
Falling For The Doctor's Daughter

“~~~~ ah .. Are you okay ? I think you should go home for a rest ..” Sunggyu said softly, holding in the pain both in his arm and his heart.

“I hate seeing her upset ..” Sunggyu thought to himself, his heart beating rapidly.

“I’m fine. I can’t let something like this affect my patient.” You said, forcing a smile.

Suddenly, Sunggyu cringed.

His arm seemed to become more painful by the minute.

“Sunggyu-sshi, are you okay ??” You asked quickly, your heart racing.

You quickly called for your father, desperately trying to help Sunggyu.

You sat outside the x-ray room, worriedly.

Biting on your lip, a minute seemed like an hour.

Your face felt sticky from the tears, and you were emotionally tired.

The door finally opened.

“~~~~~ ! Is this how you take care of your patient ?! He tore a healing ligament a little !” Your father fumed, shouting at you.

You froze, as you recall Sunggyu trying to comfort you.

You bowed, “I’m sorry, appa.” You said softly.

“At least you know you were at fault. Sunggyu is fine now, after more medication and a new cleaner cast. Except now it will take him longer to heal !” Your father said frustratedly, throwing his arms in the air, sighing.

“Aish, headache, headache ..” He muttered, walking off.

“Go and take him back to his ward. CAREFULLY.” Your father said, scowling.

You bowed again, and opened the door slowly and quietly.

Sunggyu sat on a bed, while caressing his arm sadly.

“I-I’m really sorry ..” You stammered softly.

You took a marker from your pocket and wrote on his cast : ~~~~ loves Sunggyu-sshi !

Sunggyu’s face lit up and he couldn’t hold his grin in.

He knew she meant it as a joke but he was really happy either way.

You put his arm around your neck to support him, and you slowly brought him back to his ward.

“I’m sorry .. Making all of you worried, and even injuring you further ..” You said, filled with guilt.

Sunggyu smiled.

“It’s okay,” He said.

“I’ll have more time to spend here with you as my personal nurse !” Sunggyu thought, smiling brighter.

“I promise I’ll stay here as a nurse until you’re fully recovered.” You said, trying to make it up to him.

Sunggyu smiled and nodded.

“But that means it’s another two weeks until you heal ..” You said, sighing.

Sunggyu was disappointed, but he didn’t stop smiling anyway.

“If it wasn’t for this injured arm, she wouldn’t have written on my cast,” Sunggyu thought to himself.

“Ah, Eun Mi, great to see you again.” The photographer said to Eun Mi.

“Nice to see you too, oppa !” Eun Mi said politely.

“This is my boyfriend, Jong Ki ~” She sang.

“Great, I’ll be looking forward to your shoot ! Your boyfriend’s pretty handsome. Remember, I want to be able to tell you two are a couple by the pictures ! It’s all about the chemistry !” The photographer babbled.

“And it has to be great. You’re debuting in a very popular fashion magazine and this is a high end brand you’re modeling.” He reminded.

“Of course, oppa ~” Eun Mi said, smiling.

She gave some clothes to Jong Ki, and took some too.

“Get changed !” Eun Mi said cutely to Jong Ki, giving him a quick peck.

“Amazing ! You two are naturals !” The photographer gushed.

Jong Ki was tugging Eun Mi’s scarf, gently pulling her towards him.

“Where do you guys learn all this ? Beautiful !” He continued praising.

“You worked hard ~” Eun Mi said to the staff, before pulling Jong Ki out.

“Eun Mi ah, you can keep the red scarf you used for the shoot ! Take it as a thanks !” The producer said, and smiled.

“Oh, and if your boyfriend is interested to be a model too, tell me, okay ?” The producer added.

“Probably not,” Jong Ki said, smiling.

“Oppa, you were great today,” Eun Mi said shyly.

Jong Ki stopped, and pulled Eun Mi by her scarf towards him.

“I was trying really hard not to really kiss you just now,” He said, before leaning forward.

“I might really fall for this guy ..” Eun Mi thought.

“Hyung ! The winter collection is out ~~~” Sungjong said excitedly, waving a magazine in the air.

The other members strolled in as well.

Woohyun immediately noticed the cast.

“Did you feel like you were flying ? Kekeke ..” Woohyun whispered to Sunggyu, pointing at the cast.

Sunggyu blushed.

“Hyung, isn’t that a new cast ? It looks newer than the last time we visited.” Hoya asked.

