It has been a week since Leena start dating Minho. It also has been a week I get to know SHINee even better. They’re not as bad as I thought they are. Onew is like a maknae eventhough he’s the oldest. Jonghyun is… well, he… is kinda creepy. He stares at me a lot… Key is like a big omma, appa, oppa, unnie, advisor, leader, anything you could think of. Taemin is, well, he just quite everytime I was around. Not speaking much.

I was heading back to my classroom when my classmates were observing something on the blackboard. When I entered the room, all my classmates are staring at me. Some were impressed, some looks like they could’ve punch me and some look at me like I’m a freak.

I look at the blackboard and my heart were thumping so hard I felt like I’m gonna blow. There it was, on the blackboard, word like, “Shin Hyo Young rejects Lee Taemin oppa.” “They’re deeply in love before Luvly dumps him.” “Luvly was chasing after Kim Jonghyun oppa” “Jonghyun oppa is the cause of Luv-Min breakup” “Taemin and Jonghyun oppas were fighting over Luvly?”

My eyes were so big, it hurts me. Someone else were entering the classroom before I realize, it was the last person on earth I want to meet. I stare at Taemin before I shouted, “SATISFIED?!”

“No, I didn’t even-“

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH OR I WILL! Now I know why you haven’t talking to me ever since our last met. You have your own agenda aren’t you?”

“No… I would-“ Taemin started to explain but I was too mad I shouted, “WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? AN EASY GIRL WHO WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU THAT EASILY? Sorry, I’m not. So why don’t you go get some other victim that might have fallen with your stupid damn charm!”

“Now looks here young lady-“


“SHUT UP!!” Taemin shout. That would be the first time he shouts. Ever… The whole school even the teachers were listening closely. “I DON’T CARE IF YOU REJECTED ME AT THE FIRST PLACE!! BUT ONE THING THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THAT I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING!!!”

I felt tears in my eyes before said my last word to him, “Hell you don’t.” Then I walk away from him.




 “I don’t think it works,” Onew said.

“I told you it going to be a disaster,” Key said.

“Who’s got this idea first?” Jonghyun said.

“Me,” Minho said.

“Next time, we won’t listen to you,” Jonghyun said.

“Can anyone explain why exactly is Jonghyun’s hyung name were there?” Key asks.

“Jonghyun is the nearest target seeing as I never won the Best Body Award and you and Minho already have a girlfriend,” Onew explains.

“Best Body Award but never had a chance to kiss someone,” Jonghyun said with his head slightly down.




 A rebellion between me and Taemin has already started. We couldn’t even be in one room at the same time. The pressures are too high. We couldn’t stand it. Furthermore, my place and his place just skip two tables. People that were sitting close to us both feel the pressures. One of them actually fainted after only five minutes the class started.

At recess, we were sitting really close to each other and I mean, CLOSE~. We were sitting NEXT to each other. Beside me was Leena. Beside Taemin were Jonghyun. I know all of them were up to something but I was to busy not touching Taemin’s place to feel mad at them. Taemin was trying to get up when he accidentally touch my elbow. I stare at him for a short second before attack him with my unfinished food.

He was covered with food before shouts, “YAH! WHY’D YOU DO THAT FOR!!!”







“What did you called me?”

We were fighting with each other when our discipline teacher, Mrs. Lee, break the fight and sent us for detention after school. I got so mad at Taemin, I slap his face. Taemin tried to reply my attack before Jonghyun drag him far from me. He wasn’t in class after recess. Mrs. Lee sent him to clean up the washroom for attacking Jonghyun.





 “What should we do?” I said to Minho oppa. We were talking on the phone, discussing about Taemin and Luvly. They’re still in school, doing detention for Mrs. Lee.

“I got an idea,” Minho oppa said, all of a sudden.


“We trap them, together,” Minho oppa said.

“Trap them?”

“You’ll see,” Minho oppa said.





 I was wearing pink shirt, white hoodie jacket, skinny jeans and sneakers. Leena and I were waiting for someone at the cinema. I was excited because we’re gonna watch Harry Potter.

“Who again are we going to watch this movie with?” I ask.

