
Falling For The Doctor's Daughter


You ruffled your hair in distress, as you stared at the clock.

“8 already?”

It was a rough night, the thought of you not being able to be with Sunggyu repeating in your mind.

You did have feelings for him, but only half of what he felt for you.

“I am a horrible person.” You told a confused Mimi.

“Wait, what?” Jong Ki said, nearly passing a red light.

An elderly lady seemed to be yelling at him, but he ignored her.

“Did I do something?” He asked, a little worried.

Eunmi shook her head.

“Nothing of that sort,” She assured with a smile.

“I just think, you know. Too much dust has been gathering, and I ought to go back.” She said, fiddling with her pullover.

“If it makes you happy,” Jong Ki said, kissing her on the cheek, as he drove on.

Tired, you walked into your office.

“Didn’t get much sleep?” Joon asked.

You nodded wearily.

“Don’t let your dad see you like this!” He said, handing her his untouched coffee.

“I could get another one,” He said, smiling.

You thanked him, and took a sip.

The strong, bitter taste of the coffee made you cringe, as you forgot that creamer and sweeteners didn’t exist in Joon’s world.

Nonetheless, it really woke you up.

Getting up from your chair, you walked to his ward.

He, who you couldn’t love.

“~~~~~!” He exclaimed, his eyes lit up.

Shaking a little, he hobbled to you and gave you a hug.

“I missed you,” He said.

“I missed you too.” You said, your heart squeezing deep down.

“We’re sneaking out today!” He said happily, grabbing your hand.

“We what-” You managed, before his warm hand grabbed yours.

“Careful! How can you even run so fast,” You mumbled.

Pulling you into a huge van, you tried to catch your breath, as seven other familiar faces surrounded you.

“We’re going to the beach!” Dongwoo and Hoya announced.

“Umm …” You mumbled.

Everyone stopped, and stared.

“I’m in a blouse and a pencil skirt. In other words, not the typical beach wear.”

“I, Jiyeon, never come unprepared!” She said with triumph, tossing you a bag of clothes.

You took a peek, and your face went red.

“Where are we?” Eunmi asked Jongki, who stopped in front of a big, old, hostel-looking-house.

“The orphanage.” He said, smiling.

That smile was Eunmi’s vitamin.

She smiled too, and eagerly went in.

“Jongki oppa, Jongki hyung!” Many kids yelled excitedly, running up to him.

They hugged him, but because he was so tall, the kids practically hugged his legs.

“Oppa, is that your girlfriend? She’s so pretty!” A little girl exclaimed.

Eunmi felt warm and fuzzy inside.

“She’s my wife,” Jongki said, pulling her waist closer to his.

“Oooooo !” The kids cooed.

“He’s joking,” Eunmi quickly said, gently poking his hip.

“Who’s up for soccer?” He said, the kids cheering enthusiastically.

“Again?” Some girls whined.

“I could teach you girls how to make dream catcher necklaces!” Eunmi offered, pulling her dream catcher necklace which she used as a keychain for her tribal bag.

The girls squealed in delight, as they went with Eunmi to the craft store across the street to buy supplies.

“Jiyeon, as a current-nurse and future singer, don’t you think I’m showing too much skin?” You asked nervously, still in the rest room changing.

“Of course you’re not! What do you want, a potato sack?” Jiyeon said, slightly annoyed.

“You’ve been in there for 20 minutes!” She complained.

“Fine, fine ..” You said, opening the door.

“You look great!” Jiyeon gushed.

“Yup, I definitely have some taste,” Jiyeon said, satisfied, as she pulled you out.

Myungsoo raised an eyebrow, but later gave a smirk.

Dongwoo and Hoya stopped their game and stared.

Sunggyu stared, jaw dropped.

Teasing her, Woohyun gave a wolf whistle, and received a glare from Sunggyu.

“I told you it was weird!” You said, blushing.

Your long wavy locks were tied into a loose bun, and you wore a nautical striped bikini under a pair of teal beach shorts and a yellow crop tee, your stomach showing.

“You look great, noona!” Sungjong said, giving you a thumbs up.

Uneasily, you smiled a little, as Sunggyu offered you a box of peppero.

