It is December now and Leena and I were searching throughout the Dongdaemun shopping mall with Minho.

We’re looking for Christmas present for omma and appa.

(Also for SHINee, don’t forget them)

“Would this look good?” I said, showing Leena red sneakers that its one of the shoelaces is white while the other one is red, making it unique.

“I don’t know… who are you buying that for?” Leena said, taking a look of that pair of red sneakers.

“Onew… He likes this kind of style, isn’t he?” I said.

“Maybe... Just buy it,” Leena said.

Aish… she is very helpful when it comes to fashion.

“Fine…” I said.

I ask the store unnie to pack it and I buy it at 45000 won with omma credit card…

After I done paying, I went to Leena who is waiting for me outside the store.

“Done?” she ask, watching me walk toward her.

“Yup… let’s go…” I said.

We walk around before I said, “Where’s Minho?”

“I have no idea…” Leena said.


“You have no idea?” I said, raising my eyebrow.

“Yeah… why?”

“He’s your boyfriend but you have no idea where is he?”

“Yeah… that’s pretty much it,” she said, nodding innocently.

I look at her, feeling exasperated and I said, “You are so weird…”

“BWAH?! What do you mean?” she shouts.

“Well you-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence cause suddenly someone bumped into Leena making Leena fall.

“YAH!” I shouts at the guy who bump her while helping Leena getting up.

“What?” he said, walking arrogantly toward me.

His friend at the back started to creeps me out.

He stared at me like he never looked at a girl who shouts.

“You hit my twin and you never apologize,” I said to him.

“Sorry…” he said to me, clearly rude.

“Didn’t you know how to respect?” I said.

“Didn’t you know that you’re wasting my time?” he replied.

“Didn’t you realize how cute you are?” his friend suddenly said.

The guy and I stare at him in exasperated face and I said to his friend, “I have a boyfriend…”

I showed him my T-A-E-M-I-N bracelet.

“Taemin?” the guy’s friend read it.

“Taemin?!” I said, feeling weird.

“Ehem… you’re showing Taemin’s bracelet,” Leena whispered to me.

“Oh…” I said. To cover myself up, I said, “No… It’s Jonghyun. This is just my cousin bracelet that he made for me.”

I turn my eyes to the guy who bump Leena and saw him staring at Leena.

“Hy…” he said, clearly trying to flirt.

“EHEM! She has a boyfriend too,” I said, shoving Minho’s ring under his nose.

He’s clearly didn’t care about that because he said, “I’m Hyukie and you are?”

“Leena?” Leena answered, looking at me bewilderedly.

“And I’m Heechul… Kim Heechul,” the guy’s friend suddenly said to me, smiling widely showing his teeth.

He is so damn lucky his teeth are all white or else, I’ll break his face.

“I don’t care,” I said to him.


I turn around me and saw Minho.

He look… furious.

“Well, well, well… Look who’s here… Choi Minho…” Hyukie said, smiling.

“Hyukie,” Minho said curtly.

“Minho? Isn’t that your-“ Heechul couldn’t finish his sentence because Hyukie shh him.

“Let’s go Leena,” Minho said, his eyes glaring at Hyukie.

I could sense tense between them.

Minho pulled Leena hands and mine and we’re out of there.




 “Isn’t that your rival? Choi Minho from X middle school?” Heechul said.

“Remember him huh…” Hyukie said, staring at Leena leaving with Minho.

“Of course, isn’t he the one who fight with you because you took his first ever girlfriend?” Heechul said.

“I don’t take his girlfriend. He betrayed me,” Hyukie said, looking at Heechul.

“But the girl date Minho first,” Heechul said blurly.

“But I like Jessica first,” Hyukie said and continues, “And he knows that.”

“What’re you going to do now?” Heechul asks.

“I’m going to do what he’d done to me,” Hyukie said, staring blankly ahead.

“What’re you trying to do?” Heechul ask, dumbly.

“You’ll see. Anyway, Leena is pretty isn’t she?” Hyukie ask Heechul.

“Yeah… And so does Luvly, don’t you think?” Heechul said.

“She doesn’t even like you,” Hyukie said.

“I know but I’ll try hard to get her. Besides, she’s the same school as mine,” Heechul said.