“Minho oppa and his long time no see friend,” Leena said. She looked anxious.

 Not long after that, Minho arrived, alone (?)

“You said he brought friend,” I said.

“Me too,” Leena said. Her faces were wrinkling.

“Annyeong,” Minho greets.

“Annyeong…” we both replied.

“Where’s your friend?” I ask.

“Oh, he-“

“I bought 2 large popcorns. Is it okay?”

My mouth was slightly opened wide as I stare at Taemin who is in front of me. He wasn’t even Minho’s ‘old’ friend!

He looks dumbfounded as he stare at me. His expression is as same as mine.

“Well, shall we get started?” Leena ask.

“Yah! What are you doing here?” Taemin finally opened his mouth.

“That’s funny… I was about to ask the same thing to you,” I told him.

“Well Minho hyung asked me to come with him, he said there’s a yeoppo young girl waiting for me to get you out of my mind but I never thought that the girl he said ‘yeoppo’ ’ is you! Huh… Now that’s funny…”

I made expressions before replied, “I am yeoppo. That’s why I’m not easy…”


His face expressions changed before he replied, “At least I know what the meaning of ‘yeoppo’. Poor you, couldn’t tell the difference between ‘yeoppo’ and ‘ugly’. Maybe that’s why you rejected me. Because I am too handsome compare to you,” Taemin said.

“Now would be a good time to leave them,” Minho whispered to Leena before leaving me and Taemin. We are to busy bickering to care about what happens in our surrounding. Leena agreed before went with Minho.

“Oh, please, Handsome? Are you trying to make me laugh? Well it works, MUAHAHAHA!!!!” I laugh eventhough the situation is not that funny. “Even the toad is much more handsome than you. Oh, wait. You’re not handsome. You’re ‘yeoppo’. I mean, come on, if you look closely, you’re more fit to be a girl than a guy. You too… what’s that people call? Oh, ya… GENTLE!”


“Didn’t anyone in this world ever called you annoying?” Taemin ask, sarcastically.

“Has ever any guy in this world asked you out? I bet they have,” I said.


“At lease there is someone out there who would ask me out. You? I think if not because of me, no one would dare ask you out. You’re too MANLY…”

“At least I am rough. You?”


“I’m a guy. I can be rough if I want. You’re a girl. If you’re a little bit rough, guy could’ve run miles away just to get away from you,” he said.

“Come on Leena, lets go home,” I said without even took my eyes off him.

“Come hyung, I would love to find another gentle girl,” he said also staring at me.

“Leena?” I repeat but no one replying.

“Hy-“ We take a look at both of our sides before realizing, THERE’S NO ONE!

We stare at each other with horror in our face before one of the worker came to us and ask us (actually force) to come with him. We followed him until we arrived at the private room for couple to watch movie. We stare at each other again on horror and tried to escape but then the worker called the security and force us to enter the private room and not to leave until the movie ends.

“I swear I’m gonna sue him,” Taemin said.

We had to sit with each other seeing as it only has two chairs. “With what?”

“I don’t know, I’ll figure out a way,” he said again. The movie has already started and we’re still feeling unsatisfied.

“Come on… Think, Leena and Minho was not there, and we were force to come, and then were hold like a prisoner in here, in a couple private room. This is so not coincidences,” I said to him.

“Call them,” Taemin said.

“I tried. Couldn’t reach them,” I said. I have called Minho and Leena each 20 times and I have text them 10 each.

“They are so in so much trouble,” Taemin said.




 It was dark outside. Taemin was offering himself to send me home. I agreed seeing as it was 1 a.m. It was dark and cold and I’m kinda scared. He was walking behind me.

Suddenly, it started to rain but the weird thing is, I’m not getting hit by the rain. I look up, there’s someone’s jacket covering me. When I tried to turned, my lips were touching someone’s lips. It was Taemin’s and I felt hot in my mouth. My lips felt warm. I have never felt like that before. It was my first kiss! Should I feel excited eventhough the person I’m kissing right now is not a person I love?

The situation stays for a while before he breaks it up. We look down. Both of our foreheads were against each other. We were drenched but we didn’t care.

“Mianei. I don’t know what have got into me just now,” he apologized.

