Preacher in the Dark

Operation T.R.E.E. 2: The Cult

Leeteuk was still fear-stricken days after having that dream because that wasn't the last time the devil made its presence felt. Although the devil had said in his dream that he would only tell Leeteuk about the prophecy once, Leeteuk had recurring dreams about him being a diabolical creature with red eyes and red skin, ruling over the ruined world, screaming his victory and ordering his troops to charge and destroy everything in sight. At times he had dreams of him with a time machine, reversing creation amongst weird occurences in the sleep. In fact, ever since the devil's visit in one of his dreams, he had been losing sleep and weight to the point that he had looked even lankier than before. The dream had severe effects on his mental health as well. Ever sicne being visited by the devil in a dream and being appointed the leader of his revolution, Leeteuk had become a bag of nerves, obssessive compulsive, and paranoid. Everyday, he'd scribble the prophecy in his notebook, hoping that one day he'd be able to fully understand what the devil meant.

"It's nothing serious. It was just a dream. Just a dream. " he'd tell himself over and over again, sounding like a mad man just to calm himself down and to stop himself from thinking about it too much. But the influence of the dream on his life was just too great that no amount of repeating the phrase would get it out of his head. Leeteuk denied the prophecy, continuously passing it on as a bad dream, a hallucination, the effect of too much stress. He couldn't possibly  be the leader. Who was he? Leeteuk was a loser. 

"I'm a nobody. It's impossible." then it dawned on him. He was a nobody. A total loser. A troubled person. A waste of life. It was true. People around him knew it and he himself admitted it. I mean, look at him! He didn't have a decent job, he lived in a dirty apartment that was passed on to him by his sister after she got married, he still lived on the money that his parents sent him as well as the money that his typical job as a salesman at a local mall paid him. Nobody loved him. All his friends detested him and the only source of his joy, his girlfriend, left him because of instability. Mental instability. He was being mentally instable and it scared the out of her that she just had to leave him! 

Leeteuk's past wasn't a pretty one. Not that his parents were abusive but they barely saw him, favoring his sister who was an overachiever. Leeteuk was a typical, shy child who didn't do that well in school, didn't have that many friends and preferred to stay inside his room, imagining things. Once his father thought that he was a homoual because of his refusal to play soccer with his cousins so the evening of that event, he beat Leeteuk up and locked him in the cupboard where the child spent the night. This didn't happen often though. They didn't hurt him on a daily basis nor were they mean to him everyday. Only when he did something wrong. Otherwise, they barely saw him. They only started noticing him now when they heard that his life was in shambles. Being his parents, they still felt obliged to show their love to him and their way of doing this is by sending him  money, enough for him to get by. At the back of their heads, they were saying 'I knew he was going to turn out this way. I saw it coming.' 

Since Leeteuk refused to acknowledge the presence of the demon and the offer it had given him, the devil was going to knock on his door. For real! Just to make him believe that he was indeed chosen to become the leader of the reverse creation cult. One morning, that very morning to be exact, Leeteuk was still on the floor of his bedroom, thinking things over. He stood up every once in a while to prance around and try to make sense of what was going on in his life. Was he really angry? Yes. Did he really feel bad about everything? He had every reason to! A miserable life, a life lived alone. He was worthless and good for nothing! It was time that the devil showed him his purpose. 

The door shut and locked. Leeteuk whipped around, his heart pounding fast. 

"Who's there?!" he asked, bracing himself for what could happen next. The light bulb in his room and exploded out of nowhere, shattering the glass bulb. Some of the glass shards landed on his face and arms, piercing him and making him bleed. Leeteuk screamed and cried as he tried to remove them from his body but the devil didn't give him time to do so. All the sheets, clothes, and basically things in his room levitated before his very eyes. The cowering young man was in a trance, not knowing what to do. Then, his greatest fear came to life. What just occurred in his dream was starting to happen right now! The house started to darken while his belongings started to shatter, break, disintegerate. The entire place shook and Leeteuk could do nothing but hold on to the slowly dissolving walls for support so as not to slide. Red smoke engulfed him, blinding and suffocating the poor man. Leeteuk covered his eyes and mouth with his arm but somehow, tried to keep his eyes open to be able to see through the smoke.

"PARK JUNG SOO!" the devil called Leeteuk by his real name. Leeteuk meant special and the namebearer honestly didn't know why he called himself that. He was the exact opposite of what his name meant. 

