I may enjoy destroying your life, but when anyone else attempts to, it hurts me."

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I also put this story on wattpad: search “28 days” by drawfavs. I sometimes include pictures in between paragraphs, which I think makes it more entertaining to read, haha.


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Versatus05 #1
I'm back after so long. Sorry for not keeping up with this story but I'm so happy to see it still as amazing as where I left it. Best wishes to you always.
lucyg_1630 #2
Chapter 43: Please update soon, I love your story sooooooo much!!!
Minderic #3
Chapter 43: Yesss she said action incomingggg
Leah_Black #4
Park Jimin!! This it’s getting better n better.
wonderdream #5
Chapter 37: This is nice.. Thanks for updating:)
wonderdream #6
Chapter 36: This is adorable. >.< I love this sooo much. Thanks for writing this:)
nana199296 #7
Chapter 36: oh sorry .haven't read last update's offten do you update?interesting fic
nana199296 #8
Chapter 36: aren't you updating?please update
jackie99 #9
Chapter 36: oh my gosh aww Jungkook!!