First Day In France.

Forever Feels So Short {hiatus}

Author's POV:

"Wake up ~~~~ ah! We're here! In France!!!" Eunmi shook your body, you fell asleep on the airplane. "Yah! If you don't wake up, I'm gonna leave you in the airplane and you'll never see your friends again." Eunmi threaten you.

"Ani ani! I'm awake!!!" You said and opened your eyes right away. "Sorry I fell asleep!" You apologized.

Eunmi giggled. "Kwechanah, now let's go get our luggages." You nodded and followed Eunmi. After you both got your luggages, you both went to a hotel that Eunmi already booked. 

"Bonjour!" Eunmi spoke in French. You just stared at her speaking to the person at the hotel.  While they were talking, you looked around the hotel. It was pretty fancy and nice.

"~~~~ ah! Let's go now!" Eunmi called you. You noticed her and nodded. 

When you both went to your room, right away Eunmi jumped on her bed and got out her phone. 

"I can't wait to tell Youngmin yeobo!" Eunmi squeaked. 

'Since when did they have nicknames for each other?' You raised an eyebrow and watched Eunmi. She didn't see you though. 

"Annyeong Youngmin oppa!!!" You heard Eunmi saying her sweet voice. She was giggling about something Youngmin said. You just sighed and got your clothes from your luggages. And then went to take a shower. It was evening at France, since Korea and French time are different. Your dad was right about the weather in France, it was chilly and most people were hat and scafts. Also big puffy jackets.

Right after you took a shower, you went headed to your bed. With a towel wrapped around your head. Eunmi was still talking to Youngmin. You were wondering what's Kwangmin doing. You were about to text him when Eunmi said. 

"Hey ~~~~~ ah! Kwangmin wants to talk to you!" Eunmi said, looking at you. Your eyes sparkled. 

"Jinja?" You asked, Eunmi giggled and nodded. Right then you took her phone.

"Annyeong Kwangmin ah!!!" You almost yelled. 

"~~~~~ ah!! I miss you soooooooooo much already! >.<" Kwangmin said. You smiled. 

"I miss you more! What time is it over there?" You asked.

"About.... 5:30PM." Kwangmin said. You nodded.

"It's 7:30PM here.... how you eaten Kwangmin ah?" You asked. (A/N: I'm not sure if that's the REAL time difference. I'm just guessing...or should I say...made up? >.^)

"I have, yeobo." He answered. "Have you?" 

"Nope." You shook your head. " We just got here Kwangmin ah!!!!" You smiled happily.

"Jeongmal?" He asked. "You should rest and eat." Kwangmin told you.

"I know..... I'll give the phone to Eunmi now!" You said.

"Okay... I love you!!!" Kwangmin said. 

"I love you too!!!" You smiled and gave Eunmi her phone back. Eunmi said some goodbyes and hanged up. Then she went to take a shower and came back.

"Let's go find something to eat." Eunmi suggested. You were super hungry, so you nodded right away.


After you both ate, you went back to your hotel.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" You asked Eunmi ask you stretched your body out on the sofa. Eunmi sat there and tapped her chin.

"Hmmm...we should go to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow!" Eunmi suggested. You right away nodded.

"Ooo! And then, we can take pretty pictures of the tower and sent it to the boys!" You snapped your finger. You and Eunmi both agreed to the idea.

"Let's go to bed now~ it's late." Eunmi yawned and you both went to bed.



When you woke up, you noticed that Eunmi was already awake. She was still in the showers. You got up and stretched out your arm up high high. After that, you got out of bed and sat on the small chair, waiting for Eunmi to get out of the bathroom. You decided to get your clothes ready, you decided to wear this today:

You were done finding your clothes, when your phone rang. You ran to your bed and got your phone. Then checked the caller, it was : Myungsoo.

"Annyeong oppa!" You smiled.

"Hi!!! I heard you went to France and didn't even said your goodbye to me!" Myungsoo pouted over the phone. You giggled.

"I was scared you were busy..." You said.

"But you could still text me!" He said.

"Araso! Next time I will....when I'm coming back, I will text you." You winked.

"Okay! You said that!" He chuckled.

"Yeah..... I gotta take a shower now.... annyeong oppa!" You said.

"Okay, have a good day ~~~~ ah!" Myungsoo said and you both hanged up.

FINALLY Eunmi was out of the shower.

"You're soooooo long!! >.<" You whined.

"Whatever, now you go in~~" She said. You nodded. Eunmi was wearing this:

"You look pretty by the way." You complimented her as you headed to the bathroom.

"Thanks...." She said as she jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone.

'I bet you money she's texting Youngmin oppa...' You thought as you entered the bathroom.


My second update today! I'm making it up to you guys.

I hope you enjoy!

I don't really like this morning....some girl stuff was going on...don't get gross out but you know what it's THAT! Yes... I got that. And I bet you'll be grossing out because I'm talking about it.....

I shouldn't say it....not on here! >.<

Anyways, enjoy this! I hope you will comment because I don't see a single comment down there... please do comment! Ppyong!

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Peachybae217 #1
Chapter 43: I love the story but please update more please
this story is totally awesome. I would be sad if you didn't update:(
yes. MyuNgsoo~~~~
that was cute.
update soon. ^^v
wonwoojpeg #4
Sowwy!!~!!! I can't think of what to write!! x]
i disappear for a week and i see no more updates. lol ^^ what happened to this?
dhicee18 #6
update pls!!!!!
Lover_Pikwangchu #7
I've been running out of ideas!! T.T
Update soon! It's really interesting!