"What do you want from me? Please! Leave me alone!" The devil didn't react to his pleas, rather slithered on air like a snake, taking the shape of a genie. It went around and around him until he felt dizzy just imagining the devil coilling up around him. The fire-hot smoke was starting to make Leeteuk feel sick, so sick that he could pass out on the floor. Just when he thought he would, the devil didn't hesitate to enter his body. Leeteuk convulsed for a short period of time before lying unconscious on the floor, no sign of life whatsoever. For a moment, he was dead. 


Leeteuk sat up. He felt energeized, refreshed, new, but most importantly angry. He felt the need to hurt someone, to destroy something, to cause worlwide destruction and annihilation. The once weak boy actually felt as though he had muscles even if his body was still its skinny form. The once shy and mild-mannered slacker thought as though he could become rude and domineering for the first time in his life. Like a robot, he stood from the floor and gazed outside his shattered window. The bright sun shone some light into the normally dim bedroom of his. Leeteuk was so powerful that he no longer needed to shield his eyes from the rays of the sun. Nothing was too powerful for him. Leeteuk braved the sunlight, walked towards the window and took a look at what transpired outside of his abode. A happy and pleasant scene, of course. People walking, children playing, cars passing. Seoul was serene and another day was on its way. 

"You see that beautiful sight outside?" teased the devil. Leeteuk nodded, refusing to speak. Right now, words weren't important. Leeteuk looked on, anger filling his heart and eyes even more. "That's the life you longed to have. The people you longed to have. Love. You've always wanted that, right? You craved for affection and you longed for the feeling of having someone's arms wrapped around you, making you feel like you're the most important person in the world and that they couldn't afford to lose you." Leeteuk's tears were rattling at the bottom his eyes and he had to clench his fists to stop them from falling but his heart screamed louder than his fists. The tears still fell from his eyes but this time they weren't sad tears. They were bitter, angry tears. The devil sensed him crying and placed two hot hands on his shoulders. They were as hot as iron but Leeteuk was numb to the feeling. His feelings, along with the devil's power, ruled over him now. 

"I am right, aren't I? Well we're not going to waste our time staring at them, watching them have a good time. These people do not know what it is like to be cast away. To be shunned. To be treated like a leper! An outcast. One that never should be seen or spoken of again! They do not deserve happiness. We deserve revenge on them." the devil said. Leeteuk just nodded in affirmation.

"Revenge." he finally spoke. His fist balls pounded on the shattered glass, further ruining the windows and his knuckles. Leeteuk was angry numb to the pain that the glass brought. His fists were bleeding but he paid no mind. Leeteuk looked down on his hands and saw them oozing with blood. The back of his hand was coated red. He smirked at this and continued, "Is all I need." The devil in him made him grin slyly. 

"Then come with me. You don't have to give anything up, my son. Just believe in me and do as I say." said the devil in his mind.

"What do you want me to do master?" asked Leeteuk, still glaring into the sun with eyes that seemed unharmed. 

"At exactly 12 midnight tonight, I shall send a sign for you to follow. When you see it moving, just keep on going its way. Do not stop following it. It will lead you to the Temple of the Star." Leeteuk somehow gained humanly consciousness and asked,

"What is the Temple of the Star?"

"You shall find out tonight." the demon said. Leeteuk fell to the ground, weak on his knees. He convulsed a bit before falling half-dead on the floor. The demon had exited his body and the red flame which was its fram disappeared into the air. 


That midnight, Leeteuk woke up for no reason. He was lying in bed when some force just prompted him to open his eyes, sit up and pull the sheets away from his body. A force that seemed to be keeping him awake though he was still very much sleepy disturbed him and was now controlling him. Leeteuk did stand up, got up from where he was and stood. For quite a long while he stood, around 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of standing, he turned to the door to open it. The knob was cold but the force had made Leeteuk numb to all sensations. He proceeded to open the door without even bothering to change into something more decent than a wifebeater and jogging pants. The force didn't tell him to do that. It told him to just go on and walk. Walk to him, he said. 

"Where is the sign?" Leeteuk said as he walked barefooted down the cold streets of Seoul that night. There were a lot of cars still and quite a number of people walking who paid no mind to his get up. The hell they cared if he chose to walk in what he was wearing?! They were too busy minding their own business. Leeteuk looked up at the sky to look for the sign but found nothing unusual.

