
Falling For The Doctor's Daughter

“I really can’t wait for this cast to be taken off !” Sunggyu whined.

“And when it’s off, we can all go out to play ! But not too vigorous things,” Woohyun said, glancing at Sunggyu’s other bandages.

“Where should we go ?” Sungyeol asked.

“How about karaoke ?” Hoya suggested.

“As if we don’t sing any other day ..” Dongwoo replied cheekily.

“Shopping, shopping !” Sungjong said excitedly.

“Let’s go to ~~~~’s house !” Sungyeol exclaimed.

“Very funny. My father is going to explode if I bring 6 boys to my house !” You said, smiling.

“How about we do volunteer work at a shelter ? ~~~~ likes animals, especially dogs, right ?” Myungsoo suggested.

“D-dogs ? Not only puppies, but b-big, wolves ?” Sunggyu asked, cringing.

“Hyung, I don’t think there would be wolves ..” Woohyun replied skeptically.

“Besides, you love animals, right ?” Woohyun said, nudging him.

“A-absolutely, especially the bigger animals ..” Sunggyu said, his face white.

“Really ? I’d love to !” You exclaimed, flashing a bright grin.

All the fear and worries Sunggyu had immediately disappeared.

“Her smile … It’s beautiful.” Sunggyu thought to himself, gazing at you.

Woohyun poked Sunggyu’s cheek.

“So, we’re going to the shelter !” Dongwoo said happily.

“Great, then it’s settled !” Sungjong sang.

“Howonnnnnnn ~ Could you go with me to buy me some magazines ?” Sungjong asked.

“Winter’s coming, we all need new clothes !” He continued.

Hoya sighed.

“What magazines ?” Hoya asked, knowing he would regret asking.

“Let’s see, W Korea, Ceci, Marie Claire, Vogue, …” Sungjong babbled.

“Why did I even bother asking ?” Hoya said to himself, his head spinning.

“I’ll buy them for you ~ It’s a one time favour okay !” Sungyeol said, tilted his head a little at Sunggyu, before strolling out.

“I better go too,” Hoya said, running after him.

“Me too !” Dongwoo said, running after Hoya.

“I feel like getting a strawberry milkshake,” Myungsoo muttered, walking out the door.

Woohyun looked around.

“I-I .. I’M CRAVING FOR CHICKEN.” He said quickly, and ran after the rest.

“Man, you guys can really improvise.” Woohyun muttered.

“You do know that she’s attatched, right ?” Sungyeol reminded.

“How good can he be compared to our Sunggyu ?” Sungjong said, laughing.

“Do they really need 6 people to buy magazines, a strawberry milkshake, and chicken ?” You asked yourself.

“Y-yeah ..” Sunggyu said, clearing his throat.

“~~~~~ …” He finally asked.

“Hmm ?” You mumbled, checking your phone for messages.

“What do you think of me ?” Sunggyu asked.

“Hmm. A patient who’s a singer that has 6 interesting friends who usually ask the poor nurse to get them coffee.” You replied cheekily.

Sunggyu laughed, but stopped quickly.

“I mean, really.” Sunggyu said quietly.

“Talented, friendly, funny ... You’re a cool guy.” You said, with a smile.

His ears immediately went red, and [of course] the ‘dorky smile’ appeared.

“We’re back ~” Sungjong announced, strolling in.

“Hyung you could put it down here ~” He chirped.

Dongwoo put down a pile of magazines, panting.

Hoya put another pile above Dongwoo’s, and sighed.

Sungyeol came in with a bag of candy, and Myungsoo strolled in with a strawberry milkshake.

Woohyun joined them a while later, holding bags of chicken.

“Lunch ?” He grinned.

“Leopard prints are the in thing nowadays, should I get a leopard print jacket ?” Sungjong mumbled.

You picked up a magazine and flipped it through, not really reading it.

“AISH,” Sungjong sighed, throwing his hands in the air.

“Vogue is only releasing the winter collection photos two days later !” Sungjong said, miffed.

Myungsoo patted his head.

“Sungjongie ah, I don’t think you need magazines to know what’s good,” He said, cheering the maknae up.

“Really ? You think so ?” Sungjong said, immediately brightening up.

He hugged Myungsoo tightly, then practically hopped around the room.