You stood up and bowed to them.

“I’m sorry. It was because of me, that day he moved and tore his ligament a little ..” You said, a little scared.

“It’s alright. Sunggyu has  probably forgiven you loooooooooooooooooong ago ..” Myungsoo said, emphasizing on the ‘long’.

Sunggyu gave a desperate look to Myungsoo which seemed to say “Be quiet !”

“Noona, noona ! What do you think of the winter collection ? I really like this red knit scarf !” Sungjong said excitedly, passing you the magazine.

Your eyes widened.

“Jong Ki .. ?” You exclaimed.

“Isn’t he the architect boyfriend of yours ?” Dongwoo asked, his mouth turning into a scowl.

“Yes .. At least I think .. Why is he modeling ?! And he’s getting so .. Intimate with her … This model ..” You said, biting your lip.

“He probably got scouted, and that’s why he’s been busy ..” You said, comforting yourself.

“And who is this model … ‘[Your last name] Eun Mi …”

“She’s the rookie model ? Funny, she has the same name as my sister, and my sister left home to be a model years ago !” You said, shocked.

“She’s your sister ?!” Sungyeol exclaimed.

“It can’t be .. She looks so different from my sister ..” You said quietly.

“It would be a big coincidence if she really was your sister,” Sungjong joked quietly.

Myungsoo nudged Sungjong softly and shook his head.

You faked a laugh, as you shook it off.

“Anyway, Sungjongie, if you really like this scarf, I’ll buy it for you !” You said, smiling.

“Really, noona ? Thank you so much !” Sungjong exclaimed, hugging you tightly.

Sunggyu had insisted you go home that night, since you’ve been sleeping in the hospital for a few days already.

Kicking the stones on the pavements, you quickly walked home and greeted Mimi.

You fished out your phone.

“Time to give Mr Park a little call ..” You said to yourself.

“Hello ?” You said, immediately when the call was connected.

“Hello, may I know why you called ?” A female voice answered.

“Who are you ? I am ~~~~. His girlfriend.” You said, anger and frustration building up in your mind.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am Park Jong Ki’s girlfriend, [your last name] Eun Mi.” She said clearly.

“You’re that model he did the photoshoot with !” You exclaimed.

“Yes, his girlfriend. Which probably means you two aren’t together anymore, so stop clinging.” Eun Mi said, gloating in her mind.

“And for the record, the photoshoot wasn’t the only thing we did together.” Eun Mi said, pretty menacingly, before hanging up.

You froze.
“What did she just say ?” You said to yourself, before plopping into the bed, your mind cluttered with worries and questions.

“Eun Mi ah, who was that ?” Jong Ki asked, walking into the room.

“Oh, nothing, just someone trying to sell us useless things,” Eun Mi said, smiling.

She walked over to Jong Ki and pushed him towards the bed.

“Let’s go to sleep !” She said happily, kissing him on the cheek. 


Hello everyone ! <3

First time checking in with you guys hehe. :3

How do you guys like my fic so far ? :3

Each chapter is typically longer than my chapters in my other fic, so there will be less chapters :)

And about the Eun Mi thing, there's going to be another twist later !

Stay tuned :3

I hope I'm not killing all of you by making you guys wait x___x

Have a happy new year everyone ! <3

And thank you so much for supporting my fic <3

A comment, wall post, subscribers, or even views, really brighten up my day.

Thank you !




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I've been MIA for 2 months on this story I am so sorry ;AAA; I'll be back REAL soon, promise!


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Chapter 18: Sunggyu must catch up to her...
bad appa ;~~;
annabelleshlee #4
Omo, her dad is very harsh! I love Sunggyu and the Sungjong<3 Jiyeon couple is cute too! I hope she can follow her dreams and her heart~ Hwaiting and update soon ^^
new reader. :D
you, i just finished my mid-year exams few days ago and heck, it was pretty bad. heh! i've gone for too long and im missing your fanfic and you!! xD aish, nappeun appa, he's just the same as my dad. always ruining my life, well no actually. just sometimes when he turns into some kind of mad lion that'll eat me soon enough. lol, wth craps am i talkin' bout? -.- sorry dad, you know i love you. :B lol. and, UPDATE SOOOON!! :D
thanks for the update... waahhh why must he send her to Canada... can't he just let her be...
> u >
Icwudt with that EXO pun. "Roll like a buffalo" lmao
Appa is a bad appa.
finally you update HUHUHUHUHU