
Falling For The Doctor's Daughter

"I missed you !" Jong Ki said, pouting.

"You and your sweet talk," You said, smiling.

"I'm gonna be a lot busier this break because of appa. I'm a personal nurse for this idol guy called Sunggyu. He could just call me in the middle of the night if he's hungry and I have to be there or my supervisor would tell my father. And you know what that means." You added sadly.

"I'll sneak into your house if he grounds you ! I don't care if he dislikes me because I'm not a doctor or lawyer or anything." Jong Ki replied.

You smiled.

Jong Ki was an architect. He had creative mind, hence really modern and quirky designs. You met him when he bumped into you at the subway station. He dropped his papers and you dropped   your music sheets. The papers got mixed up, and you found a name card attatched to his sketch. And you guys can probably guess what happened next :)

"I don't care what appa thinks about you. That's the only thing that he can't medle with - My love." You said, in a cute voice.


"We'll text every single day ?" Jong Ki said hopefully.

"Every minute, every second." You replied, earning a smile from him.

You drove away, leaving Jong Ki to drive home too.

Jong Ki walked towards the car, when he saw a woman struggling, trying to free herself from a drunk man.

Without thinking, Jong Ki punched the drunk man and pushed him away.

"Yah, get the hell out of here and leave us alone !" The drunk man said, half conscious.

Pushing him again, Jong Ki grabbed the woman's hand and pulled her into your car, as he quickly drove off.

"T-thank you .." The woman said thankfully, shaking.

"No problem. I'm Jong Ki .. You are ?" Jong Ki asked softly.

"Eun Mi. Park Eun Mi. That man .. Was my boyfriend. He got so possessive .. Not like what I ever knew him to be .. So I broke up with him." Eun Mi said sadly.

"You should change your number .." Jong Ki suggested.

Eun Mi nodded silently.

"But he knows where I live .. I'm afraid he'll come." Eun Mi said, tearing.

Feeling sorry, Jong Ki asked whether Eun Mi would want to stay at his place for a while, since he has an extra room.

Elated, Eun Mi thanked Jong Ki profusely.

Jong Ki drove to her house, and Eun Mi quickly packed up her belongings.

Jong Ki helped her put her blue bags and luggage into his car.

"You like the colour blue ?" Jong Ki asked, noticing her short sapphire blue dress too.

Eun Mi nodded, smiling.

"I love blue. Every single shade of it, especially electric, sapphire and baby blue !" She said, happily.

Jong Ki smiled, "Blue's my favourite, too."


Putting her things on the blue rug, Jong Ki closed the white curtains.

"There's a bathroom in here, over there. Walk out and it's the kitchen, next to it is the living room. Go up the elevator and it's my room to the left. And a sliding door to the huge balcony." Jong Ki explained, before saying good night and leaving her to adjust.

Eun Mi ran to him and gave him a back hug.

"Jong Ki oppa, thank you so much." She said, happily.

Smiling, Jong Ki closed the door behind him.

Eun Mi took a shower, put her things properly, and changed into a giant loose blue shirt.

She sat on the bed, and combed her long straight locks.

"Jong Ki ... He's cute, and a gentleman." Eun Mi said happily to herself, before going to sleep.


Meanwhile, you sat cross legged on your bed, staring at your phone.

He hasn't replied your text after hours.

"He's probably tired and went to bed." You said, cheering yourself up.


Your phone rang loudly.

"KIM SUNGGYU" flashed repeated on your phone screen.

Sighing, you made your way up.

"How do they even set my phone to do this ..." You thought.

You knocked the door.

"Sunggyu-sshi ?" You said.

"Don't even bother knocking the door next time," Sunggyu said "And call me Sunggyu oppa !" He added playfully.

You sighed.

"Remind me why I'm your personal nurse again ?" You sighed.

"'Cause you're somewhere my age, I guess ?" He replied.

"That was a rhetorical question, by the way." You said mockingly.

Sunggyu just smiled.

"So what do you need ?" You asked.

"Could you get me 6 lattes and an americano ?" He asked.

"How much caffeine can one take ?!" You asked, shocked.

Laughing, Sunggyu replied "The kids are coming over ~"

"Infinite, I mean." Sunggyu corrected himself, laughing.

Sighing, you left for coffee.

The temperature had gone down, it was almost winter.

Wrapping yourself tighter in your knit sweater, you regretted not bringing your thick parka.

Holding the coffee carefully, you quickly went back to the hospital.


"Gyuuuuuu. Where's that cute nurse you were talking about ?" Sungyeol and Woohyun asked together.