“You mean they’re student from SM high school?” Hyukie said.

“Yeah… All three of them,” Heechul said, nodding.

Hyukie smiles because his work has got a lot more easier.






 Minho and Leena were talking and laughing about something. Key is commenting about Onew and Taemin’s style and Jonghyun is telling me story about SHINee when they were little.

I ask him about Hyukie and he answered, “Well… it a long time ago story. About three years ago… Super Junior and SHINee are two groups of friends that rule the school. Hyukie and Minho are two best friends that bond SHINee and SUJU together.

“One day, a girl moves to the school. Her name is Jessica. We called her Sica. Hyukie and Minho both like Sica but she’s only interested to Minho. So she confessed to him and he accepts her. And they started to date.

“Hyukie finds out about it and pay a girl pretending to be Minho’s ex-girlfriend even though Sica is his first relationship. The girl told Sica that Minho is a playboy and he just wanted Sica’s money but it’s not true. I mean, Minho is rich. Why would he want more money?

“Of course, Sica believe it and they’re fighting and Sica leave him. Minho founds out about Hyukie and they’re trying to kill each other off.

“Since that day, Suju and SHINee never get along. So does Hyukie and Minho. We’re not fighting, but we’re not friends either.”

“Why did Hyukie didn’t go to school here?” I asked because as far as I’m concern, the rest of Suju members (Heechul, Leeteuk, Yesung and Donghae) are students here.

“His father sent him to America after the incident. I guess he’s back in town,” Jonghyun said.


Minho’s history just ‘wow’ me.




 Leena and I were walking back from cafeteria heading to girls’ restroom when one of our classmates, Chae Young came running to us and said, “Luvly, Taemin wanted to see you.”

“Why didn’t he call me himself?”

Chae Young just shrugged.

“Where is he now?” I said.


“ROOFTOP?! Never mind. Thank you for the message,” I said and Chae Young leaves.

“What does he want with me?” I said.

Leena just shrugged and said, “How should I know… Do you put a prank on him or something?”

“No… Don’t blame an innocent person,” I said, remembering my last prank on him.

I stole his mp3 and hid it at Onew’s locker.

But that is two weeks ago.

And he already did his revenge…

He took my bag and hid it at my own locker at dance studio.

Witness saw it…

I walked away from Leena heading to the school rooftop.




 I watched as Luvly left me.

Ya right… no prank?

I don’t trust her.

I was trying to walk away from my spot when somebody called me from behind.


I turned and saw that Heechul oppa who shows DEEP interest on Luvly.

That oppa wasn’t so lucky yesterday because Luvly is on her PMS and like to shout whenever she thought was appropriate.

Poor him…


“Oppa annyeong!” I said brightly.

“How are you?” Heechul oppa asks.

“Urm… Fine?” I said.

“Cool… Cool… Urm… How was Luvly?” he asks, unashamed.

I knew it!

He’s only here for Luvly.

“Urm… also fine?”

“Cool… Cool… Urm… Would you give my message to her?”

“Sure,” I said.

He looks rather distracted.

“I would wait for her even for 1000 years.”

“BWAH?!” I shouts, shocked.

But Heechul oppa just smile unashamedly.

“I’ll- I’ll tell her that-that y-you said that,” I said, still shocked.

Wow my sister is popular in high school.

Heechul oppa said thank you and bow 180 degree... He was turning to leave when he suddenly said, “Anyway, Mrs. Lee wanted to see you at Culture Society Club meeting room now. Annyeong…”

“Annyeong…” I said and turned to Culture Society Club’s meeting room.

What does this woman wants from me?





 When I arrived there, Taemin was sitting at our usual spot and staring ahead blankly.

“GARH!” I said, trying to surprise him.

But it didn’t seem like it was working because Taemin look at me once and continue to stare ahead.

“What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you surprise?” I said.

“Should I?” he replied.

His tone is different.

He’s kinda serious.

“Yeah… I mean, I’m trying to make you scare to death,” I said.

“It didn’t work,” he said.

“Yeah… I can tell by only looking at your expressions. Pfftt… Really, what’s bothering you?” I said.

No answer.


