The Devil's Father

28 Days

"I may enjoy destroying your life, but when anyone else attempts to, it hurts me."

    My eyes widen and the hair on the back of my neck stands upon feeling his hot breath hit my skin.
I couldn't even move an inch.
"Yeah, I mean it's fun for me to prank you, but when other people do, it gets me...annoyed." He confessed.

Is this how he views the chaos he created all throughout my life? It's all just for "fun"???
    "I just feel a bit possessive about other people torturing you. I mean it's our thing."
     "Our thing?" I choked.
     "Oh-uh I mean it's just those who hurt you pull it too far..." he stutters while scratching his head.
    He turns away from me and whispers to himself,   "Did I just say that too loud?"
    "You did," I chuckled. Then, I thought about something troubling and frowned.

"Y/n, what's wrong?"
"How am I supposed to cover my facial wounds up? If my parents see my face they'll freak out."

     "Oh I got it!" He runs to his closet and walks back to me. It appears he's holding objects behind his back. Without warning, he ties a black scarf around my neck. He then takes a baseball cap and places it on my head.

"Just bury your chin into your scarf. The hat should be able to cover your forehead and cast a dark shadow. The fast healing medication should clean up most of your face tomorrow."

"Wow thanks! How did you get medication that heals so fast? Never heard about it before in the news." I was puzzled. 
"Oh it's not legal in Korea yet...Wait did I just say that out loud again?"

I nod, while my eyes bulge out of my head. Illegal medication?

"It's weird.. lately I've been too chatty with you.." he casually says, stuffing his hands into his front pockets.

    "Um Jungkook you just said it's not legal in Korea! Please explain. Did you just put on my face?" I ask with exasperation.

"Don't worry, just because it's not legal, doesn't mean it's not safe. My father's job got us this medication..uhh wait that's confidential information." He hits himself in the head for saying something he wasn't supposed to.

"Anyways, there's things that the government doesn't give to ordinary citizens but provides to my family..and UGH I revealed another secret again." He shakes his head and mutters to himself.

I never knew Jungkook was so dorky. He was known to be one of the most reserved people in school and even amongst his friends. He always had this cool attitude and never seemed to get nervous. Why is he stammering in front of me? I've never seen this side before.

      Jungkook inches closer to me and ties another knot on the scarf. When he tying the scarf, his hand slightly grazed the skin of my neck.
      "Just pretend you didn't hear anything I said in the last five minutes. Stay warm." He moves his lips closer and closer to mine.
Then he kicks me out of his house.

I mean he didn't rudely kick me out. Jungkook realized his dad was coming home soon. He began freaking out and demanded me to leave. I was sort of offended. Was I not good enough to meet his dad?

I exit the mansion and walk through his gigantic yard. I saw the window of his second floor bedroom on the wall of his mansion. There was a beautiful bush with lilac flowers a few feet away. Jungkook must see that bush when he looks out the window of his room. It must have really pretty from his view upstairs.

I exited the gate and walked towards home with my aching body. Kicking a pebble, I sighed. That rich jerkbutt couldn't even call me a cab. But he's afraid of his dad, so I understood he wouldn't want me traced back to him.

I began thinking about his father's occupation. Jungkook said he convinced the strictest teachers to cover him for skipping class without doctor's notes. He also has medicine that can heal wounds extremely fast. It was so exclusive that the regular population apparently didn't even know about it.

What was so special about him? Could money really make him so powerful? I don't understand how he could be depressed when he had more resources than most people.

I suddenly got angry. My parents had 12 hour shifts everyday for their jobs. I work during vacations and wanted to during school but my family wanted me to focus on my grades. They hoped if I scored well, I could afford college with scholarship. My older sister burnt her leg and had to take a break for university because we couldn't get decent healthcare.

My fist clenched at the thought of his wealth. I was extremely envious of him. Yeah, I could afford a cell phone and lunch money now. But there were dark times in my life that my family was kicked out from an apartment because we couldn't afford the rent. We had to go through hell just to have the right to live.

And here Jungkook was chilling in his mansion, showing no signs of real depression and he has the audacity to hurt himself? He had everything I dreamed of as a child. A palace for a home, loyal friends, the best grades, and respect in society. Why would he be selfish enough to take his own life?

I take a deep breath and tried to calm my self down. But I don't know the full story. I don't know what's behind that bunny smile. And I certainly don't know anything about him.

Sighing again, I kicked another pebble.
"It's so hard for me not to judge you, Jeon Jungkook..."