“It seems like the models for the winter collection are newbies ! The female is a highly anticipated one, and the male is only doing one shoot, he’s not even professional !” Sungjong exclaimed.

“Then how did he get the job ?” Dongwoo asked.

“It’s an intimate and y themed shoot, he’s her boyfriend.” Sungyeol continued.

“Remind me why we are discussing about models who haven’t even appeared on the magazine yet,” Hoya said, sighing.

“Something about these boys just really make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside,” You said to yourself, smiling.

Woohyun heard your soft mumbles, and said “I really want to know what it is that makes you feel like that !”

You laughed, and replied “It’s just, you guys visit almost everyday, and you could stay here chatting all day. It’s just .. A warm feeling, in a way ..” You said, not knowing where to begin.

“Are you an only child ?” Sungjong asked.

“Ihad a sister ..” You said softly, suddenly frowning.

“She’s gone now ..” You choked, sinking into a chair.

Your eyes teared a bit, as you recalled.


“Don’t you dare talk back to me ! You WILL be a doctor, or you’re not my daughter !” Your father yelled back.

“Then fine ! I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER ANYMORE.” Your sister screamed, running into her room.

You ran in, and saw her stuffing all her belongings into a big luggage.

Hot tears fell down her flawless skin, and she noticed you at the door.

“~~~~, we can go together. I know you don’t want to be a doctor, with a voice as amazing as yours. Let’s leave. I’m 16 now, I could get a job, and give up schooling to pursue my dream.” Your sister said to you.

You, then a terrified 13-year old, couldn’t leave your parents, yet you didn’t want to lose your sister.

“Please .. Don’t go ..” You said, sobbing.

“You’re not going with me, aren’t you ? I’ve had enough of all this rubbish. No way in hell am I going to be in the medical field. Why are you such a goody two shoes ? You’re such a coward ! Are you really my sister ?!” Your sister said, raising her voice.

You just cried harder, at a loss of what to do.

“I thought you would stand up for yourself, and pursue your dreams. But no, you’re not.” She said, glaring at you.

“I hate you.”

Those three words were the last words you’ve heard from your sister.


“~~~~~~ !” Sunggyu called, trying to comfort you.

But he felt a sharp pain in his arm, while trying to move.

His eyes were full of worry.

His arm hurt a lot, but you didn’t notice.

“~~~~ ? … ~~~~ ?” Sungjong said desperately.

“I’m really sorry ! I didn’t mean to, I-I’m sorry !” Sungjong said, panicking and running to Myungsoo.

“Noona, are you okay ?” Sungyeol asked softly, Dongwoo and Hoya also concerned.

“I’m fine .. It’s just .. It’s been so long since I last saw her, or even talked to her.” You said softly.

You walked over to Myungsoo, who was comforting the maknae.

Giving Sungjong a tight hug, you reassured him it was okay.

“S-sorry noona ..” Sungjong said.

He felt guilty for hurting you, especially when Sunggyu liked you.

Woohyun said quietly, “Maybe we should leave first, it’s late. We’ll be back tomorrow, okay ?”

Sunggyu nodded, as each Infinite member hugged you and left.

“I want a hug too.” Sunggyu thought, frowning, clutching his bandaged arm tightly, trying to ignore the pain. 

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I've been MIA for 2 months on this story I am so sorry ;AAA; I'll be back REAL soon, promise!


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Chapter 18: Sunggyu must catch up to her...
bad appa ;~~;
annabelleshlee #4
Omo, her dad is very harsh! I love Sunggyu and the Sungjong<3 Jiyeon couple is cute too! I hope she can follow her dreams and her heart~ Hwaiting and update soon ^^
new reader. :D
you, i just finished my mid-year exams few days ago and heck, it was pretty bad. heh! i've gone for too long and im missing your fanfic and you!! xD aish, nappeun appa, he's just the same as my dad. always ruining my life, well no actually. just sometimes when he turns into some kind of mad lion that'll eat me soon enough. lol, wth craps am i talkin' bout? -.- sorry dad, you know i love you. :B lol. and, UPDATE SOOOON!! :D
thanks for the update... waahhh why must he send her to Canada... can't he just let her be...
> u >
Icwudt with that EXO pun. "Roll like a buffalo" lmao
Appa is a bad appa.
finally you update HUHUHUHUHU