- I'm Sorry

The White Pearl

The next day, Byul sat next to Tao, Kai and Sehun again. "Did you do your homework from yesterday?" Sehun whispered and asked. "Already did it, Tao and I did it in the morning when you chose to sleep in." Kai answered. "WHAT?!" Sehun yelled, "You should've woken me up; hit me or something! I'm done for...." Sehun said and burried his face into his palms. Byul giggled, "We still have 30 mins before lecture starts. You can at least do half of the questions and get partial marks." Byul replied.

Sehun shook his head in horror, "30 mins? 10 questions? so not doable."

"I'll help you. Hurry and take your stuff out." Byul offered. Sehun trusted Byul and like Byul had said, Sehun was able to finish more than half of the questions. Well with the help of Byul, Kai and Tao. Class ended with a pop quiz and because Sehun got help before the class, he was prepared; The four felt confident as they walked out of class. Everyone in the school practically knows the identities of EXO and Byul so now they don't have to be as cautious as they were before. The four headed towards the cafeteria and the other students are all talking about them and greeting them with smiles.

When they got to the cafeteria, the others were all gathered along with Kris, Xiumin, Luhan and Taeyang. Byul ran over and hugged her brother from behind because she was happy to see him.

"Yah, you scared me." Taeyang said. Byul replied, "I was happy to see you."

"We saw each other yesterday silly." Taeyang responded and ruffled Byul's hair. Byul pouted, "How many days do I have left?" Taeyang's expression changed, so did D.O's and Sehun's. Byul noticing her brother's expression acted like nothing happened and sat down at the table.

"Here Byul this is what we made for you." Luhan said as he unpacked homemade food that him, Xiumin and Kris made together before leaving the house.

"Whoa! So much food!" Byul said excited and was about to pick up a kimbab but her brother stopped her.

"You should eat what I brought for you first." Taeyang said and placed his homemade lunch.

"Whoa! More food!" Byul exclaimed happily.

Tao tried to steal a piece but his hand was slapped by Kris, Xiumin, Luhan and Taeyang. "You have to wait until Byul takes the first bite." They said in union.

"Eh... That's not fair! In terms of age, I'm still older!" Tao complained. The others laughed at his cute complaint.

"Let's all eat." Byul said and offered Tao a piece of kimbab. The members all enjoyed the food and happily talked amongst themselves.

After Byul was done eating, there was still time for her to walk around. Initially she wanted to go for a walk alone but D.O. said he was going to join her and that he had something to say. Suho also wished to join her but she said D.O. needed to talk to her alone so Suho joining them wouldn't be a good idea.

"What did you want to say D.O. oppa?" Byul asked as they walked around the soccer field, the same one that they had fought at yesterday. D.O. stopped which made Byul also stop walking. He was finding and structuring his sentences in his head before saying it out loud.

Byul stared at D.O curious of what he wanted to say.

"I..." He said. "hm?" Byul replied. "I...like you." D.O. said quickly trying to hide his nervous facial expression. Byul's mouth opened a little bit due to shock, she didn't know how to respond.

"I liked for you a while now. I thought maybe I should keep it hidden but I feel like if I don't say it, you'll never know my feelings. I wanted you to be my woman." D.O. continued.

Byul was shocked at his sudden confession and turned her gaze from D.O to the ground. "I..." Byul said.

"You still love Suho hyung right?" D.O. asked disappointed seeing Byul trying to find words to say. Byul bit her lower lip and nodded slightly.

D.O. smiled, "I figured. I can wait. I can wait until you get over him."

She shook her head, "Don't wait for me. I'm sorry, I never thought I would be with someone else besides Suho oppa." She shot down his last hope.

"If that's the case, why didn't you accept him back?" D.O. asked.

"I don't think I deserve to be loved or love anyone at the moment." Byul explained.

"Because of what may happen in the future? That you might leave us after returning your powers to help us?" replied D.O. Byul facial expression changed again.

"How do you know? Taeyang oppa told you?" Byul asked.

"We begged him everyday to tell us what you were hiding from us. He eventually told us." answered D.O.

"We? Who else knows?" She questioned D.O, she didn't want her secret to be known but now its out.

"Just Sehun and I. No one else knows."

