I cupped everyone’s rice and served it.

At the table, Hyori noona was advising Leena about something.

Minho hyung was watching them intently.

Key hyung was helping Jonghyun and Onew hyungs serving the meat.

Hm… Lack one person.


Where the hell is she?

“Where is Luvly?” Key hyung asked as we settle down.

“She said she got some PMS cramp,” Leena answered.

All nodded including Jonghyun hyung.

His own girlfriend sick and yet he can sit here, eat comfortably?

I couldn’t take it anymore.

I get up and headed to the kitchen and take out the dish tray.

I get Luvly’s rice and a few side dishes with water.

All stare at me.

“Where are you heading?” Key hyung asked.

“Upstairs. Apparently Luvly’s boyfriend doesn’t give a about her being sick,” I said, climbing upstairs.




I stuff myself with food, ignoring the staring.

“You’re gonna let him? Why is her ex-boyfriend care more about her than her current boyfriend?”

Key’s words is a poison arrow that shot through my ears.

In the end, I said, “You know nothing, Key. So shut yourself and eat. Or do you need me to feed you myself?” I said, glaring at him.

Key’s expressions changed but didn’t say anything more.

Key knew when I’m all serious like that, he had to obey.

Onew hyung and Hyori slowly continue their eating.

Leena frowned, looking at me with Minho who looked confused.

Out of all, Minho was the only one who dared watching me even after I said the ‘order’.

As for Leena, she knew about this since we’re on the train this morning.

I texted her about my plan.

She didn’t reply though.

Maybe she just doesn’t know what to say.

Mianei Luvly-ah.

I love you but you love Taemin.

By pretending I don’t give a about you anymore, This is the only way to make you dump me and be close with Taemin again.

 This is the only way.




I crouched on bed.

The pain was just too much to handle.

But no blood came out when I checked.

Usually less than 24 hours, blood will come out after my cramp.

I got this very painful period cramp from my mom’s side.

But I didn’t get migraine from my dad’s side like Leena though.

Just like Leena doesn’t get the very painful period cramp.

Hers is just normal.

Why the hell am I talking about period cramp?!

While I was , thinking of my dreadful fate of having a painful cramp, someone knocked the door.

“C’min,” I said, using all the voice I could manage.

I saw the door’s bolt spun and Taemin entered the room.

He was holding dish tray full with food.

The meats’ smell shot right through my nose.


Such a beautiful smell.

Taemin smiled at me when he put the dish tray on the bedside table.

“What are you doing?” I asked when he tried feeding me food.

“What do you think I’m doing? Playing soccer? I’m trying to get all of these-“ Taemin points at all the food that he brought. ”-down your throat.”

“Pardon me?”

My eyebrow rose.

“Say ah,” he said, demonstrating with his mouth.

“Ah?” I said, opening my mouth absently.

Suddenly a large rice whoosh inside my mouth.

“Far you frying fo fill fih?” I shouted.

“What? Don’t talk when your mouth is full. I don’t learn alien language,” Taemin said, feeding himself with food.

“I can feed myself just fine,” I said, grabbing the rice bowl from him.

“Okay.” Taemin surrendered.

For the whole 5 minutes, we just ate in silence.

I stared at Taemin’s hungry face and I found myself wondering about something.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Accompanying you, of course. Are you really that stupid? You know, you should dump Jonghyun hyung. He doesn’t give a about you. You should be with someone else,” Taemin said, no filter.

“And be with whom?” I asked sarcastically.

“Me. You know I’m still here for you. I never stop loving you and you know that fact. It’s just your ego that is stopping our relationship right now. You’re a hypocrite. Simple as that,” Taemin said, and again, with no filter.

What the hell?

Which devil had possessed this guy?


“You know nothing,” I said finally.

“Really? Explain to me why we break up at the first place?” Taemin asked calmly.

“Because you’re cheating on me,” I said.

“I never cheat on you. You don’t remember, aren’t you?” Taemin said.


“Yup. You can’t remember why you hate me at the first place,” Taemin said.

“Yes I do,” I said, denying.

But the truth is, I can’t seem to remember why I break our relationships.


“Luvly,” Taemin started.

“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore. I’m done. Thank you for bringing me food,” I said, covering myself with blanket.

“Okay. You’re welcome.”

I heard the door open then close.

Am I hypocrite?



I hate this feeling.





I got up from bed and headed to bathroom to check.

Leena was still sleeping soundlessly.


How on earth can I miscalculated?!

And to make the matter worst, I forgot to bring along tampons.


I glanced at Leena quietly while I went through her stuff.

Nope, no tampons.

As expected.

I’m going to kill myself.

I grabbed my purse, jacket and sneakers and sneaked outside.

On my way downstairs, I could hear someone’s snore.

Taemin was sleeping on the couch.

What the hell is he doing here?!




My butts are freaking killing me!

