Thanks, Bunny

I Hate My New Teacher

“So how about your past, Wooshin? I’ve told everything about mine, now it’s your turn,” Sunyoul said as he smiled. Wooshin sighed and he felt heavy in his chest. “Okay then if you’re really curious about me, then I’ll tell this wonderful adventure of Wooshin,” he sighed. Sunyoul had anticipated it and he was excited to listen to his student’s experiences.

“I was a happy kid to be very honest. I was smart and diligent, didn’t even skip a class and pushed myself to the limit. Everyone was really proud at me, except my parents. Call this a cliché story but this is not just a drama, Sunyoul. I was in junior high school when my parents suddenly left me without any last words from them. They completely left me, and the only thing they gave to me was this small house. I was born in here, grew up in here and I live in here. I even had to work for myself and it was really hard for me. So, long story short, I overheard my neighbors gossiping about my parents. They said my parents left me because I did something horrible and they were embarrassed, some said I wasn’t smart enough for them, I don’t know! They kept talking bad about me, but I had to close my ears and let the words go from my brain,” Wooshin started his story. Sunyoul thought deeply inside his mind, probably that was the reason why Wooshin acted so rebellious. “I’m embarrassed at myself for turning into a monster like this. I even fell into fights and didn’t care about my classes anymore. I’ve turned into a bad person,” Wooshin said hoarsely. It seemed Wooshin really wanted to cry but something didn’t let him to do so.

After it, both of them closed their mouth and let the silence swallowed them wholly.

“I guess,” Sunyoul whispered, “it wasn’t entirely your fault,” Sunyoul tried to break the silence and he glanced at the other who was shocked to hear such statement from the teacher. “You’re trying to be a rebel because you try to look for attention and love. You’re not a monster, Wooshin. You’re Wooshin.” Wooshin stared at his teacher and he felt his face was warmer than before. To listen to a person said that in front of his face was really indescribable. For Sunyoul, he just noticed how he toughly said it and it made him completely uneasy. He was sounded like a professional psychology, yet he was just a normal person with a not-so-fun-life. “I’m sorry to say something like that—“

“No, you’re right.” Wooshin quickly cut Sunyoul’s incomplete sentence. “T-thank you so much. Even though it’s a simple sentence, it makes me realize something.” Sunyoul’s face was lightened up and he quickly pulled Wooshin into a hug. Wooshin was surprised, he didn’t deny it, but surprisingly, he didn’t even mind to be hugged by Sunyoul. He really needed a small amount of support from someone and the teacher literally gave him 100% support.

They stayed in the hug for maybe a minute and Wooshin started to feel the awkwardness. “..Excuse me, but could you please let me go?” Wooshin asked nervously and Sunyoul quickly let him go and cringed. “I’m sorry, I was just being too emotional over this. I’ve never had any heart-to-heart talk and having it with you was a wonderful experience! Thank you for letting me to know about your past, I hope we will become closer in the future.” Sunyoul stood up and bowed a little to Wooshin. The blonde watched the figure walked to the upstairs and sighed.

“I can’t believe I just told a person about my dark past,” Wooshin sighed as he stood up and walked to his bedroom.


Wooshin couldn’t sleep. He didn’t know whether he had a nightmare or he couldn’t let the thought swipe away from his mind. He sat on his bed and was having a thought to visit Sunyoul’s room and of course he couldn’t do it without any purpose. It would be inappropriate. It was 5 am and school was going to start at 7 am. He had at least 2 hours to prepare for himself, but he didn’t want to get up from his bed, like there was a magnet in it and pulling Wooshin to go back and tuck himself into the warm blanket. But even though Wooshin had tried to close his eyes for hundreds times, he couldn’t sleep. The blonde decided to go out from his room and took a bath quickly.


The teacher found himself comfortably sleeping on the bed and he could say he just got a really quality bed time even though he slept at 3 am on the previous night. He woke up and quickly got out from his bed, didn’t want to waste a minute. He was going to the kitchen when suddenly his eyes were fixed on a small sticky note on the table.

‘Thank you.


Sunyoul was confused about it. Bonus, he couldn’t find Wooshin in his bedroom, so he guessed Wooshin had gone to school. The only thing that kept bothering Sunyoul’s mind was Wooshin had gone to school even though school would start in an hour. At least, Wooshin had an hour to eat or even sleep, that was what Sunyoul thinking. Sunyoul decided to cook for his lunch but the thought of Wooshin went to school without having a breakfast always in his head. “What a brat,” Sunyoul said as he shook his head.


