Chapter 28

It's You and No One Else




Everything seemed to happened in fast forward. The next thing I saw was Hyunwoo was already on the floor with blood on the side of his lips. I’ve never seen Donghae that mad and anxious before. His fist was shaking because of anger and his face was totally red. The two of them were in a big commotion while I was at the corner, still not absorbing what has happened. And then the sight of Donghae leaving the condo left me speechless. Hyunwoo also walked out with bruises maybe because he was completely humiliated.


            I did not try to follow Donghae outside because I already knew that no matter what Ill do, he still wouldn’t talk to me. I’ll just let his mood cool down and then maybe we can talk.


2 weeks later...


            It was already been 2 weeks since the incident, but Donghae still hasn’t talked to me. I think 2 weeks was enough for him to be calmed but I guess I was wrong. He was still doing his drama but this time, he doesn’t text me anything anymore. Every single day, I would always wait for him to arrive home and surprise me or something. But. . . NOTHING. That week was like hell for me, I can feel Donghae’s coldness. He was like as cold as ice, he never treated me like this before. I never knew he can be like this when he is jealous.


            It was Wednesday and I was just sitting on the couch trying to be entertained with what I am watching in the television. Until, someone rang the doorbell. I was not expecting it to be Donghae since I read online yesterday that the drama’s taping was still on going. So I thought maybe it was Hyunwoo. And if it’s really him, I will not let him inside. But when I looked at the cat’s eye view, I was surprised to see Donghae, My Donghae, outside; looking lifeless. I quickly opened the door and was expecting a warm hug from him. But he just passed right through me and went directly to his room.


            I tried to follow him so I can check on him, if he was doing fine but when I was about to go inside his room, he slammed the door right in front of my face. And then I thought that maybe he’s just tired so I will let him rest and then maybe we can talk in the afternoon. When it was time to eat, I knocked on his door and told him that we should eat now, but no one answered. So I guess he was still asleep. Night came and that was the only time he came out of his room. We didn’t have a conversation during the whole day and I am not letting him find an excuse to not talk to me now. He was fully dressed when I saw him, talking to someone on the phone. And then I heard Jessica’s voice. He was talking to Jessica. “Ne. What restaurant? Oh, okay. I know that place, I guess I’ll see you there.” I heard him said those things and then hang up. Without a word, he got his car keys and went outside, leaving me yet again. And take note, he is having a date with Jessica, his ex.


            Is he gonna treat me like this forever? We should really need to have a talk so I can explain to him everything. And I’m afraid that he would leave me and get back with Jessica.  

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I was searching for a story when I suddenly saw this one. It was really romantic even from the first chapter! Kyaaaaaa! Keep up the good work! Update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter! (:
foreversuju120 #3
Donghae !!! Wy are u too cold to her ?? Let her explain for the sake of love!! U are way too hurting her T_T
He is so childish == it would to be his gf here DX
NO NO NO!!!! it can't be...Hyunwoo what are you doing?????
Oh no!! Donghae saw them!!! O_O
ILoveLuhan #8
Er... Poor Donghae. Why must he see that? :( Bad Hyunwoo!