    "Yeah that kid seems like a bit of a douche," a raspy voice growled behind me.
    I whip my head around and it was none other than the Legendary devil himself Taehyung. He was wearing a beanie and a big winter jacket.

"It's cold Taehyung, but it's not freezing. A sweatshirt would suffice. What's up with the snowboarding outfit?" I gestured to his clothes.

    "It may not be that cold to you, but I'm used to being around scorching fires and swimming pools filled with hot lava back home. Earth is a frozen wasteland in comparison."  Taehyung shivered like a neglected puppy.

    I patted his beanie head, in an attempt to comfort him. 
"There, there Tae Tae." He froze under my touch, and I coughed awkwardly.
    "AW you made a nickname for your BOYFRIEND. How sweet!" He hugged my arm and rested his head against my shoulder.

    I moved away from his body. 
"Gosh how many times do I have to tell you that you're not my boyfriend Taehyung!"
    "How about we practice and make it real?" He puckered his lips and leaned in for a kiss.

He was moving in quite fast and I just didn't know what to do. I was too shook to stop him either. My body was frozen. Is today really going to be my first kiss? And it's going to be with a monster from the Underworld?

Suddenly, a branch fell from a tree behind us. Taehyung looked towards the fallen branch's direction, but then moved his lips closer towards my neck.

    Woah woah WOAH am I getting more than my first kiss today? If he touches my skin, I'll elbow his gut. I closed my eyes, afraid to see what was going to happen.

I feel his breath on my neck and he whispers, "Someone's watching us."
I open my eyes, thankful, but scared. 
"Oh my gosh, who?"

He whispers, "Probably some demons that my dad sent to spy on me." He shrugs his shoulders like it was a common everyday occurrence.

"And who exactly is your dad?"
"Oh Satan himself." Taehyung mutters quietly into my ear.

    "WOAH, WAIT! Your dad is-" 
Taehyung covers my mouth and puts his finger in front of his own.

   "At least WHISPER! And let's get out of here first."
I heard a snicker from behind the tree.

    He grabs my hand but I pull back from his grasp. Taehyung was an attractive guy but it felt wrong when he held my hand. Like his hand wasn't supposed to belong there.

     Taehyung sighs and grabs my arm. "Come on!"
We run for 5 blocks, but then he stops. He huffs and puffs. His face was bright red.

     "How about we...take a little break?" Taehyung suggests.

     "I thought you were the all powerful super-being who could annihilate me at the flick of the wrist." I raise my eyebrow, unimpressed with his lack of athletic ability.

    "I's just I'm so used to teleporting..exercise ain't really my thing." he says, taking deep breaths between each words.

   "Exercise ain't my thing either but I'm not worn out like you..are you okay, Taehyung? Why couldn't we just teleport?"

    "Here's the powers are sort of limited right now," he explains.
    "Why is that?"

     "As you know, my father is Satan. After bringing a bunch of souls to the underworld, he rewarded me with a time traveling superpower last month-"

     "Last month? You've barely used this ability and yet you experimented it on me?"
     "Yup, pretty much." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders.

"Anyways, my dad found out about me reversing time to prevent a death. He doesn't like this idea because he feels like I'm 'interfering with the forces of nature.'" Taehyung bent his pointer fingers to express the exaggeration.

"So he enforced a limit on my powers.  Oh yeah, he also was happy about Jungkook's original future-"

    "Why would he want Jungkook gone from Earth?" I choked.
    "Satan sort of despises him because Jungkook is one of the two sons of the only woman he ever loved."
    "And who would that woman be?" I asked.
    "My mother."

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I also put this story on wattpad: search “28 days” by drawfavs. I sometimes include pictures in between paragraphs, which I think makes it more entertaining to read, haha.


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Versatus05 #1
I'm back after so long. Sorry for not keeping up with this story but I'm so happy to see it still as amazing as where I left it. Best wishes to you always.
lucyg_1630 #2
Chapter 43: Please update soon, I love your story sooooooo much!!!
Minderic #3
Chapter 43: Yesss she said action incomingggg
Leah_Black #4
Park Jimin!! This it’s getting better n better.
wonderdream #5
Chapter 37: This is nice.. Thanks for updating:)
wonderdream #6
Chapter 36: This is adorable. >.< I love this sooo much. Thanks for writing this:)
nana199296 #7
Chapter 36: oh sorry .haven't read last update's offten do you update?interesting fic
nana199296 #8
Chapter 36: aren't you updating?please update
jackie99 #9
Chapter 36: oh my gosh aww Jungkook!!