It was our first day at high school. Leena and I walk together to school and chatter all away from our house to school which is about 6 kilometers away from our home. When we arrived, all the girls were screaming at us. I’m not sure why so I look at Leena to ask her. She was shaking her head before we realize someone push us out of the way. She was smiling as wide as she can to a group of five shining boys. (It sound weird, but they are shining. They walks against the sun, of course they’ll look shining)

All the boys look at us and making face expressions like, ‘What? Got any problem?’

And I was like, “What the damn hell?”

Then, they just walk away with a group of girls behind their back. The excited girl turns to me and said, “Aren’t they all cute?”

“Who THEY?” I ask.

“And who are you?” Leena ask.

“I’m Lori and they are SHINee. The pronunciation is like shiny in English but the spelling is S-H-I-N-E-E. They’re like the hottest guys ever. The leader is Lee Jinki oppa also known as Onew oppa, he’s in his senior year. The maknae is Lee Taemin oppa and he’s same year as we are. He’s also Onew oppa brother. Did I mention he’s also the same class as we are? My favourite is flaming charisma Choi Minho oppa. He’s 17 years old and the tallest guy in the group. The almighty Kim Key-bum oppa is also 17 years old and little brother to bling bling Kim Jonghyun oppa who’s in the same year as Onew oppa.”

“How do you know all this?”

“I used to be in the same school as Taemin oppa, Minho oppa and Key oppa-“

I just listened in fascination when Lori tells us all about this SHINee boys. Leena already started to stare at Minho. But I know she wouldn’t dare because of the girl right in front of us like him too. So much Lori knows about them. But they are definitely not my type of guys. The way they looked at me, especially Taemin, woo, scary. Pfftt… Like I care.

That night, Leena and I decided to stayback with Lori for a while to study. Eventhough it is only our first day at school, but there is so much I don’t understand!  I’m just glad that any of SHINee boys were not there in the library. Lori have been gushes about them everytime she saw them. You named it, in class, in corridor, outside of guy’s washroom, outside of classroom, anywhere in school that you could think of.

I was looking for dictionary when the sound of library doors were opened were heard. I look at the doors because the sounds were enormous for one or three person. Then, BAMM!

“OUCH!!” I screamed.

“Shoo!” Lori was shooing me.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

I look at her. Her eyes were shining. The same shining when she saw-

“Excuse me, can you pass me that dictionary?”

A tall dark figure was asking me while pointing at a book in front of me. I gave it to him and when he walks to the light, I saw, JONGHYUN! Of all the bad luck in the whole life world, does it really have to be this bad?

Lori pulled me to our sit where Leena was busy copying something which is two tables away from her shining SHINee and started to gushes about Minho. Which already have been a hundred times today. After 10 minutes, she never stopped gushing and in that’s 10 minutes, Minho never stop staring at Leena.

In the end, I was tired and exhausted. The time is 8 p.m. Lori NEVER stop. Finally, my boiling temperature is up and I said, “Why don’t you go and tell him your real feelings, hm?”

“You want me to?” she said.

“Nah… I bet that you don’t even have the guts to tell him that you like him,” I said. The girl like Lori, she doesn’t like to be challenge.

“Fine, I will,” she said without hesitation.

I watch Lori take a step closer to SHINee.

All of SHINee members stare at her while she’s trying to put all her words together.

“I came here to say something,” Lori said.

Onew focus on his book back. It makes me nervous when Jonghyun started to focus on me. Minho stop staring at Leena and started to focus on Lori. Taemin was writing something.

“What?” Key said, staring at her.

“I like you, Minho oppa,” she said without hesitation. I was shocked but at the same time, impressed. “I like you ever since I first saw you,” she continues.

At first I thought that everything gonna be cool, but then, “WARGHAHAHAHAHAH!!! MINHO-SHII GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!!” Key laughed as hardest as he can. Onew and Taemin were also laughing but not as loud as Key. Jonghyun was still staring at me. I’m not even sure he was listening.

“Haha… You’re funny. Sorry, I’m not interested,” Minho said and laughed harder than everyone.

Lori was nodding before walking back to our place. I got mad and sprint to them and started to shout as loud as I can.

“Who do you think you are?! Who are you compared to her?! You are nothing! Nothing I say! All five of you, all of your popularity, were even lower than any animal in this world! This is why, I agree with myself when I ‘decided’ to not to respect all of you guys!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!!!” I couldn’t go on as Leena was pulling me out of there.

