I was walking alone after practicing dancing in school studio which a few meters from school building. I was practicing with U-kiss’ Man Man Hani song for school talent contest. Taemin was here a while ago, coaching me but he leave first because Mrs. Lee was asking for him.

Suddenly, DUSH!!

I got attack all of sudden.

Eggs, tomatoes and water were all over me.

I tried to see but was attacked all over again.

After then, I heard someone said, “I told you before, this is what’ll happen if you don’t obey our orders and dumped Taemin oppa.”

It was Jae Kyung.

“But you never told her…” Min Jung said, sarcastically.

“Well then she should know by herself then…” Jae Kyung said. She approached me and said, “Leave him…”

I spit at her and said, “Never…”

She slaps me and walks a few steps away from me.

I get up, watching her sharply.

Without she’s even realizing it, I sprint to her and put my hands around her neck, trying to choke her.

Next thing I know, I was in detention.





 “What’s exactly has happen to you?! Do you know how much trouble you’ll get if school call omma?!” Leena shouts.

I let her be.

Don’t blame her anyway.

“This would be the third time you’re in detention!”

Okay, now, she is TOO overreacted.

“Louder Leena, the whole world didn’t know I got detention three times already,” I said, sarcastically.

“Sorry… It just that, I know you’re mad at her and all but-“

“But what?! Do you know because of her, I had to send this to laundry?!” I show her my dirty uniform.

“Can you please hear out my explanation?!” Leena shout again before continues in a more calming voice, “You could’ve wait for me at least five more seconds before I help you kill her. You don’t have to do all by yourself you know…”

“I know that…” I said, sitting down.

“Then what’s the problem? Why are you not laughing when I make jokes?” Leena asks.

“Not funny… I was wondering…” I said.

“Of what?” she asks again.

“They will never stop trying to break Taemin and me. It has been three times now. They’ve also crossing the line. I got really pissed off. I mean, what have I done to deserve this? My head hurts, my heart hurts and my hand also hurts hurting them. But they never stop. I don’t even know what to do now. You know me, I don’t like fighting. I don’t like hearing and seeing mom crying over me again like she used to a million times when we’re in elementary and middle school…” I said, staring down.

“Shhhh…” Leena’s shooing me, pulling my head to her shoulder. “I don’t want you to give up yet. Let them be. They’re jerks. Everytime they pull some stupid jokes on you, I wanted you to remember what Taemin always tell you everytime he kisses you. Didn’t he say he loves you? Remember this,” she put both her hand at my cheekbone and staring deep into my eyes and continues, “Lee Taemin’s heart only has one name, Shin Heo Young. If he doesn’t love you, why would he go far to Bukhan just to get this bracelet for you?”

Leena pull her hands and hug me once before leaves me to settle down. She is a really great sister. And I love her more than anything else in this world.





 When Leena and I enter the school lab that day, almost half of the girls of our class were whistling at me.

Leena whisper to me, “Taemin’s heart is yours and no one else.”

Because of that word, I become more ‘energetic’ to fight them.

“Hey, Luvly, how are you today? Are you disappointed Taemin is not here now like yesterday?” Jae Kyung said, laughing hard with her friends.

I look at her and said, “No… As a matter of fact, that joke of yours yesterday had tied our bond much tighter than usual. He also said, he loves me more than anything and hate you more than a ….” I snickered at her.

Jae Kyung’s expressions change.

“We’ll see…” she said.

Taemin enter the lab with his friends and sit at the table next to me.

“What’s wrong?” he whispered.

“Nothing… Why do you always thought there is something happen?” I whispered back.

“Because Jae Kyung was staring at you like you’re some kind of piece of meat.”

I look at Jae Kyung.

Indeed she WAS staring at me.

So I said out loud, “Taemin-ah! Wanna go to theme park after school?!”

Thank god he understands me and said out loud too, “Anything for my sweetie pie Luvly!”

Jae Kyung, who was feeling so crushed at the moment, pinched Min Jung who shouts, “Yah! Why are you pinched me?!”

The whole class laughs at them.

A few minutes after that, our science teacher entered the lab.





