Chapter 12

It's You and No One Else



The next morning, the first thing I remembered was the holding hand incident that happened last night. I shivered, I should move on and forget about that now. Think of something else.


Oh yes, Donghae and I are going to our childhood playground today. I was excited by the thought that I’ll be reminiscing our past memories. The times when we still played on sandboxes and my favorite thing to do – play in the rain. Those memories never fail to make me smile.


 I went out of the room and saw Donghae talking to someone on his mobile phone. I overheard some words like “balloons” and “6:30PM”. I was trying to surprise him and shouted “Good Morning Lee Donghae!”. He almost dropped his phone and that made me laugh so hard.

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I was searching for a story when I suddenly saw this one. It was really romantic even from the first chapter! Kyaaaaaa! Keep up the good work! Update soon! I can't wait for the next chapter! (:
foreversuju120 #3
Donghae !!! Wy are u too cold to her ?? Let her explain for the sake of love!! U are way too hurting her T_T
He is so childish == it would to be his gf here DX
NO NO NO!!!! it can't be...Hyunwoo what are you doing?????
Oh no!! Donghae saw them!!! O_O
ILoveLuhan #8
Er... Poor Donghae. Why must he see that? :( Bad Hyunwoo!