Football Tournament 1/2

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

You were in math class, listening to the teacher blabbering. 

Halfway through the class, the speaker came on, "Good morning to all teachers and students. The football tournament that is supposed to be held on Friday will be postponed to today. Therefore, lessons will be canceled. Sm High's student just arrived and please welcome them. Sorry for the last minute announcement." And with that, the sound of static filled the air. 

Everyone brightened at the good news, happy that the lessons are canceled. They immediately rushed out to see the guests.

Now, you are the only one left in the class, you have no interest about the guests. The teacher sighed and headed out of the classroom. 

You walked to the window and sure enough, a van and buses were parked in the school. SM High students piled out. The football players of SMH that were supposed to compete got out of the van but you didn't see them because of the crowd.

The girls from Seoul High squealed at the sight of the hot guys from SMH while the Seoul High boys drooled at the hot girls. 

Every student from SMH were God/Goddess-like. SMH is a school that only accepts good looking people. Weird, I know. 

After the all arrival of the SMH thing, everyone walked to the back of the gym where the football field is located. 

You took your time walking there for you have no interest in the game or the good looking people. 

When you reached there, almost all of the student body were already there. The bleachers were divided into half. One side for Seoul High and the other for SMH. 

SMH's side was packed while Seoul High's side was empty except for some people. The some people were Infinite and a few other students. 

You spotted Infinite but you didn't want to approach them since you wanted to give them some 'guys time' plus you also wanted to be alone. You decided that sitting on one empty end of the field is better and that was what you did. 

On the other hand, fangirls filled the other end of the football field, cheering on SMH's team who were currently doing warmups in the field. Even some of Seoul High's girls ditched their own school and joined the fangirls, cheering SMH's team just because they were good looking. Wow, betrayers.

Beast was somewhere in SMH's side of the bleachers, flirting with some girls. After all, they are the only hot guys in Seoul high. 

Meanwhile, Infinite was too engrossed in their conversation about their schedule, discussing in low voices.

"So what are we going to reveal on Strong Heart?" Sungyeol asked. 

"Hmm, maybe I'm gonna talk about Woohyun hyung's underwear." Sungjong suggested, tapping his finger on his lips thoughtfully. 

" I should show a picture of his underwear then!" Dongwoo added oil to the fire. 

Woohyun flushed red, "Yah! You better not or else I'm gonna reveal to the whole world that you two watch that stupid kids' show and that you reply to the cartoons on TV and that you even sing along to the kiddy, meaningless songs!" he threatened. 

Dongwoo and Sungjong gulped, not even daring to say another word of the subject. 

"Maybe I should reveal that WooGyu is real?" Sunggyu joked. Infinite caught on the joke and L said, "Maybe I should reveal that MyungYeol is real too." he joked along. 

"Then I should reveal that YaDong is real too." Hoya added. "Whoa whoa whoa, if you all say about WooGyu, MyungYeol and YaDong then what will happen to me?!" he complained. 

Infinite burst into laughter. Out of the blue, Woohyun did the bunny aegyo and started making weird sounds. Hoya slapped a hand over his face and groaned, he hated that a lot.

Sungjong decided to have an aegyo battle with Woohyun and he threw in all of the aegyo that he knew. It was awkward/cute. 

Sunggyu cringed, "Yah maknae, stop! It's disgusting!" He gagged and started bullying the maknae, soon, the rest of Infinite joined bullying. 

"WHY, WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" Sungjong wailed. 

Soon the tournament started and fangirls cheered SMH's team. "WHOOO, GO SEOUL HIGH!!!!" A loyal and only supporter of Seoul High shouted and waved his flag behind Infinite.  

You did not even care and plucked grasses in boredom.

After an hour and a half, time is running out, the score between Seoul high and SMH was 5:5. Tension rose at who will win. 

It was clear that Seoul High is winning because of the only pro in the team. The fangirls became anxious and one had the guts to throw a tin can in front of the pro. 

The girl got good aim and the pro tripped over the can and fell onto the ground when he was running for the ball. One of SMH's player took the chance and kicked the ball into the goal. 

The goal keeper was too shocked to do anything that he didn't see the ball coming. It hit the net. 

The old, wrinkly referee was too old to witness the situation, he was like 54 with one more year before he retires plus he didn't even care about the game. 

The time ran out and he blew the whistle, indicating that the match is over. SMH and most of Seoul High erupted into cheers. 

The only supporter of Seoul High gaped at the scene, not believing at what had just happened. Reality washed over him that Seoul High lost just because of a stupid can. He cried and ran over to the corner of the bleachers, "WAEEEE?!?!?!" he slid down his hand on the wall dramatically in depression. 

Infinite rolled their eyes at the unnecessary, overly dramatic scene. "Drama queen." Sungyeol muttered. Hoya excused himself to the toilet. 

You didn't even see one bit of the game, you were wandering around the empty school and you didn't even feel like ditching which was abnormal. 

You came back just in time to hear them announcing the winners and rolled your eyes at the pathetic screams and love confessions of the fangirls.

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!