Chapter 9

Me and The Dying Girl

Its been a week now I'm dating Mina. We created many precious memories being together for a week. We took many selfies , sketching together, fooling around each other, hugging each other tightly and get to know about each other more. But it feels strange , I'm sure that I've told Mina all about me, ever single thing about me whereas Mina I think she's keeping something from me. 

Today Mina and I going for a double date with SaTzu, Sana and Tzuyu. Mina named ourselves as MiChaeng, Mina and Chaeyoung that's just so sweet of her. We went to watch movies, playing games at the arcade, this was Mina's suggestion and guess what, MiChaeng win! Yay. Then we go to clothing store when the couple t-shirts grab Sana's and Mina's attention , while Tzuyu and I tried our best to avoid that clothing store! Tzuyu said it's just too embarrassing for her to wear couple t-shirts, I don't why. I'm ok with it though.

Mina choose couple t-shirts for us, I don't mind as long as it doesn't stand out. I observed Mina from a far, she's looking at every t-shirts the store display carefully , she look so serious just to find a pair of couple t-shirts for us. Then a pair of sweater grab her attention. Mina brought the sweater to me, I was sitting with Tzuyu who seems don't have any mood to wear couple t-shirts while Sana still searching for them. Mina showed them to me smile proudly.

"What do you think?" 

I look at the sweater, its a pair of grey sweater,simple and in the middle of it there's a letter. Mina brought a letter C sweater and letter M sweater. I just nodded my head.

"Not bad" I smile to her

"Yeah not bad" Tzuyu in and applause slowly

I give Tzuyu my deathly gazed, then she looks away pretending to look for Sana. Mina chuckles watching me and Tzuyu then she hand me the M letter sweater and instructed me to change. I already change my clothes to the grey sweater,its not bad at all it's comfy to wear. Mina also changed to her C letter sweater. Just realized that C stands for Chaeyoung while M stands for Mina. Mina just too sweet and romantic. We don't really called it a couple t-shirts, it just the letter make it like a couple t-shirts. The grey sweater suits her perfectly, both of us satisfied with the sweaters so we paid and wear it straight away.

Both Mina and I waiting for the SaTzu couple outside the clothing store. Mina is being clingy to me all of the sudden, well I don't mind cause I like it that way. I tell Mina one of my joke just not to make her bored while waiting for SaTzu couple

"What did a pirate said on his 80th birthday?" I look at Mina,anticipating

Mina think so hard until at some point she look at me and give me a double shrug. I revealed the answer to Mina

"Aye Matey! (Ayem=I am , Atey=Eighty)" I said with pirate's voice

Mina look at me with her blank face indicating its not funny at all or she don't get my lame joke. I blink my eyes 3 times at her to show her that I'm sorry, she then laugh as she found it funny and cute of me blinking my eyes. Not longer after that Sana's high pitch voice disturbs me and Mina's moment. Both Mina and I look at SaTzu's couple t-shirts, it just to stand out, I don't how to explain it. Then I looked at Tzuyu's expression, she showed me her forced smile and her 'help me' expression. I just laughed at her.

The 4 of us then off to a buffet styled restaurant. Mina sit next to me while Tzuyu and Sana sit in front of us, to be specific Sana is sitting in front of me. Behind Sana I see 2 familiar faces. Its Im Nayeon and Yoo Jungyeon sunbae, I guess they were dating now. I try to give a signal to Tzuyu with my eyes about those 2 sunbaes but she give me her 'what're doing mate?' look, at the same time I can feel that Mina give a her death gaze. Tzuyu and Sana then leave the table to take their food. I don't get it why Tzuyu give me that expression. Then I look at Mina who is being quiet all of sudden. 

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked feeling worried about Mina being quiet.

"Did you bring my Wish Card?" she ask me in her serious tone

I nodded my head and look for Mina's Wish Card inside my small purse then give it to her. Mina took her pen out and wrote down her wish on her Wish Card. It says 'only look at MINA please :(' Ok now I get it why Tzuyu gave me that look of hers and why Mina is being quiet. They have mistaken me for looking at Sana when the truth is I'm looking at Nayeon and Jungyeon sunbaes sitting 3 tables away from our table.

"Sorry, I'll promise to look at my Mina only" I whisper to her and kiss her cheek quick before SaTzu couple return with their foods. Mina finally smiled and I feel relieved. So I granted Mina's wish, only look at Mina, whenever I can I'll always look at Mina. Only Mina.

Done eating both MiChaeng and SaTzu couple parts away to enjoy our moment privately. The double date ends there and it was fun actual, just less privacy. Mina said she wants to go on double date again, while I think the opposite way, its a no-no for me. I send Mina home first as usual. Mina and I walked along the narrow street interlocking our fingers,her hands feels so warm perfect for winter season. In front of Mina's house , we hug before Mina enter her house.

"Good bye Mina" I let go of her hand of course with a reluctance feeling, but then Mina pull my hand looking at me with a pout. I give her my question mark face.

"Please don't say goodbye. It feels like as if you're leaving me forever" Mina explained to me with her sad voice, which hurts me a little. I then her soft cheek with my thumb then smile.

"Fine, then ummmm how about 'see you tomorrow' ?" I blink my eyes 3 times to light up her mood before leaving her, not leaving her forever of course. Mina chuckles, I guess she like it if I blink my eyes.

"That's alright, so see you tomorrow Chaeng" she kiss my cheek then off she goes entering the house.



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Chapter 14: OMG! That was so funny, I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 14: Wah! You almost killed me! Glad it was just an asthma! :)
Minaaa15 #3
Chapter 14: This is awesome!!!
Chapter 14: Sorry author-nim but honestly, i was silently cursing while I'm reading Mina's letter like, "what the hell? What happened ? Why Mina? Why?..." and then at end of the story it was just an asthma and wasn't really dying. Haha
Two words for you author-nim. Great Job ! Just great
Chapter 14: You played with my MiChaeng feels ... I thought Mina is going to .... But then, she's not. You did a great job author-nim!!
Please write more MiChaeng fanfics hahaha..
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 14: I was reading this during science time. asdfghjkl.. you did great author-nim. :D
Dhenronan #7
Chapter 14: Hey!!! Its lovely :)
Chapter 14: Good job! :)