Chapter 12

Cold as Ice


Jeongmin sat silently on her working table, thinking of something to write. Her thoughts then flew away to the deal with Mingyu, "Is he really serious about this" she mumbled to herself. Then she think about Wonwoo and grunts, "Why are they making my life harder!"

The next morning, Jeongmin decided to drive to her office and meet with her father. "What is it minnie?" she bit her lips and look down before saying, "I want to work abroad father..".

Her father hummed, "Jeongmin I'll think about it... but why so sudden?" he asked. Jeongmin sighed then finally explains her situation with the boys..

"You're just gonna hurt them dear.." he stops for awhile, "because that's what I felt when your mom passed away.. and I still do feel hurt now" Jeongmin just looked down unable to say a word. "Think about it twice, Jeongmin and make your decisions right." with that he excused her.

Jeongmin sat alone at the park under a shady tree. Watching families and kids playing around. With her laptop on her lap, she continued to type her piece. A ball rolled over her and she looked up and saw a rather attractive boy, she smiled at him and passed him the ball. "Sorry, my little brother over there kicked it too hard" he looked back to glare at his brother and throws the ball at him. He turned back at her and smiled sheepishly, "Anyways I'm Kwon Soonyoung! You can call me Hoshi"

Jeongmin giggled at his cuteness, "Nice to meet you Hoshi. I'm Yoon Jeongmin"

"Can I sit next to you?" he asked politely. Jeongmin nod a yes and when he was about to sit, someone interupted them. Wonwoo cleared his throat, "Uh, hey Jeongmin" he smiled at her. "I'm Kwon Soonyoung! Call me Hoshi!" Hoshi suddenly butted in offering his hand to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo satred at him weirdly but shook his hands instead, "Jeon Wonwoo"

"I'm sorry but I need to talk to her privately for awhile.." Wonwoo said expresionlessly to Hoshi damn I never sound this rude..or did I? Jeongmin..the things I do for you..

Hoshi looked gloomy but smile anyways, "Sure" he looked at Jeongmin and mouthed 'See you next time'.

Wonwoo waited for Hoshi to leave before turning to Jeongmin, 'Who was he?"

Jeongmin shot him an irritate look, "a friend.. but seriously Wonwoo..That's rude" he sighed, "I know and I'm sorry"

"Are you free tonight?" he asked her. She jutted her bottom lips out thinking, "No..why?"

"I'm bringing you somewhere special" he exclaims jovially. Jeongmin shook her head and smile at his behaviour.

Hoshi who was playing with his little brother felt a pang of jealousy when he saw Jeongmin smiling happily with that guy. Does she not remember me?..

author's note

who's hoshi to jeongmin thoughhh. sorry it took long. gonna update a new chapter tmr okay! <3

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xoxosenshine #1
Chapter 18: This is gooddddd
Chapter 17: Ummm...WAT DIS?!! PFFT...WONWOO....
Winterspring18 #5
Chapter 15: Okayy~ i just read chap 12 until the latest and i am so happy that hoshi suddenly appear bcs i love soonwoo :D feel little sad bcs wonwoo suddenly being like that :(( but overall thank you so much for updating and i'll waiting for the next~ fighting!!
Chapter 14: Ohhhhhh kaayyyyyyyyyyy? Why kim minjung suddenly appear? :"( mingyu's kinda a jerk here xD
exoxo8 #7
Chapter 14: Ahhhh childhood Friend! So cute. Hmm wonwoo though.... let's see how this goes
exoxo8 #8
Chapter 12: Omg wait what hoshi?!?! IM INTERESTED >_< thank you for updating!
Winterspring18 #9
Chapter 11: Finallyyyy.....its has been a long time waiting for the update :" and know finally updated so happy ?? and i choose for short update everyday :))
Chapter 11: woah that's fast xD update soon~♡