“I know. You fall in love with a girl! Who is she?” I said, clearly trying to make cold jokes that is clearly are not working.

Taemin look at me with exasperated kind of look.

“No…” he said.


“Saranghaeyo…” he finally said after like years of silence eternity.


“But I know that you would not accept me anymore but I’m begging you please hear me out first,” he continues.

“Taemin, I-“

“Shh… please. Only after I make my point,” he said, shooing me.

I shut myself and hear him out.

“Ever since you started dating Jonghyun hyung, I never felt peace. I know that we’re friends. But the fact that we’re only friends, doesn’t stop my feelings from liking you. I’m happy when you’re happy even though my real feelings are miserable.

“I really love you and I would never stop loving you. You cannot tell me you don’t love me anymore because I know you are. Even if it a little bit of love,” he said, pleading.

I look at him.

He’s trying to hold his tears.

“Taemin, yes I do love you. But only as friend. Seriously, my feelings for you had disappeared. It’s not there anymore. So please, I’m begging you, let me live my life without feeling guilty because I didn’t choose you,” I said.

Honestly, my feelings toward him are as strong as my feelings toward Jonghyun.

It scares me.

“Tell me one thing if you don’t love me then,” he said.


“Why do you still wear my bracelet?”





 Donghae approaches Minho who is wearing his sport outfit, playing basketball with his SHINee friends.

“Annyeong,” he said, making all of SHINee members stop playing.

“What are you doing here?” Jonghyun said, harshly.

“I have a message for Minho,” he said, not afraid of all five of them staring at him like they’re gonna eat him alive at all.

“Spit it out,” Minho said firmly.

“Hyukie said, ‘This would not be the end. You’ll regret this’,” Donghae said.

SHINee look at each other before Minho said, “What does he mean?”

“He wants to fight again?” Onew said.

“Doesn’t he afraid to lose like last time?” Jonghyun said, sarcastically.

Key burst to laugh, remembering the incident that happen three years ago where Hyukie lose to Minho in a fight because he wasn’t strong enough.

He got black eye and bruises all over.

“Figure out yourself… And Kibum, I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you,” Donghae said, glaring at Key.

“Like I care,” he said, still laughing.

Onew followed him after knowing why the hell he’s laughing.

“Huh…” Donghae spits. “We’ll see who’s laughing next,” he continues before get his hell out of there.

Minho and Jonghyun is the only two who look serious.

“What is he talking about?” Minho said.

Jonghyun shrugged before said, “Hyukie met Leena right?”

Minho think about it for a while before suddenly burst, “Oh, god, LEENA!” and run toward school building.

“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” Jonghyun shouts.

“FIND LEENA!” Minho shouts back.





What does that woman want from me?

I didn’t do anything wrong…

I think…

Oh well…

I opened the Culture Society Club’s meeting room and went inside.

Why is it so dark?

I opened the lights and almost died of heart attack when suddenly someone said, “Annyeong…”

I turn and saw Hyukie oppa sat at one of the chair there.

“An-Annyeong,” I said, bowing.

“Long time no see,” he said.

“We met yesterday?” I said, trying to wake him up.

He seemed unfocused.

“Oh ya…” he said, getting up and walk toward me.

“Did Mrs. Lee call you too?” I said, tense when hid face is so near to mine.

He should realize somebody could see us though the see-through window right next to me.

“No… it was me who called you actually…”


“What?” I said, completely surprised. “Why?” I said.

“Just… Wanted to meet you in person,” he said, innocently.


“Listen Leena… I can give you anything you’ve ever wanted in life. Money, presents, branded clothes, branded shoes… Anything… I can do much more better than Minho-shii… Just give me the chance and I’ll prove it to you,” Hyukie said.

And I was like being hypnotized.

I look at him and suddenly, without me knowing it, I said, “Kiss me…”




 What does Mrs. Lee wanted to meet Leena?

What’ve she done?

I asked Heechul (stupid, I know but he’s the last person meeting Leena) and he said Mrs. Lee wanted to meet her at Culture Society Club’s meeting room.

When I arrived at the meeting room, my heart pounded fast.


How dare he…

I rushed to the club’s door and kick it.

Leena look very surprise while Hyukie looking happy.

