
7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

"What were you doing down there?" Hoya asked immediately when they arrived at an empty hallway, his voice brisk.  

Woohyun wanted to answer but he didn't know what to say, he himself didn't even know the reason of all that. Why did he get jealous? Isn't Hoya supposed to be the one that got jealous? 

Woohyun asked himself questions, standing there like an idiot with his head lowered. 

Hoya hates it when someone doesn't reply to him. "Aish, I can't even..." he rubbed his temples with his fingers, looking down in exasperation. 

Being the hot-headed guy he is, he easily got mad because of three things: 1) He was mad that Kai 'molested' you. 2) He was frustrated that you didn't even realized it and befriended Kai. 3) He was exasperated with Woohyun. 

After a few more seconds of tense silence, Woohyun gathered all his courage and spoke, "W-what about you then?" 

Hoya took a deep breath before he raised his arms in admittance and surrender, "Alright!! You want to hear it?! Fine. I like ~~~~~. No, I love her. I blush madly and stutter like an idiot a lot when she's around me, my heart races and my stomach did that flip-flopping thing at the sight of her, I feel electricity zapped through me when we made contact, I get involuntarily jealous when she's with other guys and she makes me feel something that I have never felt before!" 

When he finished, his chest heaved up and down. He couldn't believe that he said all that. Hoya was known for uncontrollably spilling things out when he was mad. 

But, it felt good letting all the bottled up emotions out, he felt like a heavy weight has been lifted up his shoulders. Hoya kicked the locker hard, venting out his frustrations on the innocent locker. A huge and notable dent was formed. 

Woohyun stood there speechless, shocked at hearing Hoya cry out his emotions. Never has he seen Hoya act like this before, sure he has gone berserk a few times before with Infinite, but this was nothing like the other ones. 

Woohyun will be teasing Hoya by now, if not for the tense atmosphere. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a female voice and a few other male voices blended together. 

Their laughter and voices echoed down the hallway. Dongwoo came between Hoya and Woohyun and slung both his arms around their necks, "There you both are, we've been looking for you. What were you two doing here?" 

When both Hoya and Woohyun did not answer, he continued, "Anyhow, we were going to get ice-creams, it's been really hot lately, although winter's coming."

Infinite and you approached them and you looked at Hoya and Woohyun, wondering what happened between them. 

All of you headed out the building, where a lot of students of SMH and Seoul High were gathered watching as the guests departed.  

All of a sudden, a sleek red Ferrari vroomed and stopped just outside the school gate. You looked at the car, *Why is it that it looks so familiar?* 

Students looked at the car in interest. From your angle, you caught a glimpse of the license plate. On it wrote, ' ELI 6000 '.

Your eyes widened and you took a sharp intake of breath, "No. ing. Way." You whispered. "Gotta go guys." you held up a hand, as if to say bye to Infinite as you walked towards the car, not even looking back, leaving Infinite dumfounded. 

"B-but.." Sungyeol protested.

At that time, both the doors on either side of the car opened, two tall males in sunglasses stepped out, looking around them. 

Their hair were styled, making them look hot. Both of them wore skinny jeans. On one male, wore a white t-shirt with a leather jacket. Simple really, but it looks as if the clothes were made specially for him.

On the other male, he wore a fashionable black button-down shirt with it's sleeves rolled up to his elbow, the first three buttons were slightly opened in a rebellious way. 

Girls around eyed them and whispered excitedly at the new-comers. 

"So how are we going to find her in this place?" The guy wearing the button-down shirt asked. 

As if on cue, you shouted, "Oppas!!" You ran towards them and swung your arms around the two males.  

"Well, that was easy." the one wearing the leather jacket chuckled. You pulled away and looked at them with a bright smile on your face, "What are you guys doing here?! When did you came?!" 

"A day ago, and guess what, we're going to stay here for a month or so." Eli, the guy wearing the button-down shirt replied. "Really?!" You were ecstatic. 

"Ohmygosh, I can't believe you two are here. You have no idea how much I missed you both." You hugged them both again, squeezing them tightly and inhaling their familiar scent. 

Kevin and Eli's heart softened at your words and they gladly hugged you back. "We missed you too." Kevin whispered. 

The three of you pulled away and Kevin ruffled your head in that same way he used to do back in America. "You even brought your car Eli oppa?" you looked at his Ferrari. Eli grinned, "Of course, I can't stay a month without baby." 

"What about you Kev?"   "Hey, you have protect the environment you know!" He said.  

You and Eli laughed, *Since when did Kev became an eco-friendly person?* 

While you were having a reunion with your two best friends, a male was looking at you, watching as you hugged and talked with Kevin and Eli.

*Why is it that boys are the only people around her? Is she a player? No, judging from her personality she isn't like that, must be someone special to be so relaxed around them.* he thought to himself. 

"Yah, Kai, c'mon let's go." Suho patted his shoulder, snapping him out of his daze. Kai took one more last look at you before following Suho into the van.

*I hope I can meet her soon.* 

You were too busy catching up on Kevin and Eli to notice the glares other girls sent you. 

"Oh, uh ~~~~~~~, you should look behind you." Eli crossed his arms and pointed his chin behind you. 

You looked behind and your jaw dropped, "Oh no you didn't." You said in English. "Oh yes, we did." The two guys said together back in English and proudly smiled.

There, coming towards you was a black and white Lamborghini Gallardo. You couldn't believe your eyes, "I can't believe, you brought her here!!" 

The car was your all-time favorite car when you were in America. "We thought that you would love it with her here." Kevin said. 

"OhmyGod, thank you guys so much!!!" You hugged them again. 

The driver of your car got out, bowed to you three and left. Kevin and Eli had paid extra tips for the worker to drive your car here and go back to the hotel by foot. 

You approached your car, excitement rising within you. Your car was still clean and shiny just like how you left it. You did not notice how people were gawking at you. 

"Shall we go and celebrate our reunion?" Eli smiled that charming smile of his. 

You turned around and eagerly nodded, you missed your regular outings with them. Kevin and Eli got into Eli's car, and you got into your car as well, the engine roared to life. You have missed the sound of the engines. 

Instead of listening to blasting music, you always listen to the sound of the engines. Eli's car began to move forward followed by your car then both cars moved out of sight.

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!