“Excuse me,” Sunyoul softly said as he knocked the door. It was recess time, so almost half of the class went to the cafeteria and he had predicted Wooshin would stay in the class with his friends. “Hey, Sunyoul! What are you doing here?” Hwanhee cheerfully greeted Sunyoul. “Oh, that’s supposed to be my line, Hwanhee. What are you doing here?” Sunyoul smiled and walked to the boys. “He’s a loner in his class, so he went to us,” Jinhoo explained jokingly. The teacher made an O shape on his mouth and nodded. “So you’re going to stand there and listen to all of our conversation or what?” Wooshin opened his mouth and quickly got a hit from Jinhoo. “Um, well, I’m going to give this to you and after that I’m going back to my office.” Sunyoul gave Wooshin a box—a lunch box—and smiled. “You can share it also to Hwanhee and Jinhoo.” Wooshin pouted as he heard Sunyoul told him to share his food.

“Thanks,” Wooshin said. The young teacher nodded and walked out from the class, leaving the 3 boys. The blonde looked at his best friends who were smiling like idiots. “What?” he asked. “Oh don’t play dumb with us, Wooseok. We know you like him,” Jinhoo teased. “It’s really rare to see you saying such a word like ‘thanks’ to a person. I know Sunyoul is special for you, but you’re just being a total jerk and tsundere.” Hwanhee poked Wooshin’s cheek and got a groan from the receiver. “Shut up. I have decided to fix our relationship as a student and as a teacher since the headmaster has threatened me!” Wooshin shouted. “Oh~ ‘fix your relationship as a student and as a teacher’? This is great, Wooshin. I hope both of you will have a great life together.” Hwanhee tried to hold his laugh. “I’m really happy to see both of you having a better relationship. Maybe after this, both of you won’t be rival or student-teacher anymore, but more like a….couple,” Jinhoo said as he grinning widely. “You bastards,” Wooshin mumbled under his breath.


The bell rang and Wooshin wanted to scream happily but he couldn’t let it happen. Hwanhee had gone to his own class and Jinhoo had gone to his seat, leaving Wooshin alone with the empty lunch box. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and typed,

[Wooshin: You should stop taking care of me. I’m not your son or whatever and I can take care of myself. And do not act like you’re even care about me. You should hate me even more.]

He sent it to Sunyoul and surprisingly, he got a respond in only 5 second.

[Sunyoul: Okay, then.

Since it’s your request, I’ll stop coming to your house and I’ll take my things today.]

Wooshin sighed and thinking did he really want to make Sunyoul stop caring about him? He was upset when suddenly Sunyoul was care about him. But, then he was furious when he decided to tell Sunyoul to stop taking care of him. He was furious to himself and to Sunyoul. Wooshin was hoping Sunyoul would fight and disagree with the unfair statement from the student. But the blonde didn’t even receive any rejection. On the other side, Sunyoul sighed and smiled to himself, maybe trying to cheer himself up. Even though he knew he couldn’t erase the sad feeling inside his heart.

[Sunyoul: Hey, Wooshin. Don’t forget to give back my lunch box.]

[Wooshin: Sure, I’ll return it tomorrow

By the way,

Thanks for the lunch, Bunny]

[Sunyoul: No problem, Blondie]

And that was the last conversation they had.

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whew finally I can update sth :")


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Engravedintomyskin #1
Chapter 21: so beautiful story
Chapter 21: I'M CRYING BUAAAAAAAAAA Nooooo!!!!!! Gosh!! This is soo complicated! I wanted to see the final but i don't aaaahhh!! I LOVE IT!! WOOYOULIS MY LIFE!! Thanks for the fic! Really! I love each part :3
Pls, don't stop to write okay?^^
I'll always remember that fic :3
I can totally imagine it! Wooseok being cheesy :3 And Yein all blushes :3 Adorable couple!!
See you!!
w3r00n1kv #3
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this fanfic! I'll Miss it a lot;;
I hope you will continue your other fanfics or start a new one, because I really enjoy reading what your writing (SOMETIMES EVEN TOO MUCH...)♥️♥️♥️
Miss7P #4
Chapter 21: i would love to read other sunshin fanfics bUT THERE ARE NONE TO READ TT TT it sounds really rude ..but do you mind writing a sunshin ff with the actuel band..? i understand if you dont want to but i literally just have read EVERY sunshin realated ff on the entire internet and only yours is longer than one chapter pls..?

im so awkward im sorry..
Sunyouloppa #5
Chapter 21: I'm actually crying. Omg what was that ??!? I still cant believe it finished T-T T-T T-T but I am also happy a little bit. But it finisheedddd T-T U10TRASH , FIGHTING! YOU ARE THE BEST ! SUPPORT SUNSHIN
Chapter 21: I love your fanfic so so much. ;; I will wait for your others fanfic. hwaiting!!
Chapter 20: Heehhee he wants more kisses huh? Hehehe :3 cute!!
This was very heartboken too :c
I hope they can solve it :3
Good to see you again!
Happy New Year! :*
w3r00n1kv #8

Echo_of_Venus #9
Chapter 20: Oh goooodddd my sunshin feels!!;_; please write moreee author-nim:')