Very happy indeed…


“Why? You’re scared she’s going to leave you like Sica does?” he said, firing up me.

Leena look so shocked, she barely showing any expressions or reactions.

I know it’s not her fault.

It Hyukie’s…

He had talent of hypnotized people.

It his trick since he was little.

He whispered something and the person will get hypnotized.

But I’ve never thought he’d used it on my girlfriend.

“I know Leena. She won’t leave me just for some jerk like you. She’s much wise than that,” I said.

“How can you tell? I can hypnotize her anytime I want,” Hyukie said.

“Then I’ll be there to stop you,” I said.

“We’ll see about that and by the way, your girlfriend is such a GREAT kisser,” Hyukie said, his lips like he’d eat something sweet.



I sprint toward him and we started punching each other.

Leena's still blur.






 Taemin just asked me about the T-A-E-M-I-N bracelet.

What am I going to do?

I couldn’t tell him I still can’t forget him…

“Wearing this bracelet doesn’t mean that I still love you,“ I lied. “If I take it off, you’ll be sorry and if I still wearing it, you thought I’m still in love with you.”

Wow… that is spontaneous…

“Tell me the truth,” he said, not giving up.


I’ll lie…

“Why do you leave me in the first place?”


Seriously, I have no idea…

What am I going to tell him?

“Because I’m not strong enough to be with you… The pressure is just too much for me. I’m tired of crying because of the prank and the pain. You have no idea how’s that feel like. I want to fight, but I don’t want to make my mom crying. I’m done making her crying. Done… Finish… You’ll have someone much better and stronger than me. Trust me…” I said.

I’m telling the truth now….

But Taemin didn’t believe me because he said, “You’re lying again.”


“No I’m not… Why don’t you trust me?”

“Because-“ Taemin sentence got cut because of our phones ringing, at the same time.

“Yobeseyo?” we said.





 “Hello, Luvly?” I said, while running headed to Culture Society Club’s meeting room.

Onew hyung is right beside me, contacting Taemin.

Key is right behind us.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Go to Culture Society Club’s meeting room NOW.”

“Why?” she said, her tone sound bewildered.

“Minho is in fight,” I said.

“BWAH?!” she shouts.

I can imagine how angry does she look like now.

I cut the small conversation and focus on my running.

We almost hit a few students and teachers but we didn’t care.

Onew hyung receive phone call from SUJU leader, Leeteuk about the fight.

He said Yesung told him that Heechul told him that Hyukie told him, he’s trying to firing up Minho to make Minho mad.

I guess Donghae and Heechul are on Hyukie side, like they used to.






 Leeteuk was in a library before Yesung arrived with Heechul.

“Hyung,” Yesung said.

Leeteuk glance at him once before returning back to his Biology books.

“We got a problem,” Yesung said, sitting right in front of Leeteuk.

“What?” he asks, without look at Yesung.

“Heechul hyung here told me that Hyukie is planning to start a fight with Minho,” Yesung said.

“BWAH?!” Leeteuk shouts.

“SHHHHH!!!!” said Heechul, shooing him.

“Where is he now?” said Leeteuk, when they’re out from the library.

“Culture Society Club’s meeting room,” Heechul said.

“Where’s Donghae?” said Leeteuk again, pressing his phone key, trying to reach Onew.

“On his way to help Hyukie,” said Heechul, his tone low.

Leeteuk stare at him while waiting for Onew to pick up his phone.






 I stare at Taemin and said, “Jonghyun called.” At the same time when he said, “Onew called.”

We both look at each other before heading to the meeting room together.

Oh god…

That Hyukie guy must be the mastermind.

Minho is the sweetest in the group.

*Well… second sweetest after Taemin.

He would NEVER fight.


I just hope he’s okay (Minho)

When we were there, Onew, Jonghyun (god, he looks handsome) and Key had also arrived at the same time.

“Why are you arrived together?” Jonghyun ask.

“There’s no time,” Taemin said, covering up for us both.

We rushed into the room and saw two guys is calming Minho and another two guys is holding Hyukie back.

They’re trying to release themselves.

“GET THE HELL OFF ME!” Hyukie shouts.

