Chapter 5

Me and The Dying Girl

> later that night < 

I was lying on my bed when I suddenly remembered that I haven't save Mina's number yet, it still remain as UNKNOWN NUMBER in my contact lists. I changed it to MinaRi to make it sounds friendly. Just saying her name,Mina, makes me smile I can feel my dimples appeared on my cheek. And I can feel something flying in my stomach, are those butterflies? Having butterflies flying inside your stomach indicates either you're nervous or falling in love. So which one I'm experiencing right now? 

My head now start to play some images of Mina, like how she smile to me, our first met, we holding hands and so on. I smile like innocent kids,closing my eyes , my cheeks burning then I cover my face with my small pillow then scream MINA !!!!! I feel satisfied after I scream her name out loud, not that loud because of the pillow.

I grabbed my phone my heart feels itchy, I wanted to send a goodnight message to her but I'm afraid I might disturb her. But whatever, I send Mina a message anyway :

YOU : Hi, are you asleep?

I wait for it, wait ,wait and wait but still no relpy from Mina. 

YOU : I guess you're sleeping right now. Sorry~ goodnight :>

When I was about to closed my eyes, bzzz bzzz , my phone vibrates. Its a message from Mina! 

MinaRi : No I'm not, I was busy playing games hehehe

YOU : you're so mean! Playing games not inviting me :<

I pretend to sulk

MinaRi : Hehehe, aigoo aigoo. Fine tomorrow after hanging out at the park we go to my house, play games. How's that sound?

Without having second thoughts

YOU : Sure! :D Then I'll see you tomorrow.

I was so excited to be honest then without realizing anything my hand by its own typing this words and send it to Mina

YOU : Can't wait to see you :}

I was shocked a little bit, I send those words to her? Can't wait to see you tomorrow .  It feels like my heart is taking over my head right now, controlling my brain and all my actions. Well I think so.

MinaRi : Me too 💜

OMG! Mina inserted the love emoticon! Love?! I brush my eyes to make sure that I'm seeing the right thing. And yup it really is a Love emoticon. I smile blushing when suddenly my phone vibrates again

MinaRi : Opps sorry, I supposed to put the smile emoticon instead of love. Hehehe sorry Chaeyoung if I startled you or something. 

Wait,what? She didn't mean it? My heart broke into pieces actually.

MinaRi : See you tomorrow Chaeyoung-ah! Goodnight! And have a nice dream! :>

YOU : Goodnight :]

And that's how our late conversation ended. But its ok even though the ending was a bit frustrating I did make some move to be friendly to her.


> next morning, at the park <

I wait for Mina impatiently, am I nervous? I walk back and front try to ease my nervousness then from a far I saw Mina smiling looking at her surrounding which make my world stop for a while and being hypnotized by her beautiness just like the first day I met her. My heart beat fast. My cheeks feel hot as Mina walking towards me happily. She looks pretty in her violet dress with white sneaker. Simple yet perfect. 

"Hi Chaeyoung! Hehehe" she said to me happily while my eye still fixed on her.

Mina feel uneasy , I can see it, maybe because I just can't take my eyes on her. To break the uneasiness

"Hi Mina! You, you look pretty today" I smile to her for sure my dimples appeared.

"Really? Am I not pretty yesterday and the day before yesterday?" 

"For me you look pretty everyday" I said nodding my head,acknowledging her beauty.

Mina's pupils widen and her cheeks turning red. She cover her cheeks.

"Its hot today, huh" she let out a heavy sighed, lifting her head to see the sky as if she's blaming today's weather for making her cheeks red. When the reality is my compliment makes Mina's cheeks redden.

Without wasting anytime with her, I grab her wrist and dragged her to the ice cream shop. I know Mina was startled by my sudden move, but I don't care cause I don't want to waste any precious time with her plus she's cute with her startled expression.

I ordered strawberry ice cream and Mina ordered oreo cheese flavor. 

"You like oreo cheese?"

"Yup, its my favorite" she smile

After we finished eating our ice cream and having a little chit chat, we went to the new playground that just opened a week ago before I met Mina. We played hard like 5 year old kids. We played the swings, slides and the seesaw. I rode the lion while Mina rode the tiger seesaw.

"COME ON CHAEYOUNG-AH! HEYA!" Mina shake the tiger seesaw with her strength.

"I'm trying here!" trying to shake the lion seesaw vigorously

"Not you Chaeyoung-ah, I'm talking with this" she the head of tiger seesaw gently.

What? I don't understand, she make frowning but its fine as long as she's smiling and happy. After sometime, Mina can't stop laughing when I failed to reach the kite that stuck between the branches of the big tree near the playground but I won't give up till I finally reached the kite and gave it to 2 elementary students.

"HAHAHAHA you're so cute Chaeyoung-ah! HAHAHA" Mina laugh in hysterical way.

"Hah, yeah keep on laugh at me" I said and I roll my eyes

The day is getting dark, I can't believe time flies fast when I'm with Mina. But then I remembered her promise yesterday, the game!

"Mina, how about your promise?" I smirked at her.

"Oh you're right!"

Mina grab my wrist and walk along the street. On the way to Mina's house she asked about my parents, I told her they went to China to settle their business there. I then asked about her parents, her parents went to Jeju Island to start their business there. Just like my parents. After sometimes, 

"Chaeyoung-ah let's have a race from this lamppost to the front of my house!" She point her index to the lamppost nearby us then to her house. I can see her house from her.

"What are we betting on?" I lift up my head and crossed my hand to show her that I'm confident that I'm going to win this race.

"Wish card" she smile at me. I don't know what she meant by wish card but I'm just eager to beat her. Mina and I positioned ourself in ready position.

"On your mark, get set-" Mina run first without saying GO, she's cheating!

"YAH! MINA! YOU CHEATER!" I shouted and run

I was able to catch her up cause running is my favourite sport. But as I run passed Mina I can hear she's coughing behind me, it echoes in these narrow street. I stop running and turn back when I see Mina bend down,coughing hard and at the same time she's gasping trying to catch her breath.



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Chapter 14: OMG! That was so funny, I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 14: Wah! You almost killed me! Glad it was just an asthma! :)
Minaaa15 #3
Chapter 14: This is awesome!!!
Chapter 14: Sorry author-nim but honestly, i was silently cursing while I'm reading Mina's letter like, "what the hell? What happened ? Why Mina? Why?..." and then at end of the story it was just an asthma and wasn't really dying. Haha
Two words for you author-nim. Great Job ! Just great
Chapter 14: You played with my MiChaeng feels ... I thought Mina is going to .... But then, she's not. You did a great job author-nim!!
Please write more MiChaeng fanfics hahaha..
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 14: I was reading this during science time. asdfghjkl.. you did great author-nim. :D
Dhenronan #7
Chapter 14: Hey!!! Its lovely :)
Chapter 14: Good job! :)