"She's coming .. With americano and lattes !" Sunggyu said happily.

"With 7 coffees ? By herself ?" Myungsoo said, that being the first sentence he said besides greeting Sunggyu.

Sunggyu nodded, and laughed.

"She'll complain, and she's the cutest when she's a little annoyed ~" Sunggyu teased.

"Hyung ah ~" Sungjong said, shaking his head, smiling.

Dongwoo and Hoya were immersed in a hip hop video, they were practically oblivious to the outside world.


"Yah, Sunggyu-sshi. You can't always make me get 7 coffees alone when your friends come o-" You said, before Myungsoo rushed to the door to take the coffees from you.

"Thanks." You said quietly.

Taking off your sweater, you were greeted by 6 boys.

"I'm Sungjong ! The cheerful and energetic one !" Sungjong said happily.

"I'm Myungsoo." Myungsoo said simply, with a slight smile.

"SUNGYEOLLLLL, THAT'S MEEEEEEEE ~~ The choding !" Sungyeol exclaimed happily, jumping around.

"I'm Woohyun ~ I like singing ~" Woohyun said, before holding Sungyeol to stop him from hopping about.

Myungsoo whacked Dongwoo's head lightly.

"Huh ? Oh, annyeong ! I'm Dongwoo and he's Hoya ! We're the rapper line !" Dongwoo and Hoya said, smiling, before focusing on the videos again.

"What an interesting bunch ..." You muttered. "I'm ~~~~~, Sunggyu-sshi's ... Personal nurse .." You said, choking a little on the last words.


"Nice meeting you, ~~~~ !" Infinite said in unison, before leaving in the evening.

You raised Sunggyu's bed a little, and gave him some warm water to drink.

Taking out your phone, you checked for messages again. Nothing.

Sighing, you stuffed your phone into your pocket.

Suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his arm, Sunggyu groaned a little.

"Are you okay ? Where does it hurt ?" You asked instinctively.

You quickly but gently lifted his arm and rested it on a soft pillow, and wiped his forehead with warm towel, as he was sweating.

You his head sadly.

"You must be in so much pain, huh .." You mumbled.

Sunggyu's pain disappeared quickly when he saw you so worried.

He was gazing at your worried expression, as you lowered his bed.

"Aish. I'm too worried to even leave you here tonight." You complained.

"I think I'm doing too much for a sadistic patient like you who likes to torture nurses into buying 7 coffees by herself !" You teased.

Staying silent, Sunggyu just smiled.

His eyes were twinkling - he was feeling really warm and happy inside.

"Go to sleep now, I'm staying here tonight." You said, not believing yourself.

You checked your phone again. And still the same, nothing.

"Troubled ?" Sunggyu asked.

"It's nothing. My boyfriend hasn't replied me since last night. I guess he's that busy, huh." You said, disappointed.

The word 'boyfriend' stung Sunggyu a little.

"Why did I feel hurt when she said that ?" Sunggyu thought.

You rested your head on his bed, and dozed off quickly.

Sunggyu used his free hand to your head, and went to sleep as well.


"More wine ?" Jong Ki asked politely.

"I don't think I can't take too much," Eun Mi replied. "But since I know you'll take care of me .." She continued, holding her wine glass out, gesturing for more.

Many bottles later, the both of them were pretty drunk, spilling secrets after each drink.

"I've got a girlfriend, her father disapproves of me, and probably hates me. I don't see her much anymore." Jong Ki complained softly.

Eun Mi staggered over to him, and dragged him to her room.

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I've been MIA for 2 months on this story I am so sorry ;AAA; I'll be back REAL soon, promise!


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Chapter 18: Sunggyu must catch up to her...
bad appa ;~~;
annabelleshlee #4
Omo, her dad is very harsh! I love Sunggyu and the Sungjong<3 Jiyeon couple is cute too! I hope she can follow her dreams and her heart~ Hwaiting and update soon ^^
new reader. :D
you, i just finished my mid-year exams few days ago and heck, it was pretty bad. heh! i've gone for too long and im missing your fanfic and you!! xD aish, nappeun appa, he's just the same as my dad. always ruining my life, well no actually. just sometimes when he turns into some kind of mad lion that'll eat me soon enough. lol, wth craps am i talkin' bout? -.- sorry dad, you know i love you. :B lol. and, UPDATE SOOOON!! :D
thanks for the update... waahhh why must he send her to Canada... can't he just let her be...
> u >
Icwudt with that EXO pun. "Roll like a buffalo" lmao
Appa is a bad appa.
finally you update HUHUHUHUHU