“CALM DOWN!!!” she shouts.




 Leena and I were washing the dishes when the bell rings. Then we heard our omma calling from the living room. When we were there, we saw Lori.

“I’ll leave you three alone.”

Leena and I watched my mom leave before asking Lori, “What are you doing here?”

“I came here to tell you guys something.”

“What is it?” I ask.

“I’m moving to France.”

“MWORAGO?!” Leena and I burst out loud at the same time.

“Why?” Leena ask.

“You’re not moving because of that stupid Minho oppa, are you?” I said.

When there still no answer, Leena said, “You know, you shouldn’t feel down like this. It’s not your fault.”

“Ya, he’s the one stupid for doing that to you,” I said, agreeing with Leena.

Lori shakes her head before said, “No… I was moving because my dad got a job offer there. Maybe it the best way to-“

Next thing I know, me and Leena were hugging her. Then we were waving at her and wondering, will that be the last time we see her…




 I was on my way home from school. I got detention for trying to punch Minho. It was dark and quite. I was cursing myself for not bringing my Ipod when someone pulled me against the wall of houses and forcing me to be quite by putting his hands against my mouth. The energy was enormous. I couldn’t make through. His left hand was around my waist, pulling me against him while his other hand was on my mouth. I got really scared when he put his face against mine.

“Hey you,” he said. The voice sound familiar but I couldn’t think of anyone at that moment. All I think of is how I’m gonna break through from his firm grip.

“You listen to me. Don’t ever challenge SHINee again. EVER… If I found out you said something or do something to them, something insulting, I break your face. GOT IT!” he said.

I was so scared, I cried. He released my hands but not my mouth. He was staring at me. There is guilt in his eyes. I gained my strength to get away from him. I pulled his chain, hoping that he will let go of me seeing I was choking him with his chain. Instead, at the same time I was pulling his chain, he ran away from me. Terrified, I ran back home.




I ran inside and sprint towards my room upstairs not giving a chance to omma asking me how study going (Leena save my life, THANK YOU!!!). I opened my room’s door and crying out loud. I was so scared.

Leena who heard me home, came to me and take me to my bed. She’s hugging and shooing me at the same time. Then, when I was clearly not crying out loud anymore, she asks, “What’s wrong? Who did this to you?”

“I don’t know,” I cried, still holding the stranger’s chain.

Leena noticed it and took it away from my hand. She asks again, “How do you get this?”

“The stranger’s chain,” I cried.

“But, this is Taemin’s chain.”

“What?” I pulled myself from her and with tears in my eyes, (whoa, she looked so blur) I asks, “How do you know? Oh ya, you stare at people a lot.”

“The brcelet that tied together with this lace, it was specially designed,” Leena said.

“He designed it?” I asked.

“Ya… he wore it yesterday. Don’t you remember?”

“I never notice it… URGH!!!!!!!!” I screamed.




 With Leena by my side, I went to attack Taemin. He made me so scared last night. I’m gonna made him pay for this. Just wait…

Taemin was writing something on his table. I walk to his place and just wait till he said something. He looks at me and said, “What?”

“Losing something?” I said.

“What?” he didn’t get it.

“Where’s your chain?”

“It right-“ He touched his neck but his bracelet chain wasn’t there. Instead, it was his knife chain. He panicked and said, “Where-“

“It’s right here,” I said, pulling out his chain right in front of his eyes.


“-did I get this? Well, last night, I was attacked by a stranger and I accidentally pulled this from him. Huh, never thought that the stranger would be you,” I said.

He doesn’t look panicked anymore.

“Look you little liar, I hate you, and I would never stop hating you,” I said.

He looked at me and smile before said, “Would you like to go out with me?”

The whole class went veery quite. Veeery quite. My mouth went slightly open before I said, “No.” Then, I slap him and walk away.

Who does he think he is?! Urgh! I hate him. I swear I hate him. HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never thought I’m saying this but I was thinking about Taemin all day long. Couldn’t stop wondering what exactly does he wants from me. Urgh, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Leena and I were eating together when Taemin burst inside with other SHINee boys. They went to our place and Taemin started to dance. I looked at Leena and we were having the same expressions, ‘What the…’

“Luvly! I want to go out with you!” Taemin screamed. All the girls were screaming too.

