I Can't Forget You

I Hate My New Teacher

“So this is kinda a contract you’ve made with my sister?” Sunyoul asked. “Yes. In fact, you’ve done a lot of good jobs in here. You’ve made Kim Wooseok became a good student—almost—but we’ve gotten some improvement here. So what do you think?” the headmaster sipped his coffee. How the principal mentioned Wooshin’s name made Sunyoul’s mind went completely blank. He couldn’t imagine how the student will react if he found out Sunyoul was going to resign from the school. “I-I’m not sure. Please give me some days to think about it.”

He stepped out from the room and he felt his legs getting weaker. He was getting to love the school, yet the principal decided to crash his dream. Teaching a bunch of high school students wasn’t his dream, but Sunyoul didn’t mind to keep teaching them. “Hello, Sunyoul,” a voice called him. “Ah, Hwanhee. How are you?” Sunyoul said, trying to recover from the disappointment caused by the headmaster. “I’m pretty good. By the way, today Wooshin kept asking about you. I think he really wants to meet you, but I don’t know why. Did he make any problem again?” Hwanhee said. He wasn’t really close to Sunyoul just like his other friends, but he was an easy going person so talking wasn’t really a big problem for him. “Wooshin was looking for me? That’s unbelievable. You didn’t mishear it?” Sunyoul chuckled a bit. He was nervous. He didn’t want to answer any question from Wooshin, especially after he confessed to his own student! “I don’t think I misheard it because he kept questioning where you were for every second! Maybe he’s in love with you?” Hwanhee teased Sunyoul and he could visibly notice the blush on Sunyoul’s cheeks.

“Oh come on, Hwanhee! We all know he hates me so much. I’m going to meet him soon, but not now. I’m really busy now, and you should go to your class. The first lesson is going to be started in 3 minutes and your class is on the 3rd floor!” Sunyoul said and smiled widely when he sees the student got panicked and bowed to him hurriedly. Hwanhee dashed to his class and the only thing he remembered after talking with Sunyoul was maybe it was true Sunyoul had some feelings to Wooshin, just like Jinhoo said ealier.


Wooshin sat at his seat and looked blankly to the empty whiteboard. “Hey, Woo—Oh what the hell happened to your hair?!” Jinhoo almost screamed when he notices the difference on Wooshin’s hair. “Man, your hair looks like a disaster. You should change it to blonde again,” Jinhoo said. “Shut up. You’re the second person who told me about it.” Wooshin pouted and crossed his arms on his chest. Jinhoo raised his eyebrows and sat. “Oh tell me, who’s this first person?”

Wooshin sighed and rolled his eyes. “Sunyoul.” He slowly his hair with his palm and sighed again. “Was it really bad though?” Jinhoo couldn’t hold his laugh anymore. “I bet Sunyoul’s taste is just as same as me! It’s really bad for you to have a black hair. Especially, this is not completely black. It’s...weird.” Jinhoo laughed. “I guess both you and Sunyoul have low standard for a handsome guy. What a pity,” Wooshin sighed and received a glare from Jinhoo. “You better keep your mouth shut, .”

Suddenly, a petite figure showed up in their class and everyone cheered loudly. It was supposed to be physics, but surprisingly, Sunyoul showed up in front of the class. “Sunyoul, what happened to Mr. Kim? Did he got pulled by the gravity and couldn’t teach us today?” A student shouted the joke and got a good response from most of the students. “Um well, I don’t know what’s happening between all of you and Mr. Kim. But, today, he couldn’t teach all of you because he should attend a meeting with other teachers and the headmaster. He has prepared a work for you to do, so don’t be noisy. If you have some questions, just ask me, I’ll try to help you,” Sunyoul said, giving his best smile. His eyes landed on Wooshin who was also staring at him. Isn’t it weird that suddenly he feels his heart is thumping so fast?

He ignored the feelings. At least, no one noticed it, because after he gave the class the work to do, they went completely quiet. Maybe 1 or 2 students came to him to ask some numbers and Sunyoul was really glad he could help them with their works. Then Wooshin came to him.

“Hey,” he greeted softly. “Have you finished your works?” Sunyoul asked him and Wooshin nodded in response. “I remembered about some of these. You’ve taught me when I got the private class with you,” Wooshin said. “It’s great that you still remember about the lesson.” Sunyoul smiled, but that’s the only thing he could do. Wooshin, on the other hand, noticed the difference in Sunyoul. He was all cheerful, but then he turned into a tired-looking person. “Are you okay? Do you have something in your mind? Is something bothering you?”

It amazed Sunyoul how Wooshin changed. He became a caring person and he was sweet. “I-I’m okay, really.” Sunyoul nodded his head. The black haired student wasn’t happy with the answer he got. ‘Why couldn’t he be honest?’ Wooshin thought. “You always told me to be honest with you, but when you got some problems, you didn’t tell it to me. This is unfair,” Wooshin protested, “I care about you and I want you to tell me your problem. I know there’s something that went wrong,” Sunyoul knew he couldn’t keep playing dumb with his student, but he wasn’t ready enough to tell the truth that he would leave the school. So the music teacher kept his mouth closed. “I told you, it’s nothing. I know you’re care about me, just like I care about you, but please, trust me. I’m fine, Wooshin,” Sunyoul whispered. Wooshin let out a deep sigh and gave the paper to Sunyoul. “Fine, keeping your secret and your problem from me would only lead you to a depression.” Wooshin walked to his seat. He was upset. He knew Sunyoul was having a problem.

