
Falling For The Doctor's Daughter


“I think I know what I have to do.” You said softly.

Jiyeon looked up.

“I have to leave.”


Normally, you’d be excited to go to work, but not today.

By instinct, you picked out the first things you saw in your wardrobe.

A grey pullover with black jeans.

Somehow, the colours seemed to match your feelings perfectly.

Wearing the only pair of flats you own, you drive off to get Joon and yourself some coffee before work.


“Trouble in paradise?”

“Be quiet, Joon.” You said wearily.

“I heard.”

“Heard what?”

“That my best intern is flying off to Canada.” He said quietly.

You slouched back onto your chair.

“Any tips?” You muttered.

Joon shook his head sadly, and left the office.

You sighed, as you walked over to your new patient’s ward.

Sunggyu POV

You heard  a knock on the door.

Sitting up immediately,  there was a huge grin on your face.

“Ah, ~~-“ You said happily, and stopped.

“Oh, hello hyung!” You said politely.

“Hello, Sunggyu. Just to let you know , you’re being discharged tomorrow!” He announced.

“That’s good,” You said with a weak smile.

“I’ll miss the feeling of ~~~~ taking care of me though…” You thought.

“By the way,  where’s ~~~~?” You asked the older man.

“Oh, she had to tend to another patient.”

“Ah, I see.. I thought I was her only patient.” You said, a little sadly.

“You were. But the department head decided to let me take care of you and she take care of an elderly lady.” He said carefully.

“Alright, thanks.” You said, managing a smile.

Later that day

“At least my new patient is pretty pleasant,” You said, sighing.

“Cheer up, kiddo. It’ll all get better.” He said, trying to lift your spirits.

“It’s already his last night here, huh...” You croaked.

Joon nodded, offering you a cookie.

“Why don’t you go home, I can take care of the rest here.”

“But my dad..”

“He doesn’t have to know, go on!”

Joon’s warm smile made you smile, as you grabbed your things.

Walking through a familiar corridor, you pushed open the door to the room you were not allowed to enter.

“~~~~~!” The twinkle in his eyes greeted you with warmth and happiness.

“Sunggyu,” You said, giving him a long, hug.

You simply couldn’t bear to tell him you had to leave him.

“I can’t be in here for long,” You said softly.

“Why?” He asked, as you pulled away.

“You’ll know soon,” You promised, kissing his soft lips, probably for the last time.

“Just know that I love you more than anything or anyone in this world.” You whispered, leaving the room before he could stop you.

Your eyelids became heavy, as you quickly left the hospital.

Kicking your shoes off, you went up to your room, only to see someone waiting for you.

It was him.

He who was trying to destroy your dreams.

He who was trying to stop you from loving who you love.

He who was your father.

You cursed in your mind.

“Yes, father?” You kept yourself from exploding.

“You were in his ward today.” He said.

“Yes I was.” You answered firmly.

He got up slowly, and left the room.

Puzzled, you froze in place.

“By the way, you’re flying early tomorrow morning.”


“I’m sending Jiyeon back to your uncle’s, since you’ll no longer be here to take care of her, the cleaner comes only for a few hours a day, and I’ll be busy.” He continued.

“Are you out of your mind? She hates it there!” You said, raising my voice.

“She’s old enough to take care of herself. Let her stay, or I won’t go.” You said gravely.

“Fine, if you wish,”

“But you are not to speak to Jiyeon until you leave for Canada, understood?” He said, as you nodded bitterly.

“Good.” He said, leaving for his study.

Holding back tears, you stuffed my belongings and clothes into a large suitcase.

Tugging a decorated white polaroid off your notice board, you stare at the smiling faces, as memories filled your mind.

A few days back at the beach

“~~~~~!” You heard a familiar, chirpy voice.

Turning around, your lips touched his, as a flash went off.

Blushing, you punched his arm lightly.

“Sunggyu, you really…” You mumbled.

Smiling, he wrote the date on the developed polaroid, and passed a black marker and the polaroid to you.

In a few minutes, there were cat ears, whiskers, and a heart on the polaroid.

“Keep it, so you’ll always think of me.” He said shyly.

