Nam Woohyun

7 H.A.W.T Guys= Nerds?! WTF.

You were strolling around the park, looking around absentmindedly. It's so cold that when you breathe out, white clouds formed. You placed your hands in the pockets of your black hoodie. 

The barely audible sound of a thud caused you to look up. A metal can was laying on the floor, you looked at the litterer who was a good few feet away from you. There was clearly a "No Littering' sign. 

You picked the can up and yelled, "Hey, you! You can't just go around and litter!" The man turned around to see you chucking the can into a recycle bin.  

You looked at the man and he froze. *Oh no, ~~~~! What are you going to do now Nam Woohyun! What if she recognizes you as a nerd, or worse.. a celebrity?!* 

Yes, this man was Nam Woohyun who was not wearing a nerd disguise. He is in his own celebrity self. 

But to his immense relief, you showed no sign of recognition. *Damn, this girls knows no idols, oh well, I can be my own greasy self, it's been long since I've been my usual self.* Woohyun smirked. 

He slid his thumb across his bottom lip and said, "Hey, what's a pretty lady like you doing out here on your own?!" 

You raised your brows, you thought you have heard that voice before but you pushed the thought aside and wordlessly strode over to him and throw him a clean punch in the face. "ert." 

Woohyun's head was flung to the side, he held his nose and stared at you in shock, *No one has ever rejected me before nevertheless punching me and calling me ert!* 

Is it wrong? But did Woohyun actually like how you punched him? Yes, in fact, he liked it.. A LOT. 

He thought that he should try to at least be your friend nerd or not. He seemed to feel attracted towards you but don't know why he's acting like that.

You walked passed him but Woohyun grabbed you by the arm. "Do you wanna go eat with me?"  

You were about to throw a comment but something in his eyes said that he could be trusted. Instead, you pulled your arm away and said, "No." 

"Awww come on please? I won't hurt you, my treat~" he sing-songed. You looked doubtfully at him. 

Without hearing your answer, he grabbed your arm again and dragged you along with him. 

The both of you arrived at a ramyun shop. Thank goodness that no one was there, or fans will recognize Woohyun. You were about to protest but he cut you off by ordering two bowls of ramyun. 

He paid for it, grabbed the tray and led you to a table. Woohyun sat down and looked at you, "You know, no ones stopping you from sitting down." He gestured at the empty seat in front of him.

You looked at him once more before uneasily sitting down across from him. Woohyun pushed a bowl your way and gestured for you to eat . You gave in and just ate. 

While slurping on some noodles you scrutinized his face. *He is actually good looking, but why would he invite me here?..* 

"You know, I know I'm handsome and all but you don't have to stare at me like that." Woohyun managed to say with his mouth full without looking up from his bowl. 

 You rolled your eyes and changed your gaze back to the bowl, "Conceited jerk."

Woohyun ignored your remark and chatted with you about random topics, it was awkward at first but you started to loosen up. 

You pulled your phone out to check the time:  9:24pm. Soon enough both your bowls are empty. 

You excused yourself to the restroom. After a few seconds since you left, Woohyun saw your iPhone on the table. *Should I?* A mischievous smile crept up his face. 

He reached for it and went to the contact section, he punched in his number and saved it. Pretending like nothing happened, he placed your phone back to it's original place. 

You came back and saw Woohyun looking too casual. You suspiciously looked at him and grabbed your phone. 

"So I guess I'll be going then. Uhh thanks for the meal." you smiled a small smile. Woohyun's heart skipped a beat. He snapped out of his daze and just smiled at you. You bade goodbye and left. 

Woohyun smiled at your retreating figure. 

Back at the hotel, you went through you contact list and found a new number that you have never seen before, 'Mr.Hottie <3'. 

You knew right then that it was the guy just now. You rolled your eyes and deleted the number. *Conceited jerk. *

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hazhaz #1
Chapter 17: ... *awkward* the last part tho ...
Chapter 17: What..the did i just read...this story was awesome until ..just ...*poof*...
Chapter 17: Ok, what. Is. Going. On. Here.
Chapter 16: New reader and subbie!!! I love your story! Update soon!!
Chapter 16: daebak!!!!i really love lamborghini *v*
I feel so bad for Infinite! They were just freakin ditched! Lol but it was pretty funny when Eli and Kevin came... Oh god Kai not you too! Huh... Update~<3
Seunghoyatic #7
i'm so curious yeah~ please update~ <3
So Hoya likes her, woohyun likes her, and Kai likes her! Who will she choose! Update please!
KyuHaeMInEun #9
Update!!!!!I'm so curious yeah!!!!!!!Infinite and Kai are so going to be jealous!!