Chapter 9

It's You and No One Else



I sat beside him. The movie was just starting, but I already kept on yawning. I must be really tired......


The next thing I knew, my head was already on Donghae's shoulder. I must've fallen asleep. But there was really something that caught my attention. Our hands were already intertwined with each other. I was about to remove my hand from that position when he also woke up.


"I'm sorry!" he apologized, jerking and withdrawing his hands from mine.


"It's okay. Thanks for making my hand warm though." I said, smiling. I must admit, I felt electric shocks when my hand was touching his. OMO, what's happening to me?


I shook the idea from my head.


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I was searching for a story when I suddenly saw this one. It was really romantic even from the first chapter! Kyaaaaaa! Keep up the good work! Update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter! (:
foreversuju120 #3
Donghae !!! Wy are u too cold to her ?? Let her explain for the sake of love!! U are way too hurting her T_T
He is so childish == it would to be his gf here DX
NO NO NO!!!! it can't be...Hyunwoo what are you doing?????
Oh no!! Donghae saw them!!! O_O
ILoveLuhan #8
Er... Poor Donghae. Why must he see that? :( Bad Hyunwoo!