
7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

You happily skipped home to your mansion while humming to a song you recently heard on the radio after your karate lesson. You unlocked the door to your mansion and shouted, "Dad, I'm home! Wanna see the new moves that I learnt? Are you prepared to challenge me?!" 

You held up your fists, getting ready to fight your father. But no reply came. you grabbed a glass of water from a table and shouted again, " Dad?!" Silence filled the air.

*Oh, so he's gonna attack me out of nowhere huh? Huh. Not gonna happen.* 

You went to your living room to find your stepmom, what shocked you the most is that she's bawling her eyes out. You furrowed your eyebrows. 

*What is she up to this time?* 

"What's wrong Eunji?" you always address her by her name since you didn't see her as a mother plus she's a two-faced who treats you nicely in front of your dad and abuses you when he's not around. 

It's like you're nothing but a servant to her. 

She didn't reply but instead pointed to the kitchen. You furrowed your brows in confusion, yet, you headed to the kitchen anxiously. 

Once you entered the kitchen, the glass on your hand fell to the ground and shattered into a million pieces just like your heart. 

Tears welled up in your eyes, a tear dropped from the corner of your eye and landed on the very same floor as your dad who was lying on his stomach with a knife stabbed in his back. 

You fell on your knees, hands covering your mouth and eyes filled with tears. 

With both your hands, you grabbed your father's hand and screamed in agony. 

"Daaaaaaaad!!!!!" Your eyes shot open and you got up from your lying position. 

Beads of cold sweat ran down your forehead, you were panting heavily. "When will these nightmares ever stop? It keeps on haunting me." You muttered under your breath. 

You glanced at the clock and-  I don't think I have to explain what you did every morning as I suppose you, yourself knows what will happen right? Right. 

After your morning routine, you had breakfast. And the next thing you knew, was that your now standing in front of your new school's gate since you got in trouble by beating a few of the queenkas when they teased you about your personality in your previous school. 

You casually walked to your first class, ignoring the stares that you received and the gossips you heard when you passed by. 

People are pointing at you, while whispering into each other's ears. You heard someone saying, "I heard that that she had beaten the queenkas in her previous school.."

You just smirked at the comment and just continued walking. Finding the math class was easy. You introduced yourself in front of the classroom in a monotone voice. As expected, there were gossips coming out from the students. 

You ignored them once again and headed to an empty seat in the back of the classroom and looked out the window. 

There is one word that pretty much explains the lesson : Boring. 

After a few more lessons, lunch finally came. You went out to find your new locker and got the books that you need for the next class. 

You swung one of the straps of your backpack over your shoulder. You didn't even bother looking for the cafeteria since you had no appetite to eat. 

So instead, you explored the unfamiliar grounds of the school. How much have you missed America, your best friends and especially your dad. It had already been 7 months since your dad died and that you moved to Seoul. 

You came across the yard of the school and walked around, enjoying the peace and quiet. 

However, it was broken when you heard a bunch of voices, grunts and laughter. Confused, you turned your head to the direction of the sounds and found six guys surrounding another group of dudes in a corner. 

Curious, you walked over to the scenario quietly and hid behind a wall.

You poked your head out and peeked to see what was going on. You squinted your eyes to get a better look and eventually, saw the six guys beating up a bunch of nerds. 

*What am I doing here anyway? It's their business, I don't wanna get involved in this!* You were about to walk away but stopped. You turned back around and looked at the scene again. 

You couldn't help but feel bad for the nerds. They look so hopeless...weak... You hesitated it for a few moments and... "Oh who am I kidding." You said and dropped your backpack. 

You headed over to them and heard one of the bullies saying, "Why not get your ugly butts out of here? I can't even stand seeing your ugly faces everyday. The thought of breathing in the same air as you makes me sick!" 

"What did they even do to you?" You spoke up with your arms crossed over your chest and an eyebrow raised. The six guys stopped what their doing when they heard your voice and looked up to see who dared to interrupt them.

The nerds looked up to see who their savior was and was shocked to see a girl. 

The guy from before released a nerd and he tilted your chin up, "Mind your own business.. Do you even know who we are? I'm guessing your new huh?" He said.

You smacked his hand away and glared at him, "To your disappointment, no I don't know who you are, got a problem with that?" 

"Ooooh feisty, just my type." Another guy came up to you. "We're Beast, the kingkas, the best fighters, the hottest guys in the school. You should pay respect to us newbie." Another one said. 

You raised an eyebrow, "Wow, really? Conceited much? It's not like your a king or something and from what I see, I think those girls are blind." You looked them up and down. 

That made them mad, no girl has ever stood up to them before. They will fall on their feet and keep fawning and begging for a date with them.

The nerds were also shocked. Most girls will criticize them and some are even so low that they even bullied them. Never has one person was on their side and helped them out during bullies, nevertheless, a girl.

You read each of the bullies' name tags and smirked. The guy who is called Junhyung harshly took your chin and he growled, "You messed with the wrong person-" he looked at your name tag and continued, "Jang ~~~~~~~." 

And with that, Beast surrounded you, you automatically came to a defense mode. Hyunseung was the first to start a move, he threw you a punch but you easily dodged it and punched him square in the face. His head was thrown backwards as he held his nose. They were already bleeding. 

If Beast was already pissed off they were ready to kill someone right now. All of them threw punches and kicks but you blocked them all. Fighting 10 vs 1 was a no biggie to you. 

You kneed Dongwoon in the stomach and threw him on the floor. You elbowed Kikwang in the guts and he fell down clutching his stomach. Doojoon was already spitting out blood. Junhyung was beyond furious. 

He fight you as hard as he can but was immediately failing. "Is that all you got?!" You said while fighting him. Soon, he was on the floor, defeated. 

You rolled your eyes, "And you even call yourselves best fighters." you scoffed. You dusted the sleeve of your blazer coolly and turned around. 

The nerds were already up and were gaping at you as if you have three heads. One of them who seems like the oldest was the first that snapped up from the daze, "W-wow.. thanks, we owe you and.... uh.. how did you did that? It's amazing." he held out his hand for you to shake it. 

You looked at the hand and said, "No prob." Ignoring the hand, you walked away to where you dropped your backpack, grabbed it and headed for your next class, leaving Infinite speechless.

There was a few minutes of silence until Sungjong broke it, "Wow.... I like noona already." he said. The rest of Infinite just nodded their heads in amazement and looked at the direction that you just went to.

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!