"Keep walking." said the demon that was in him. Leeteuk did as told with his head tilted upwards, looking for something that screamed 'sign'. Finally, after looking left, right, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes, he found an orange flame in the sky, something that looked like the fireballs he'd seen in his dream. It wasn't still. It was like a shooting star that seemed to be trailing north. 

"Follow it." said the demon. Leeteuk did as told. He walked and walked with his head tilted up. This time, people started minding him and giving him weird stares, going 'why the hell is he walking like that?'. Leeteuk heard them but refused to listen. He just continued to follow the orange flame until he disappeared from the view of the people. After he had walked by, everybody resumed their usual nighttime acitivities.

Leeteuk just kept on following the orange flameball until it came to a complete stop and disappeared. Leeteuk slowly looked down and behold! Standing before him was a structure he never knew existed. It was a brown chhurch-like infrastructure with design dating back to 17th century England. Gothic and grotesque, Leeteuk wasn't at all surprised that this was the place the devil chose for their meeting.

"Finally! I get to see you in the flesh." Leeteuk said. He walked to the door, reaching for the handle that opened it when the handle went up by tiself and the door pushed slightly open, leaving a small space. Leeteuk furrowed his brows and tilted his head, bending forward to take a peek at what was inside when the door slammed shut, scaring him. Leeteuk backed away and watched in horror as the door handle went up a second time and unlike the first time, the harsh wind blew the doors open, letting Leeteuk in.

"Go straight." Leeteuk was barefooted and the demon had removed the numbness that was settling in his body. The first step was harsh as it was cold on the soles of the feet. The cold wasn't just early morning cold, the cold was freezing, artic cold! Like ice! Leeteuk didn't at all expect this from a demon but out of fear and determination to seek revenge, as well as because he was possessed, Leeteuk braved the cold floor and marched forth.

"When do we meet him?"

"I want to see him!"

"When do we see him?"

"What does he look like?"

Leeteuk heard male voices asking questions inside the evil church. The church was still dark so he couldn't make out of the shadows that were somewhat visible in the pitch black room. The devil shone a red light over them and Leeteuk now saw clearly who were talking. 

Men. Young men. Around his age.

These young men looked like hell with  messy hair and tattered clothes, evidence of harsh lives, troubled times, and lack of sleep. They too were called upon by the devil to this sacred place of theirs to, according to their mouths, meet the evil entity in the flesh. Leeteuk stood before them and eyed them all, making eye contact with every single young male in the chapel.

"I." Leeteuk, rather the devil in him, spoke. "Am your leader. I am who you seek." 

"Our leader?" asked a small man who had an equally small voice. Leeteuk eyed him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Your leader. Pay close attention to me." 

"Wait. You haunted us and brought us here?" asked a burly looking man who was about six feet tall. Leeteuk nodded.

"I am the devil in the flesh. I am his human form. I have come to do his bidding here on Earth." the men gathered around him thought it was ridiculuous and that he was just kidding around with them but since he sounded scary and convincing enough to be the "human form" of the devil, why not listen to him, they said.

"Why have you called us?" asked another man who had blonde hair and a prominent jaw. He was skinny but his muscles showed strength. Leeteuk looked at them once more and upon opening his mouth, a cold wind breezed throughout the entire room.

"The world as we know it, will soon come to an end. And when it does, we have to stand strong and powerful over our oppressors, over those who have belittled us and abused us. We have to stand tall and rise against our rivals. We mustn't be swallowed by the Earth. The space below our feet are only for those who have lived worthless lives and refused to believe." Leeteuk spoke prophetically, fully convincing the young men that he was the human form of the devil. 

"What are you saying?" asked a drug addict who was among the selected ones. He was presumed to be the youngest but drug abuse aged his face greatly.

"Follow me, believe in me, do as I say." Leeteuk ignored his question. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath." The men did as told. Leeteuk was also doing the same to set an example as well as to feel the spirit of the demon. 

"Concentrate on the thing you hate the most...concentrate on it and feel the evil vibes from within. Imagine winning over it. Overpowering it. Making it suffer."

The boys were deep into their meditation when a red smoke engulfed them and raised the temperature.

"With the angriest blow you've got, kill it!" Leeteuk said with all intensity. 

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thekeytodestiny #1
Great story once again. Hope to see more from you.
hyeamazing #2
SEQUEL! ;D<br />
I'm gonna read (:
YAY!!! A sequel! XD I can't wait!! And fei is here ^O^<br />
Update soon please
FT-Island-xD #4
This story seems cool!. i wanna read this.