Chapter 3

Me and The Dying Girl

Mina said she's worried about me. 

"You worried about me??" I asked her with my curiosity face

"Yeah yesterday I read a news about a girl was kidnapped when she suddenly left her friends behind. She didn't even answered her call" she said with her audibly sad voice. 

"Then what it has to do with me?" I lift my eyebrows

"Cause you left me at the cafe earlier, I'm worried" she lowered her head

"Ok. But look I'm fine here, so you can go home if you're done checking on me" 

Her face lightened up as I said that I'm fine and she smile at me. I'm still looking at her waiting for any sign for her to leave. Then she spoke up

"Ummm don't mind about me Chaeyoung-ah you can continue your drawing. I'll be here waiting for you to finish off your drawing then we can go home together" she said excited leaving me speechless.

Waiting for me? Going home together? What is she's even thinking. I'm a total stranger to her and she's a total stranger to me. My mom said don't hang out with stranger. I know we know each others name but I barely know anything about her. 

"So what do you think?" pulling off her cuteness I guess

"Ummm.." I try to find any reasonable excuses but then her cuteness melts me a little so in the end I said

"Ok, as you wish"


And I just can't believe that I just say Yes to a stranger's offer. What is going with me? I admitted it she's pretty and cute,a perferct girlfriend material for man out there or maybe some girls.

Times sure flies fast when I'm drawing. Mina still sit next to me looking at me drawing. We didn't talk much by the way. I look at my watch, it almost 5pm. I pack my stuff then Mina help me to pack my stuff too. I was surprised at first because Tzuyu my only friend never help me packing up my stuff, she only care about her Sana. Mina even threw away some rubbish I made. Wow, I salute her but I try not to show her cause she's still a stranger to me.

On my way home with Mina, an awkward silence develop. There's a gap between us, just like a couple after their big fight forced to walk together. I took glances on Mina to check her out. She's looking around like an innocent child. Its cute though and I found myself again smiling because of Mina. When she turn her head to me I quickly look away. Then she spoke out

"You like to sketch?"

I nod my head looking straight a head of me. 

"You always go there to sketch?" 

"Ehem" nodding my head while looking at Mina in her eyes. I have to,like it or not. Well dad said make eye contact with people if they talk to you to show that you respect them. But lately I knew that I disobeyed my dad's advice.

"So you go there everyday to sketch? I've notice that yesterday and today you went there to sketch"

"Yeah. Depends on the weather. You don't want your sketch to ruin because of rain right? Need to protect your masterpiece first" I said with my annoying voice just to make Mina stop asking me more questions.

"So you would rather save your masterpiece than yourself?" she ask.

"Of course"

She just nodded her head. Again awkward silence. I feel relieved for a moment Mina stop asking me any question. Not longer after that,

"Aren't you going to ask me any question?" she said pouting.

I pretend like I'm searching a question to ask Mina when I'm actual not interested to know anything about her. We suddenly stop walking when she jumped in front of me like a ninja

"AH! we're here at my house!" pointing her hand to a big house on my left side.

"Oh lord, you scared me! Geez" I look at her house. She looks like a rich person.

She chuckle and apologize to me. She bade her farewell to me and I take my steps lightly to my house when Mina suddenly grab my wrist and turn me to face. She really scared me this time really!

"OMG! Ya!" I shout to her cause she scared

"Sorry, but can I have your number?" 

"What for?" I answered her coldly

"Just to make you get back home safely. Remember the kidnapping case?" she smirked still holding on to my wrist.

I shake my hand a little bit then she let go of my wrist. Then I look at her with my annoyed face.

"In your dream" I smirked and turned around.

As I lightly take my steps suddenly my steps feel so heavy when the words 'kidnapping case' crossed my mind. Maybe Mina is right. She's asking for my number for a reasonable manner. I turn my head to see if Mina is still there. And YES, she's still there. I approach her, while she's looking at me with confusion on her face.

"Give me your phone"

"Eh?" confused

I sighed "Your phone Mina"

Without answering my question Mina took out her phone then give it to me. I sighed once again because her phone is locked.

"Your password?" 

"Oh, 2403" 

I was surprised I thought she's going to type the password herself instead she told me her password. Well whatever. I typed the password and save my number as SON CHAEYOUNG in capital letters. I give her phone back, without saying anything I turned around and walked away.

"Thanks" she said.

I thought to myself Why is she thanked me for? I should be the one to thanked her for asking my number 


> At home <

I've arrived home for 30 minutes now. Now preparing my dinner then I heard my phone vibrate on the dining table. I make my way there and see the screen. A phone call from unknown number. Usually I don't respond to any called from unknown number so I rejected the call. Not longer after that my phone vibrate again. This time a message from the same unknown number. I open the message

UNKNOWN NUMBER : Hi Chaeyoung its me, Mina. Are you at home right now?

YOU : Hi, yeah I'm already at home safe and sound.

UNKNOWN NUMBER : Oh glad to hear that. Have you eat?

YOU : About to

UNKNOWNW NUMBER : Oh ok. Sorry to disturb you. Well have a nice dinner. Bye.

YOU : Bye


Huh, I can't believe that she send me an emoticon. I just let out a small laugh. Put my phone down and back to the kitchen to continue my business.

Later that night, I check my phone and I got a message again from unknown number and I know its from Mina.


I let a smile formed in my face. To be honest I find it cute. I don't why. Maybe because of the tiger emoticon there? She sure left me with curiosity. I decided not to reply her message cause its already late.




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Chapter 14: OMG! That was so funny, I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 14: Wah! You almost killed me! Glad it was just an asthma! :)
Minaaa15 #3
Chapter 14: This is awesome!!!
Chapter 14: Sorry author-nim but honestly, i was silently cursing while I'm reading Mina's letter like, "what the hell? What happened ? Why Mina? Why?..." and then at end of the story it was just an asthma and wasn't really dying. Haha
Two words for you author-nim. Great Job ! Just great
Chapter 14: You played with my MiChaeng feels ... I thought Mina is going to .... But then, she's not. You did a great job author-nim!!
Please write more MiChaeng fanfics hahaha..
Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 14: I was reading this during science time. asdfghjkl.. you did great author-nim. :D
Dhenronan #7
Chapter 14: Hey!!! Its lovely :)
Chapter 14: Good job! :)