I shake my head and said, “It okay. I don’t mind…”

“Saranghaeyo,” he burst out all of a sudden.

I look up and stare at him. “What?” I said slowly.

“Saranghaeyo,” he repeated it again.

Oh my god!

He’s confessing!


But with much more romantic type of voice.

What should I say?!

I guess I’ll just feel touched by it.

I am feeling so touched with the situation so I hug him. We hugged each other eventhough we were drenched with water. And he kissed me again on the lips…




 I couldn’t even lift up my head. I felt heavy. Omma asks me to stay at home and not going to school. It was almost 4.30 p.m. when omma came into my room and announces that there is someone wanted to meet me. I couldn’t lift my head so I just stare at the figure.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” my mom said, leaving me and Taemin.

“Mianei,” Taemin said. He was looking down.

“What for?” my voice were hoarse. That will be the first time today I opened my mouth to speak. I was too weak.

“For making you sick,” he said, lifting up his head. I saw sincere in his eyes. That is when I realize, he cares about me because he does love me. He loves me for real and not because he thinks I’m easy or something. He loves me for me.

And I’ve been wrong for so long.

“That’s okay… I don’t mind.”

“I couldn’t even protect you from rain,” he said. His voice started to get husky.

“That’s fine! It wasn’t your fault,” I said, tried to comforting him.

“It is when a person that I love is sick because of me,” Taemin said.

“FOR GOD SAKES!!! IT WAS ONLY A FEVER!!” I started to scream.


“Huh?” I look bewildered.

“I was trying to make you scream,” Taemin said, innocently. His sweet smile started appeared.

“You little-” I hit him with my bear.

“Ouch!” he shouts.





 I opened the front door and I enter the house with Minho oppa by my side. He was here to visit Luvly who’s sick. We tried to get Taemin to come with us but he was nowhere to be found. When we arrived at the front of Luvly’s room, we heard someone’s begging. Minho oppa opened the door with his charisma (*god, he’s so CUTE!) and we saw Taemin was struggling to get away from Luvly who’s trying to choke him with her teddybear. She was on top of him.

I was dumbfounded while Minho oppa just stared at both of them who trying to get up at the same time and ending up falling on top of each other (Taemin on top of Luvly)

“After all we’ve done to you,” I started to cried. I never thought they will be like this. Never be friends. “This is the only thing you can actually do for each other? Fighting?”

“Uhuk-uhuk… Ehem…” Minho oppa cleared his throat before said, “I don’t think they were fighting.”

“How can you tell?” I ask him, doubting his answer.

“Because if you’re not noticing anything as I thought you would, your sister is wearing Taemin’s chain” said Minho oppa. I look at my sister neck, and there it was, Taemin’s chain.

I couldn’t control my feelings, I screamed. Next thing I know, Luvly on top of me and there is a bear (?) inside my mouth.

“Shut it,” she says.

“Or what?” I said after throwing away her bear.

“You throw away my bear?! That was my favourite!!!”

“Well… you’re the one who put it into my mouth!!!”

“ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she screams as she attacks me. We don’t even care anymore if Taemin or Minho oppa were watching as long as we got our revenge on each other. Omma must have heard us because she’s the one who break us up.

“I am really sorry for their behalf, SHUT IT UP!” she screams at us.

“That’s okay, it IS  nice to actually seeing their hidden behavior,” said Taemin, smiling.

Luvly blow her hair out of the way, staring at Taemin.


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hyuena23612986 #1
Wow ? Im speechless
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
lastnamecutlet #3
XD<br />
JongU_Couple24 #4
Im from Malaysia too~..Luv ur story ..btw hehhehehe :D
shineebling #5
ahh!!! i <3 this story!!! ><
thnk u norishinee
wah! i love it! :)
annyeong nana!wow!what a wonderful story..i read all d chapt in a day (today) as soon as i found it..keep it up girl..<3 ur story,<3 SHINee!<br />
Hey there, please use your poster for all your chapters.
Hello Nana, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while, I work so much, I don't even have time to update mine, anyway love your story and I love TaeMin attiude XD Keep up the good work dongsaeng :p