Flustered Hoya

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

School finished but you don't want to go back to the hotel yet. You knew that once you stepped in the room, you will be bored once again. 

So instead, you walked around the school. You walked down the hallway and came across a classroom, the door of the room was a little bit open so that you could see what was in the room between the gap. 

You walked pass it but stopped, you walked backwards and looked in the classroom again. There was a radio in it. 

*Radio?* You pushed the door open and walked in. The classroom was empty. 

You went to the direction of the radio and there were a few CDs beside it. An idea popped in your head. *There's no one here so maybe I can dance a little?* 

And so, you grabbed a random CD and played it. Immediately, a catchy beat came up. 

You nodded your head to the beat and started pop dancing. This is how you relieve stress. How to clear up your mind. This.. is you. 

Your body moved perfectly to the rhythm. 

Meanwhile, Hoya was walking back to his classroom to get something that he left.

Once he reached his class, he heard music booming from the inside. *What the..* He pushed the door open and was shocked to see you dancing. 

He was stunned by your moves. *She's a dance machine... Just like me..* Hoya smiled. 

He continued watching you, you didn't notice it but just continued. You did a shuffle and Hoya was really amazed. He, himself also know how to do the shuffle but he had never seen a girl dance so well in his whole life before.

He had seen other girls like T-ara, SNSD, Wonder girls dance too but their dances are all girly feminine-ish kind. He had never seen one that pops. 

You felt someone's stare and turned your head. Your eyes widened and you stopped the dance and quickly turned off the music. 

"What are you doing here?"  You queerly looked at him and then continued, "Did you stalk me?" 

"W-what?! N-n-no!!" Hoya exclaimed, flustered and waved his hands about. "Then..?" 

"I-I just left something in here and was about to get it.." He awkwardly looked away. "Oh.." You nodded your head. 

Silence was in the air and it was really awkward. You bit your lip, *Why isn't he saying anything?!* 

*Come on Lee Howon! Do something!* Hoya screamed in his head. 

A minute passed and you decided to say something first, "So.. why aren't you taking your stuff that you left?" 

Hoya mentally smacked himself and turned red in embarrassment, "Errr... right." He awkwardly shuffled to his desk and grabbed his pencil case. 

Before he left, he said, "By the way.. you're.. err amazing at dancing." "Thanks." You actually almost smiled. 

He meekly smiled and left the room. *What the heck, Hoya!! Why are you so nervous all of a sudden!!* 

Once he left, your turned the music back on and continued dancing absentmindedly. Hoya preoccupied your mind. *He's..strange.. in a good way.*


Hoya arrived back to his dorm to find some of s getting ready for a schedule. Only he and Woohyun don't have one. 

"Yah!! Where's my shirt??!!" Dongwoo came out of his room topless, shouting. Hoya rolled his eyes and said, "It's on your bed." 

"What? Oh, really? Hehe." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and headed back to his room. 

When they were ready, Sunggyu said, "Okay, we're ready now. Woohyun, Hoya keep the dorm clean and do not mess anything out. And do not, I repeat, do NOT eat the food in the fridge araso?" he gave them a firm look. 

Woohyun carelessly waved it away, "Yeah, yeah." And Hoya just nodded. When they left, Woohyun immediately grabbed the food in the fridge and piled them up on a table. Totally ignoring the warning Sunggyu just said.

"I thought hyung just said-" Hoya started but Woohyun cut him off, "Whatever, I don't care about him." Woohyun grinned at Hoya. 

They watched TV for a while with Woohyun munching on the snacks and sipping on a can of coke. "You're eating too much junk food. Manager hyung will get mad if he finds out."  Hoya said. 

Woohyun just ignored him and continued eating. Hoya didn't concentrate on the drama but instead, thought back of what happened just now with you. He blushed at the thought. 

"You know.. that ~~~~~~~ girl, she's quite unique." Woohyun suddenly said. At the mention of your name, Hoya turned redder. 

Woohyun looked at him, "Hey, why are you so red?" Hoya held his fist to his mouth and awkwardly coughed, "Nothing." 

"Eh? Something happened right?... Is it about ~~~~~~~?" Woohyun wiggled his eyebrows. 

"W-what?! No! What makes you think that?!" Hoya protested. "So, it is about her." 

Hoya muttered something about Woohyun being so observant and stormed into his room. 

*It's either he's in love or that he is sick.* Woohyun thought to himself but shrugged it off. 

A couple hours passed and the rest of Infinite came back. Sunggyu opened the fridge to get a cold bottle of water. 

"YAH!!! DIDN'T I TOLD YOU GUYS NOT TO EAT ANYTHING IN THE FRIDGE???!!!!" he bursted in outrage.




Sorry for the boring chapter... T.T

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!