I missed 2 stairs!

“Who’s there?”

Taemin got up from the couch and headed my way.

“Luvly?” Taemin said while helping me getting up right away.

“What are you doing? Do you need some water? I’ll go get it for you. Where are you going to? Why are you wearing your jacket?”

Of course…

Taemin the busybody…

I shook my head.

“Aniyo. I just wanna go to the store.”


Taemin frowned.


What should I say to him!

He’s a guy!

“Ramen! I wanna buy ramen!”

Taemin stared at me like I’m mad people that had just escaped from madhouse.

Then, “Okay. I’ll come with you.”

Wait, what?!

“Wait, what?” I repeated, this time with voice.

“Are you deaf though? I’m coming with you. You’re still pale and you look very weak. How about if you just stay here and I’ll go buy it for you?”

Taemin dragged me and try to force me to sit.


“Stay,” Taemin said to me, walking away.

“You don’t even know what I wanna buy!” I said loudly.


Who the hell cares?

It’s an emergency.

Taemin turned.

“You just said you wanna buy Ramen?”

Taemin looked confused.

“That… And one other thing,” I said, giving in.

Taemin stared at me.

‘Tampons,’ I mouthed.


“Tampons,” I whispered.

“You do know I still couldn’t hear you right?” Taemin said sarcastically.

“Tampons!” I said loudly.

I can see Taemin was a little taken aback before he said a simple, “Okay…”

Wait, what?

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me. We’ll go together. I’m not going to buy your tampons ALONE…”


“What? I’m telling you the truth. Now, let’s move, move, move…” Taemin said, pushing me from behind.

When we’re outside, Taemin pulled the door closed.

“Why won’t you lock it?” I asked.

“The nearest store are just a few meters from here. Relax,” Taemin said.

So we walked together to the store.

“Why did you sleep outside?” I asked, trying to make conversation.

“Key hyung lock the door just because I stay up late to watch tv,” Taemin said, shrugging.

I glanced at my watch.

3 a.m.

“What time did you finished from watching tv?” I asked.

“2.30… Anyway, can I ask you something?” Taemin said.


“Are you fighting with Jonghyun hyung?”


I don’t know but he doesn’t seem to care about me.

“Why you ask?” I asked.

“Because if it’s my girlfriend sick, I will definitely take care of her. But he doesn’t even ask about you. It’s like he doesn’t care about you anymore,” Taemin said.

We arrived at the store but I didn’t reply anything.

Taemin didn’t ask anything anymore either.

I was searching for my tampons when Taemin approached me and said, “Hey, wanna eat Ramen while we’re here?”

I shrugged.

I waited at the high table near the window for Taemin to bring me my ramen.


He put down a bowl of ramen in front of me and took a sit next to me.

For the whole 5 minutes, we didn’t say anything.

Then, “I’ve decided…”

I looked at Taemin.



“I’ve decided to let you go,” Taemin said.

“Go where?” I said.

Taemin looked at me with those deep brown eyes with very sad gaze and said, “I’ve been hoping that you might’ve realize you love me instead of Jonghyun hyung but unfortunately, you don’t. So, rather than just hurting myself, I’ve decided to move on.”

Taemin continued eating his ramen.

I looked down at my own ramen and said with a very low voice, “Good for you. You’ve been waiting almost half a year now. It’s time to move on.”


That’s hurt.

Served you right, Luvly.

You’re too egoistic and hypocrite.

You’re hurting two people that you think you used to love and you think you love.

Love is a losing game.

You get one thing and you will lose other.

Love is always a losing game.




Taemin and I left the store and walked in silent and awkwardly back to the pension.

Taemin tried to open the main door before he realizes that the door was locked from inside.

“Oh uh…” he breathed.

I glared at Taemin.

He just grinned ashamedly.

“I told you to lock the door from OUTSIDE!” I shouted.

“Relax,” Taemin said, approaching the gazebo in the pension’s garden.

I followed him.

Taemin lie on the gazebo and started patting the empty space right next to him.

“What?” I said.

“Come here. Lie with me. See those stars,” Taemin said.

“Taemin, it’s 4 in the morning. I’m not in the mood of stars,” I said but I lie next to him anyway.

I feel like someone is staring at me so I looked at my left where Taemin is lying.

He WAS staring at me.

His face was very close to me.

I could smell his breath.

Suddenly he moved so close to me, our nose almost touching.

I close my eyes, expecting the worse.


Or best?

Then I heard chuckled.

I opened my eyes.

“Knew you would go scared,” Taemin said, still laughing.

I scowled.

Almost crying.







“Yah Hyo Young!”

Someone shake me very hard causing my eyes to peek a little bit.


Leena’s face was very close to me!

She looked like a humongous giant shining under the bright sun.

She slapped my face once and said, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

I got up and looked around.

Taemin was still sleeping soundlessly.