“Did you have a couple fight with Sunyoul just now?” Jinhoo teased. “Shut up, Shortie. I’m trying to figure out a way to make him tells me about everything,” Wooshin said. “Everything? Isn’t it too obvious? You want to know his feeling so you’ll be able to tell whether it’s an unrequited love or both of you are in love, right?” Jinhoo asked again. At that moment, Wooshin just wished he could be patient to his friend.


Sunyoul took some heavy steps before he stopped in front of the headmaster’s office. He practiced his sentences before facing the old man who had helped him through almost a year. “Come on go in, Teacher Yein.” A soft pat landed on his shoulder and surprised him. It was the principal. “You don’t need to be nervous. Just say what you have inside your heart.” Right, Sunyoul only needed to say what he had in his heart. He only needed to say that he disagreed with the principal’s decision to let him go. He took a seat after the principal asked to and adjusted himself on the chair which was getting more and more uncomfortable. “Principal, I can tolerate your decision to replace me with the new music teacher since I’m too young for this school and I’m lack of experience. But, I don’t think I can let my job fly away just like that in several weeks from now. I want to spend my whole 1st year teaching in here and watch the students graduated and passed their classes. I want to enjoy their excitement getting a good result, too. I’m totally okay if you wanted to hire a new music teacher and fire me, but please, let me finish this 1 year with the students. After the graduation, I’ll move from this school. It’s a promise,” Sunyoul said. He couldn’t even believe he let out those sentences in front of the principal. There was an awkward silence for several minutes and the principal didn’t speak a word.

“Okay, your deadline is after the graduation. I hope you can get something valuable from this school, from the other teachers, and from the students themselves. Thank you for being honest with me,” the principal said. Sunyoul’s heart felt a bit lighter than before. Before he left the room, he stood up and bowed to the headmaster. When he was going to get the knob, the principal continued, “Teacher Seon Yein, please remember. Letting you to move from this school and making this hard decision doesn’t mean I want to replace you.” Sunyoul nodded and smiled warmly, “I understand.”

He understood that the headmaster didn’t want to replace him, but he had made a promise with the previous music teacher, Sunyoul’s sister. Sunyoul didn’t mind at all if they were going to hire a better music teacher. He wasn’t thinking much about it. Look at the good side, Sunyoul could finally meet with his family again in Wando and he could even be the music teacher to teach the kids in there, wouldn’t it be fun?


Wooshin played with his phone for almost 15 minutes and he was getting bored. He waited for Sunyoul. “Wooshin, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you going home?” Sunyoul asked. “I’m waiting for you,” Wooshin said calmly. “Oh? Well, since you’re here already, I think we should eat something. Do you want to eat ramen with me?” Sunyoul smiled.


“Sunyoul, may I ask something?” Wooshin started the conversation. “What do you like the most about Wando?” Sunyoul looked at Wooshin with his big round eyes. “The king sized potato!” Sunyoul spoke with his mouth filled with ramen. “Don’t talk with your mouth full like that!” Wooshin almost shouted and looked at the teacher disgustedly but Sunyoul just laughed like an old man. “Wando is my hometown and I like everything about it,” Sunyoul said again after he swallowed the remaining ramen. “I want to go to Wando. You always talk about it. Isn’t it a really beautiful place?” Wooshin confessed.

“Why would you even want to go to there? Seoul is much more modern than Wando. You’ll take a lot of time to go there.” Sunyoul said. “But it is a beautiful place.” Wooshin smiled. “I want to meet your parents,” he said. “Don’t say something like that. It sounds really stupid,” Sunyoul shook his head but smiled anyway. “It isn’t! I’m just curious about your family!” Wooshin said. “Oh my God, shut up and eat the ramen, Wooshin.” Sunyoul rolled his eyes.


a/n: i rlly hate the asianfanfics' search now. it's so hard and i just dont understand with all of those things

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whew finally I can update sth :")


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Engravedintomyskin #1
Chapter 21: so beautiful story
Chapter 21: I'M CRYING BUAAAAAAAAAA Nooooo!!!!!! Gosh!! This is soo complicated! I wanted to see the final but i don't aaaahhh!! I LOVE IT!! WOOYOULIS MY LIFE!! Thanks for the fic! Really! I love each part :3
Pls, don't stop to write okay?^^
I'll always remember that fic :3
I can totally imagine it! Wooseok being cheesy :3 And Yein all blushes :3 Adorable couple!!
See you!!
w3r00n1kv #3
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this fanfic! I'll Miss it a lot;;
I hope you will continue your other fanfics or start a new one, because I really enjoy reading what your writing (SOMETIMES EVEN TOO MUCH...)♥️♥️♥️
Miss7P #4
Chapter 21: i would love to read other sunshin fanfics bUT THERE ARE NONE TO READ TT TT it sounds really rude ..but do you mind writing a sunshin ff with the actuel band..? i understand if you dont want to but i literally just have read EVERY sunshin realated ff on the entire internet and only yours is longer than one chapter ..so pls..?

im so awkward im sorry..
Sunyouloppa #5
Chapter 21: I'm actually crying. Omg what was that ??!? I still cant believe it finished T-T T-T T-T but I am also happy a little bit. But it finisheedddd T-T U10TRASH , FIGHTING! YOU ARE THE BEST ! SUPPORT SUNSHIN
Chapter 21: I love your fanfic so so much. ;; I will wait for your others fanfic. hwaiting!!
Chapter 20: Heehhee he wants more kisses huh? Hehehe :3 cute!!
This was very heartboken too :c
I hope they can solve it :3
Good to see you again!
Happy New Year! :*
w3r00n1kv #8

Echo_of_Venus #9
Chapter 20: Oh goooodddd my sunshin feels!!;_; please write moreee author-nim:')