I looked around me and screamed back, “NO!” Then I pushed him and slap him once before walks out of there. (I slap a lot today)




 Leena was still laughing about the afternoon incident where Taemin asks me out. My expressions was like, (-_-)’.

“Haha, very funny,” I said.

“It is,” said Leena, kept laughing at me.

We were right around the corner of our house before Minho ‘attack’ us.

“YOU AGAIN!” I shout.

“Before you said anything, I just wanted to say, I’m sorry,” said Minho.

Leena and I look at each other. Both of us raised our eyebrows.

“I shouldn’t laugh at your friend that night. I’m really sorry. I would do anything just for you to forgive me. I know it’s hard for you to forget than forgive because it’s not you I was laughing at but trust me, I didn’t mean what I said to her that night.”

“What do oppa mean?” I heard anxiety in Leena’s voice.

“Sarangheyo. I love you ever since I first saw you, two days ago. You were wearing black hairband, chains of necklace and your nails were polished with black nail polish. You were smiling widely when you walk past me at the corridor after recess,” Minho said, full of details.

Leena was being quite. I know she was shocked. But there is nothing I could do. I mean, they love each other… That’s so obvious. (I think so…)

Just like I had to consider on going out with Taemin.


Leena and Minho was looking at me.

“Sorry, um, I’ll just meet you at home, Leena,” I said and walk away, leaving them alone.




 I watch as Luvly walks leaving me. I turn my attention to Minho oppa.

He looks so sincere.

“Mianei~” he cried. I look at him and realise, he’s telling the truth!

I guess he does love me, right?


Aish! I’m going crazy!

I walk nervously toward him and hold his hands.

Minhooppa looks down at me.

“Are you sure about your feelings?”

“Yes, I’ve never been so sure in my entire life”

He hugs me.

That was the first time we touch each other!

And the sun slowly set as slowly his mouth was against mine.




 I was walking alone, heading back home. It was almost dark. I am no longer afraid since I already know whom the real culprit.

“Stupid Taemin,” I said.

“You know, I know I made you scared last time but please don’t call me stupid, I am older than you are. Please show some respect…”

I look behind me and Taemin was there, standing against the wall of houses.

“Yah! What else do you want from me?!” I said loudly.

“Nothing…” he replied, shrugging.

“Then why exactly are you following me?” I said, crossing my hands and stare at him with my eyebrow slightly raised.

“Just…” he walks toward me and then continue, “… feel a little bit disappointed.”

I raised my eyebrow really high right now.

“I just don’t get it. Why don’t you just go out with me?”

I felt shocked. I thought that would be the last question on earth someone will be asking me. But then, he did. I blink my eyes for a few times before replied with arrogant tone, “Just don’t feel like it…”

“You’re lying… There are some other reasons,” he said.

I’m never good at lying. So I burst out and said, “Because I don’t think that-that you are actually sincere to asked me out! This would be the first time someone actually asked me out!”

Taemin looked so shocked with the answer and so am I. To cover myself up, I said, “Also, you’re never my type and you will never be. I don’t like you and please, leave me alone…”


“I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I shout and pushed him away from me before walks away with arrogance.




 “Where have you been?” I asked Leena.

It was quarter before 9.00 p.m

“Out…” she was smiling wide at me.

“Why are you smiling like crazy person?” I asked her.

She just kept touching her lips.

I was blur for a second then, “OH MY GOD!!!”

“SHHHH!!!!” Leena shoo me.

“When?” I asked, too happy to say anything.

“After you leave, Minho oppa and I was talking right? Then he expressed his feeling and next thing I know, I was hugging him!! Then, right when the sun was set, we kissed our first kiss!”

I am so happy for Leena. She got what she want makes me wonder, will I be happy as she is?

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hyuena23612986 #1
Wow ? Im speechless
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
lastnamecutlet #3
XD<br />
JongU_Couple24 #4
Im from Malaysia too~..Luv ur story ..btw hehhehehe :D
shineebling #5
ahh!!! i <3 this story!!! ><
thnk u norishinee
wah! i love it! :)
annyeong nana!wow!what a wonderful story..i read all d chapt in a day (today) as soon as i found it..keep it up girl..<3 ur story,<3 SHINee!<br />
Hey there, please use your poster for all your chapters.
Hello Nana, sorry I haven't left a comment in a while, I work so much, I don't even have time to update mine, anyway love your story and I love TaeMin attiude XD Keep up the good work dongsaeng :p