Present day

You put it in your wallet carefully, as you scanned your room for other things.

“You know, I really really, like you.” He said suddenly.

“I’m glad you said that, because I do too.” Eun Mi replied, pulling in for a kiss.

Jong Ki pulled away slightly, and looked down.

“What’s wrong?” Eun Mi asked, a little afraid.

“I really miss seeing your face immediately when I wake up,” He said softly.

“Could you move in again?” He said sheepishly.

Eun Mi laughed and nodded, pulling him in for another kiss.

“Jiyeon will take care of you,” You said softly.

Mimi seemed to know what was happening, and he tugged your sleeves.

“I’m sure she’ll take great care of you,” You said, the little puppy absentmindedly, while scanning through the pamphlet of the University of Medical Science in Canada.

They had state-of-the art equipment, gorgeous dorms, attractive courses; everything a nurse-to-be would want, but nothing you wanted.

Dragging the large suitcase out of your room, Mimi followed closely behind.

You sighed to yourself.

“I’m only 20. It’ll probably be good to get a degree or whatever. I’m not even a good singer anyway,” You said to yourself quietly.

“If only I had the guts to run, to escape…”

“Like Eun Mi did, 7 years ago…”

Stretching, Jiyeon stared at the clock.

“Wow, I’m up early. Maybe I should go to school earlier today, or maybe get breakfast with Sungjonggie..” Jiyeon muttered.

Walking to the bathroom, she saw a familiar figure carrying a large, white suitcase down the flight of stairs.

“Unnie?” Jiyeon wondered, her eyes enlarging.

Quietly, she crept down the stairs, astonished by what she was looking at.

“Where’s unnie going? Where is uncle bringing her?” Jiyeon wondered.

Mimi noticed her there, and ran up the stairs.

Scratching Jiyeon softly, Mimi’s eyes were sad, almost like it was pleading Jiyeon for help.

“Dang it, I’m in freaking pajamas,” Jiyeon thought, hitting herself, and ran back to her room.

Suddenly, something brown caught her eye in your large, white room.

“A brochure for the University of Medical Science in Canada?” Jiyeon exclaimed.

Grabbing her phone, she texted Sunggyu.

“~~~~~ unnie is leaving. I think she’s going to Canada. She’s on the way to the airport, please go!”

“What?” Sunggyu said, dropping his bags.

“What happened?” The 6 other boys asked, trying to get a view of the text message Sunggyu received.

“Airport, now!”


Do you guys hate me ;u;

I'm sorry TTT

Been busy these days, and I've got no muse for this story ;_____;

Btw recap:

'You' are 20.

Sunggyu is 24.

Eun Mi is 22.

Ok? Sorry it's been confusing u__u

Anyway, I'm still doing posters!

Because they're fun and sometimes I need to unwind /o\

Anyway, finally sat down for chapter 18!

Thanks for sticking with me for so long ;____;

kisses to my subbers! x

keep up to date with me on

twitter | @sourseops

tumblr | raining-myung.tumblr.com

Love you guys!


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I've been MIA for 2 months on this story I am so sorry ;AAA; I'll be back REAL soon, promise!


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Chapter 18: Sunggyu must catch up to her...
bad appa ;~~;
annabelleshlee #4
Omo, her dad is very harsh! I love Sunggyu and the Sungjong<3 Jiyeon couple is cute too! I hope she can follow her dreams and her heart~ Hwaiting and update soon ^^
new reader. :D
you, i just finished my mid-year exams few days ago and heck, it was pretty bad. heh! i've gone for too long and im missing your fanfic and you!! xD aish, nappeun appa, he's just the same as my dad. always ruining my life, well no actually. just sometimes when he turns into some kind of mad lion that'll eat me soon enough. lol, wth craps am i talkin' bout? -.- sorry dad, you know i love you. :B lol. and, UPDATE SOOOON!! :D
thanks for the update... waahhh why must he send her to Canada... can't he just let her be...
> u >
Icwudt with that EXO pun. "Roll like a buffalo" lmao
Appa is a bad appa.
finally you update HUHUHUHUHU