There’s only Leena here.

From outside I could hear Key’s voice being mad at someone.

Then I heard Jonghyun’s voice, “That’s not how you cook half boiled eggs, Kibum!”

“What time is it?” I asked.

“9.00 a.m. Where have you been?” Leena asked.

I slide down the gazebo and we walked together to the villa.

“Buying tampons.”

I yawned.

“How come Taemin is with you?” Leena asked.

“I was planning on doing it alone but Taemin caught me,” I said.

When we stepped inside the pension, Onew and Hyori unnie were settling on the table.

Minho was trying to step inside Jonghyun and Key’s argument.

“It suppose to color like that!” Key shouted.

“It’s not! I don’t see any white!” Jonghyun shouted back.

“Can everybody please calm down? Kibum, go make another half-boiled eggs and Jonghyun hyung, CALM DOWN!” Minho shouted, louder that the Kim’s brothers.

Jonghyun turned away and saw me.

“There you are. Where have you been?”

Jonghyun looked relieved.

“Out,” I said with tone that almost shows no interest.


“Mind you own business…” I said simply, climbing up the stairs.

I’m still hurt by you, Kim Jonghyun.

You took my bracelet away.

You don’t care about me anymore.

You didn’t take care of me when I’m sick.

You’re not yourself anymore.

I guess then, you don’t love me anymore…





It’s been a week since we had our trip to Paldang Dam.

Luvly and I are still fighting.

Leena said she doesn’t wanna talk to me or about me anymore.

She’s hurt when she was sick, the one who took care of her was her ex-boyfriend rather than her own current boyfriend.

Sorry Luvly…

I had to…

You weren’t honest.

Currently Key is in Malaysia, visiting appa and her girlfriend, Justine.

He left three days ago.

Onew hyung and Hyori were already on their trip of traveling around the world.

They’re currently in Japan.

They left 5 days ago.

Minho’s family is in their own vacation to Europe.

Luvly and Leena together with their parents were in their vacation to Los Angeles.

Only me and Taemin here in Seoul.

I’m leaving to Malaysia next week and I need one-to-one talk with Taemin about Luvly.

I wanted him to take care of Luvly while I’m gone.

I wanted him to understand Luvly like he used to.

I wanted Luvly to stop pretending and be herself.

I wanted him and Luvly together as couple.

That’s why I called him to meet me at school’s rooftop.

“Annyeong, hyung. Sorry late.”

I looked beside me.

Taemin is smiling widely at me.

We agreed that after he took back TAEMIN bracelet, we would stop fighting and be normal again.

“That’s okay,” I said.

“So, what exactly do you wanna talk about?” Taemin asked.

I took a deep breath.

“I’m leaving,” I said.

“Mwo? Leave? To where?”

Taemin looked shocked.

“Malaysia. Then I’ll be taking music course at one of the universities there. I’ll be living with my dad though. So, I need your help,” I said.

“Help with what?”

Taemin looked confused.

“Take care of Luvly. Don’t let anyone take her away. I know she can take care of herself anyway but she’s a girl. And she needs a boy to protect her,” I said.

“What if she falls in love with me? Or the other way around? Would you be sorry then?”

Taemin sounded angry.

“Then I don’t mind.”


Taemin looked even more confused.

“I don’t want to dump her. I love her,” I said. “But she doesn’t love me. So she needs to dump me because obviously I won’t let her go myself.”

“You wanted her to dump you?”

I nodded.

“So that’s why you’ve been trying to not to be nice with her during our trip last week!”

I nodded again.

“Wait, you don’t mind if I she fall in love with me again?”

I looked at Taemin.

“She already did. But she doesn’t know that. You have to help her realize that. Letting go of someone dear to you is hard but holding on to someone who doesn’t feel the same way is much harder. Giving up doesn’t mean you’re weak. It just means you’re strong to let go,” I said.


“So, would you help me to make Luvly realize that she loves you instead of me?”

Taemin looked at me.

“Why are you doing all of this? I already decided to let go of her and now you want me to grab her back?”

“Yeah,” I said. “And because Shin Hyo Young does not belong to Kim Jonghyun. She belongs to Lee Taemin.”

And that, is the fact.


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hyuena23612986 #1
Wow ? Im speechless
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
lastnamecutlet #3
XD<br />
JongU_Couple24 #4
Im from Malaysia too~..Luv ur story ..btw hehhehehe :D
shineebling #5
ahh!!! i <3 this story!!! ><
thnk u norishinee
wah! i love it! :)
annyeong nana!wow!what a wonderful story..i read all d chapt in a day (today) as soon as i found it..keep it up girl..<3 ur story,<3 SHINee!<br />
Hey there, please use your poster for all your chapters.
Hello Nana, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while, I work so much, I don't even have time to update mine, anyway love your story and I love TaeMin attiude XD Keep up the good work dongsaeng :p