Weird guys.

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

One morning found you alone in class, looking out the window watching the birds fly past. You actually arrived extra early at school. 

Once again, you have nothing to do, you blew hot air on the window causing the window to fog up and drew random shapes. 

After a few minutes, you feel stuffy and cold so you decided to go out to the cafeteria and get something hot to drink. 

The journey to the cafeteria only took you a while to get there. Heading in, you saw all tables and benches were empty... except one. 

A brown head, which you recognized to be Hoya was sitting in a table alone with his head buried in his arms. 

He raised his head for a sec but buried it in his arms again. He looked horrible, his face was pale and he have bags under his eyes. Hoya's schedule was full and he didn't get enough sleep and rest, just now, he slept for only an hour but have to go to school.

For some odd reason, you were worried and was concerned. You warily approached him and tapped his shoulder. 

Hoya raised his head and looked up at you. "Hoya? You look...terrible. Are you sick or something?" You surprised yourself, never have you ever been worried for anyone else. 

Hoya opened his mouth and before he was about to say anything, a voice chirped, "No he's not!! He's just love sick~" Woohyun popped out of nowhere and sing-songed. 

Hoya didn't feel so sleepy anymore, his eyes were wide open and he protested, "No I'm not!! Gosh, hyung!" 

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say~" Woohyun grinned, looked at you and continued, "You know ~~~~~~, Hoya likes-" 

Hoya clamped his hand over Woohyun's mouth to stop him from talking anymore and gave a sheepish grin to you, "Ha..ha, don't mind him, he's just being weird today.. right hyung?" Hoya nervously laughed and used his free hand to rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Anyway, we'll see you later!" Hoya blurted and dragged Woohyun out, his hand still on Woohyun's mouth. 

*Strange..* You scratched your head. 

Meanwhile, Hoya dragged Woohyun into the male's restroom. He let go of Woohyun and glared at the latter.  

"Hyung! Why did you say that!!!" Hoya slapped a hand over his own face. "What? It's not like I said anything false.." Woohyun shrugged nonchalantly.  

"Ughh, next time you better not blabber nonsense." Hoya grumbled. "Yeah, yeah." Woohyun waved it away. 

You were on your way back to your classroom, holding a cup of hot chocolate. You stopped when Hoya and Woohyun came out of the restroom.

They saw you too and the three of you stood awkwardly, except for Woohyun of course. 

After a few moments, Woohyun sing-songed, "I'll leave the both of you alone~" He shuffled sideways and then ran for it. 

Hoya groaned inwardly and thought, *Why does he have to leave me alone with her?! Nam Woohyun, you are so going to get it. I don't care if your my hyung or not.* he gritted his teeth.  

You cleared your throat awkwardly, "So umm... I guess that there is no point worrying about are just uh.. lovesick." 

"What?! No! Woohyun is just joking!!" He waved his hands about. "Yeah..sure." You said and walked off. 

Hoya groaned inwardly again, *Now she got the wrong idea!...But wait.. did she said that she was actually.. worried about me?* 

Weirdly, that thought actually made him feel all giddy and happy about it. 

Warmth filled his chest,  and with a soft smile on, he walked away.

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!