 Leena, Taemin and I tell the whole story to the rest of SHINee and they’re almost choking themselves, laughing at Jae Kyung.

“That’s funny…” Onew laughs the hardest.

Leena and I look at each other and I said, “Not really…”

Onew’s still laughing.

“Whatever he does, it Onew condition~” SHINee sings.

Onew stop laughing and just grinning of embarrassment.

Leena and I laugh at his expressions.

While we were laughing, Jae Kyung and Min Jung entered the cafeteria with their clique followed them from behind.

Jae Kyung approached our table and said, “This would not be the end.”

I think she had exploded because she didn’t even care if SHINee were with us.

“I’ve met girl that’s much worse than you but I have never met any girl like you that’s this stupid,” Taemin said.

SHINee, Leena, Jae Kyung and I stare at him.


“I don’t like you, and I would never will. Arachi?!” he said, loud and clear.

Jae Kyung ran out from the cafeteria because of embarrassment.

We were all stunned at him.

“What?” he said, staring at us all.

“I know that you love Luvly and all but I’ve never thought you would dare crossing the line, shouting at a girl,” Jonghyun said.


“ARGH! HYUNG!” Taemin shouts when Key smothering him, feeding him food and hugging him all over.

All around us laughs at them.

Onew laughs harder than anyone else.

From the bottom of my heart, I have never thought that Taemin would do that. Especially on a girl like Jae Kyung. Like I said before I date him, he is gentle more than a girl.




 The time is 5 p.m. I was just finished my dancing lesson with Taemin.

God, he is so pushy when it comes to dancing.

He teaches me popping.

But my body is not flexible like him.

When he mad, he hits my head.


I was trying to change my dancing outfit into my uniform when I discover something.

I forgot to bring my uniform into the changing rooms…


So I walk outside and took the uniform near my locker.

I start changing clothes.

But then, suddenly my uniform is missing!

I tried to change into my dance outfit again but then, it was not where I put it last.

I tried to remember where exactly did I put it.

It was on top of the changing door.

But, it was not there.

Then where is it?!

I was panicked.

Of course I was panicked.



Suddenly I heard laughter.

“Well, well, well,” it was Jae Kyung’s voice.

“Well done Min Jung…” she said.

Then I heard Min Jung voice said, “Thank you. It was easy taking BOTH of her clothes.”

My eyeballs went huge, it could pop out from my head any minute.

“Yah! Give me back my clothes, you !” I shout.

“No… Let this be a lesson for you next time you were trying to do anything for us. Bye…” I heard Jae Kyung said.

“Oh, and by the way, don’t come out of there because it is NO use… We’ve make sure there are no single clothes or towels here. Annyeong…”

I heard Min Jung said…

Then I heard laughter and doors opened and closed.

I don’t have my phone with me seeing as it was inside of my locker.

Once or twice or more than thrice, I would heard Tokio Hotel’s Monsoon song been played meaning someone is trying to reach me.

But I was too cold, I couldn’t think of anything.

My whole body felt numb

And I went unconscious.





 It has been like a thousand million times I tried to call Luvly.

The clock had reach 9 p.m.

Omma and appa are not at home.

Appa’s company is doing a little party.

I called Taemin but he said he went home alone because he thought Luvly left him at the first place.

Minho oppa and Taemin are on the way of picking me up to go check at school if Luvly is still there.

Key and Onew oppas are searching through the neighborhood.

Jonghyun oppa is doing all the best he could with the help of his friends outside Seoul, in case if Luvly was abducted.

“Hey,” Minho oppa greets me.

“Hy…” I said.

“No news?” Taemin asks.

“No… I’m scared!” I said, sobbing.

“Don’t be… We’ll look after her, together. Now, let’s go,” Minho oppa took my hand and together with Taemin, we hop on the car where Minho oppa drives us to school.

When we reach the school, the first place that Taemin said he last saw her is the dancing studio behind our school.

So we search through that place first.

“Try calling her cell phone again,” Taemin said.

“But I’d tried a million times already.

“Just try… I just got that kind of feeling we’ll find her here,” Taemin said.

I called her.