“Are you kidding, you have to share it! That’s what makes peppero fun,” Hoya beckoned, sticking a peppero into Dongwoo’s mouth.

“Do it ! Do it ! Do it !” They chanted jokingly.

Blushing, we each bit the end of a peppero, and extremely slowly, shyly took miniscule bites.

Our noses were an inch apart, and you couldn’t help but laugh, the peppero falling.

“This is too hard!” You laughed.

“Aish,” Dongwoo said, shaking his head teasingly.

“And then you just clip the cord here, and wrap it around the hoop…” Eunmi instructed.

“Jongki, you’re back! We’ve missed you,” A caucasian-korean lady about Eunmi’s age said, hugging him.

Eunmi stood up, and greeted her.

“I’m Danielle, we met in Northern India three years back on a volunteer trip. I run this place with a few of my other friends.” She explained.

“I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere, a magazine maybe?” She asked.

Eunmi liked this Danielle.

She was so optimistic and perky.

“I’m Eunmi, a model.” She said, smiling.

Danielle took a seat, and learnt how to make dream catchers too.

“You know, we could sell these!” Eunmi suggested.

Danielle’s eyes lit up.

“You’re right!”

“Let’s rent a canoe!” Sunggyu said suddenly, pointing at a rental station.

“Why not,” You agreed.

“I wanna go too!” Jiyeon said happily, Sungjong following behind.

“Two people per canoe,” The bored man at the rental station said sleepily, as he pointed to the rack of oars.

Sunggyu helped you onto the canoe, and gave it a push, before getting on too.

After awhile of drifting, you didn’t know where Jiyeon and Sungjong were.

“It looks like it’s starting to rain … Let’s go back,” Sunggyu suggested.

“Where are we?” Jiyeon asked, worried.

“I have no idea … And it’s drizzling!” Sungjong pouted.

“C-can we please find some shelter … I-I’m a l-little scared of t-thunder …” She stuttered.

“There’s a little cave there,” Sungjong said, rowing towards it.

It wasn’t a deep cave, big enough to keep a canoe in shelter.

By then, thunder was roaring and occasionally lightning came.

Jiyeon covered her ears, shaking.

Sungjong held her close, and wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s alright, don’t be scared.” He whispered.

“The rain will soon be over, and we’ll find out way back.” He assured her.

“Rain, r-rain, go a-away … Please come back, a-another day …” Jiyeon sang, choking on her tears, as Sungjong hugged her tighter and sang with her.


I've been busy /excuses/ I'm sorry this took so long! Forgive me ? u__u Anyway I'll update again later this week, look out for it! #HappyLDay ! Our bb is another year older <3 Oh, and Beautiful Show SG was amazing ;___; Blogged about 030312 here ! By the way, I'll be posting up a oneshot soon! Starring Myungsoo, hehe. Look forward to it ? :3 I'll be trying a new writing style :)

My desktop is screwed, so I can't make posters and etc ;~~; Bear with me, I'll be back on the desktop real soon! Which means proper eye candy and a new poster [sorry for the constant changes sigh]

I love you guys ! x

P/s Eye candy when my desktop is fixed :c

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I've been MIA for 2 months on this story I am so sorry ;AAA; I'll be back REAL soon, promise!


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Chapter 18: Sunggyu must catch up to her...
bad appa ;~~;
annabelleshlee #4
Omo, her dad is very harsh! I love Sunggyu and the Sungjong<3 Jiyeon couple is cute too! I hope she can follow her dreams and her heart~ Hwaiting and update soon ^^
new reader. :D
you, i just finished my mid-year exams few days ago and heck, it was pretty bad. heh! i've gone for too long and im missing your fanfic and you!! xD aish, nappeun appa, he's just the same as my dad. always ruining my life, well no actually. just sometimes when he turns into some kind of mad lion that'll eat me soon enough. lol, wth craps am i talkin' bout? -.- sorry dad, you know i love you. :B lol. and, UPDATE SOOOON!! :D
thanks for the update... waahhh why must he send her to Canada... can't he just let her be...
> u >
Icwudt with that EXO pun. "Roll like a buffalo" lmao
Appa is a bad appa.
finally you update HUHUHUHUHU