The two kept walking again, side by side. D.O was sad that Byul didn't accept his confession but he was content with letting his feelings out. "To tell you the truth, I'm a bit scared. What if I can't find an alternative way to live?" Byul said with tears beginning to form. "That's why I wanted to distant myself from you all. I rather have you all forget about me than feel hurt if I were to die."

D.O. stopped and grabbed Byul by her wrist and turned her facing him, "You pushing us away hurted us more." He replied. Byul's tears rolled down her cheek, "Although I'm scared, I learned to accept it because I need to protect you all and our people. Promise me that if whatever happens in the future, you all should forget about me." D.O didn't like what she just said and pulled her into his embrace.

"Don't say such nonsense like that again. Even if the world falls apart, I will never let you go nor forget you. I promise you we will find a solution together." D.O. said and tightened his hug. "Although you can't return my feelings, that doesn't mean I should stop caring about you." Byul cried as he hugged her.

Suho got curious and jealous of what the two were doing so he left the cafeteria and the others using the excuse of going to the washroom to go spy on them. When he spotted them, he saw D.O. hugging Byul. He was jealous, "Did you reject me for him Byul?" and quietly walked away leaving the two. As he walked back to the cafeteria he thought, "Maybe D.O. deserves her more. He was always there for her when she needed someone the most."

D.O. and Byul walked back to where the others were and on their way D.O. told her that whatever she says, he'll still wait for her and will try to win her. Byul couldn't say anything as D.O. was determined. The members all gathered again and Suho eyed D.O. and Byul as they walked over to the table. "What did you two talk about?" Chen asked.

"Nothing, just random talks." Byul replied.

"What random talks D.O.?" Chanyeol asked and D.O. responded with, "uhm... just... you know random talks."

The members laughed in confusion, when D.O. tries to lie it was pretty obvious to tell but the members didn't question him further.

That night D.O. told Sehun that he told Byul about him and Sehun knowing Byul's secret.

"Was she mad?!" Sehun asked scared Byul would try leaving the group again. D.O. shook his head, "She just said not to tell anyone. I also told her we'll find a way to save her." Sehun nodded, "We definitely need to find a way. I don't want to lose her."

D.O. looked at Sehun in surprise, "Do you perhaps like Byul?" D.O. asked since Sehun is always seem to worry about Byul a lot.

Sehun laughed it off, "I do like her... but it's more like a best friend kind of love. She's someone who taught me a lot. Also, the first friend I made outside of our group." Sehun explained.

"Ahh.. I see." D.O. responded nodding attentively.

"Hyung! Do you!?" Sehun asked in return. D.O. didn't say anything and just smiled. Sehun was confused of what that smile meant.

The night fell and everyone was asleep aside from D.O. who was texting Byul, who was also not yet sleeping.



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sunhee99 #1
Chapter 54: Awww its the end alreadyyy... It made me teary :')
sunhee99 #2
Chapter 51: OMG IS THIS THE END????? Pls dont let this e the endddd :'(
Exquisitely #3
Great Looking Plot~
sunhee99 #4
Chapter 40: Finallyyyy omg but its only the beginning
sunhee99 #5
Chapter 38: Nooooooooo not the grandpa and the father :'(
sunhee99 #6
Chapter 36: Omg omg omg i am so intrigued like arghhhh i cant wait for ur future updates man like i keep refreshing this every day!!!!!
sunhee99 #7
Chapter 34: Oh my god i am so damn annoyed with yoona and exo like why are they so blind!!!!!!!! Why are they so stupid urghhh!!!!!!!!! And btw no its not boring.. I definitely want to read more!!! Thanks for the update
sunhee99 #8
Chapter 24: Ohooooo omg i knew it!! I knew she is the white pearl from the start!! But i didnt expect her brother to be partially white pearl. Ahah and omg she likes suho!!! Poor kyungsoo~ and is she gonna tell them she n her brother are the white pearl?? Minus the dying part??
sunhee99 #9
Omg this is so intriguing like i just wanna keep reading and reading!!! Initially i thotthis was gonna be a cliche story but the more i read it the more i fell in love with it and i just cant this is awesome!!
Chapter 8: Boring ? Nah, i think i need more chapters hahaha *hope this comment could answer your question*