Suddenly, we heard her Tokio Hotel’s Monsoon song been played and we followed the sound until we stopped right in front of a locker.

“It hers,” Taemin said.

Minho oppa searched around and said, “Why that door is the only door closed?”

Taemin and I look at the same direction as him and we stare at the closed door.

“Try kicked the door,” I said to Minho oppa.

Minho oppa approached the door and kick it open.

I was shocked!


She was half- and unconscious.

I ran to her and said, “Oh my god… Luvly! Luvly! Honey!!!! Luvly…” I put my hand on her forehead.

It was hot.

She must’ve fainted because of the cold.

Taemin approached me and said, “Here, take this, put it on her.”

I look at him and he was looking at the other way while his hand giving me his jacket.

Minho oppa was talking to someone on the phone.

I put it around her.

Then, Minho oppa carried her and carefully put her into the car.

When we reached home, the rest of SHINee members were there.

Minho oppa gestured to them not to disturb Luvly.

They were in the living room while I settle up on Luvly.

When I finished with Luvly, I went down to the living room and sit down in one of the chairs.

Taemin excused himself and went to Luvly’s room.

Once he’s left, Key oppa asks, “What exactly happen? Minho and Taemin-shii didn’t tell us anything.”

I told them everything myself from A to Z.





 I walk upstairs when Leena entering the living room. I could hear Leena telling story one by one how we found Luvly half-.

Honestly, when we found Luvly in that situation, I was stunned.

Who would dare do this to her?

I honestly thought she was but Minho hyung tells me it couldn’t be because the door was locked from inside and there is no bruises or any sign of struggle.

I opened the door knob.

There she was on bed.

She looks even more yeoppo when she’s sleeping.

I sat on the chair near her bed, staring at her deeply, feeling a little bit weird as why exactly had I fall in love with her at the first place. I mean, she’s not exactly my type.

She’s harsh, no respect, like to shout all the time, queen of jealousy, and most importantly, she’s a little bit arrogant.

But there is something about her that I like.

She’s honest, cheerful, chirpy, love to dance, pretty and most importantly, her smile had stole my heart.

When we’re split up last week, I feel like this world had found its end.

This love feeling I felt for her is just too strong.

There is no other girl like her on earth.

I don’t know what I would do if I lose her again.






 I walk inside of the school hall and met eye to eye with Jae Kyung after last night incident.

Leena force me to skip school today but there is something I need to do today. I’ve been thinking about it for hours ever since Taemin left my room last night.

I don’t sleep well because of it.

Congratulations Jae Kyung, you’re gonna get what you’re really want from me.

Leena turn right to take our usual sit but I turn left and walk up to the stage.

I took the mic and said, “Hello? Testing… Um… Annyeong! Is all of SHINee members are here?”

I saw Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho and Taemin look at each other and at me back and forth.

“Good. Now, I, Shin Heo Young have something to say. Lee Taemin, our relationship, is over. Mian~” I bowed 90 degree and left the school hall.




 My heart’s thumping hard while my ears are trying to digest Luvly’s word. I look up at Jae Kyung and saw she and her friends were gloated with happiness.

Suddenly, I felt very angry and mad at them.

I have this instinct of going up to her and just slap her fake pretty face.

While all my hyungs is talking among themselves, I get up from my sit and walk pretty fast to her.

Jae Kyung’s smile dies when I stand right in front of her.


I was standing in front of her, furious at her embarrassment face when someone took my shoulders from behind and drags me away from her.

It was Onew hyung.


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hyuena23612986 #1
Wow ? Im speechless
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
lastnamecutlet #3
XD<br />
JongU_Couple24 #4
Im from Malaysia too~..Luv ur story ..btw hehhehehe :D
shineebling #5
ahh!!! i <3 this story!!! ><
thnk u norishinee
wah! i love it! :)
annyeong nana!wow!what a wonderful story..i read all d chapt in a day (today) as soon as i found it..keep it up girl..<3 ur story,<3 SHINee!<br />
Hey there, please use your poster for all your chapters.
Hello Nana, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while, I work so much, I don't even have time to update mine, anyway love your story and I love TaeMin attiude XD Keep up the good work dongsaeng :p