“LET ME GET ‘IM!” Minho shouts.

Jonghyun, Key, Onew and Taemin rushed toward Minho.


Leeteuk (I look at his name tag) hold him and look into his eyes and said, “Hyukjae, DON’T…”

Leena was in a corner, sobbing and shudder once or twice.


I look around and saw, Hyukie trying to hit Minho with a chair but Key the one who got hit instead.

Key kneeled down, unconscious.

He’s so weak.

Donghae is the only one laughing.

Hyukie is sneering.

Leeteuk and Yesung were in shocked.

Heechul… well… he stared at me.

Onew and Taemin were slapping Key’s face to make him wake up.

Minho and Jonghyun sprint toward Hyukie and Donghae.

Theyfour start the fight all over.

Yesung and Leeteuk tried to stop them.

I searched the whole room and saw fire extinguisher.

I run toward it through all this mess and take it off its place.

Then I came to them and I start attacking them with the fire extinguisher.

They’re all covered in white.

Onew and Taemin stop slapping and stare at me.

Leena is the only one not moving.


They’re all too confused to focus that they’re obey my order.

“BE IN YOUR OWN GROUPS, AND LINE UP!” I said, strictly like a military officer. “INCLUDING YOU TWO!” I mention Onew and Taemin who is kneeling down beside Key who is still unconscious.

“Now… Heechul, stop staring at me or I’ll fire you with this,” I said.

Even when he’s white with the fire extinguisher thingy, he’s still staring at me.

Jonghyun and Taemin glare at him as though they’re going to eat him.

I hold the fire extinguisher to my chest, ready to fire anyone that trying to start the fight back.

“Anyway… Because of you,” I said to Hyukie who is sneering and glaring at Minho. “I will hold a contest between SHINee and Super… Super… What’s your group name?” I asked Yesung.

“Super Junior. SuJu for short,” he said, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Not another one…

“Yes… Suju… I will hold a contest between Suju and SHINee. Like last time,” I said, remembering my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend rebellion war.

“Like last time?” Suju said.

“Yes… Taemin and Jonghyun once had a rebellion war right? This time, it a group fight not individual fight.I will be the only judge. The prize? Leena,” I said.

“What if it’s a tie?” Taemin said.

“Leena’ll decide who she wanna be with. And I’m sure it’s not you,” I said to Hyukie.

Hyukie glare at me causing Jonghyun said, “HEY! DON’T YOU DARE GLARING AT ME GIRLFRIEND!”

And noise coming from all over the place.

I fire them again with the fire extinguisher.

“Do you want to be quiet or you’re hungry for some more?” I said, sarcastically.

They’re all quiet but sneering at each other.

(Except the leaders)

“Now… when I say ‘Dismiss’, SHINee members will get the hell out of here and don’t forget to bring Key to the school clinic.”

They’re all still sneering.

“DISMISS!” I shriek.

Onew is the one who moved first.

Then Jonghyun, followed by Taemin and lastly Minho who’s still didn’t move his eyes from Hyukie.

Minho and Jonghyun lift Key up and get out from there.

When my eyes couldn’t see their sight anymore, I said, “You’re foolish to do that to Leena. I’ve lived with her for 16 years. One thing I know about this whole situation is that, whatever you do, you’ll never EVER win her heart. TRUST ME…” I said, glaring at Hyukie.

There’s a whole lot of glaring today…

Hyukie just stare at me.

So does Yesung and Heechul but in a whole lot different way.


I help Leena get up and walk away from the scene without one look back. 

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hyuena23612986 #1
Wow ? Im speechless
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
lastnamecutlet #3
XD<br />
JongU_Couple24 #4
Im from Malaysia too~..Luv ur story ..btw hehhehehe :D
shineebling #5
ahh!!! i <3 this story!!! ><
thnk u norishinee
wah! i love it! :)
annyeong nana!wow!what a wonderful story..i read all d chapt in a day (today) as soon as i found it..keep it up girl..<3 ur story,<3 SHINee!<br />
Hey there, please use your poster for all your chapters.
Hello Nana, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while, I work so much, I don't even have time to update mine, anyway love your story and I love TaeMin attiude XD Keep up the good work dongsaeng :p