Should Piñatas go in Fridges?

Unexpected Places

{Pledis University: Broadcasting Station}

October 15

    “Hello lovely listeners and welcome back to another installment of BOO”


    “SOON! And, as always, for those of you who are not content with just listening in, live streams will be available on both our website and the university’s, just in case you want to see our y faces!” Soonyoung grinned at the camera they had set up, pulling a face that was most decidedly not y while the others laughed.

    “Now that that’s out of the way, what will we be doing today, Seokmin?”

    “Thanks for that incredibly natural transition,” Soonyoung rolled his eyes at his remark, he wasn’t the one who wrote the intro-script after all. “But we’ll be doing something that you guys have been requesting for a while, God knows why, a Q and A!”

    “That’s right! For the past 2 days we’ve been gathering questions online from viewers and we’ll be answering them today.”

    “Thanks for actually writing us questions, by the way, it would be pretty sad if we just had to sit around for an hour.”

    “I’m surprised, apparently you guys actually want to know a lot about us. We received over two thousand questions on both our twitter and website, so we’re sorry if your question doesn’t get answered. We honestly were not expecting this kind of response.”

    “Please, maybe you peasants weren’t,” Seungkwan scoffed dramatically, “But I knew that this would happen. How could anyone resist the excellence that is Boo SeungkwanTM?”

    “Suuuuureeeeee,”  Soonyoung laughed swatting a Boo, who just stuck his tongue out in response. “But enough chit chat, que the questions Changkyun!” In order to assure utmost authenticity in their responses, the trio had their production assistant, a fellow second year named Im Changkyun pick out their questions for them, sorting through thousands in order to find the true gems. They stared at the monitor as they waited for the first one to pop up.

    “Okay, looks like it’s something basic. What’s your favorite color?” Seokmin read the question out loud.

    “Boring,” Seungkwan yawned. “I like purple, Seokmin likes black, and Soonyoung, being indecisive as always, likes black and white. Next question”

    “Who’s your best friend?” Soonyoung reads, grinning widely. “Mine’s Jihoon, if you’ve seen me IRL on campus, I was probs with him.”

    “Well mine’s Seokmin!” Seungkwan stuck his tongue out at Soonyoung while the other two high-fived.

    “Boo-Seok all the way fam!”
    “It’s fine.” Soonyoung pouted, “Jihoon makes me poppin’ tracks for my dance finals, I don’t need y’all.”

    “Sooooo, you’re just using him for his production talents? To those of you that are wondering, yes Soonyoung’s bff is that Lee Jihoon. Also yes, Soonyoung is a horrible person.”

    “HEY! I’m not the one who showed up to class-”

    “That’s enough,” Seokmin laughed, unceremoniously shoving his hand over Soonyoung’s mouth, that was a story which he did not want to get into. Ever. “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor- really Changkyun you had to pick this question”

    “We actually have a very hot debate running over what the all-time-greatest flavor is.”

“Whether it’s Death by Chocolate or Caramel Cookie Batter. You can get both from Aju Nice Ice Cream if you want to try them yourself.”

“Soonyoung and I know the truth about rich chocolatey goodness but for some reason Seokmin and some of our other friends cannot understand perfection when they see it.”

“Uh excuse you, Caramel Cookie batter is the bomb-shizzle. Even Changkyun agrees with me, you can’t see but he’s nodding.” Seokmin grinned and pointed at Changkyun, who reached over and fist-bumped him on camera, waving at the viewers.

“Yo,” he pulled out his lollipop. “Caramel Cookie Batter rocks, chocolate stinks. Kihyun and Hoseok you can it.” [A/N STAN MONSTA X (if you don’t already)! You won’t regret it]

“Moving on, but if you want to vote on which is superior, there will be a poll on our website. Next question please.”

“Are you dating anyone?” Seokmin smirked, eyeing a certain dance major suspiciously. Said dance major, who had been drinking a glass of iced water, started coughing violently, his face furiously flushing.

“It’s complicated.” He sputtered as his friends looked on in amusement. Seokmin didn’t think that it was that complicated, but then again his own love-life was pretty much nonexistent, consisting solely on him crushing on his female classmates from afar (but he was planning on doing something soon, regardless of what his friends said). “W-what about you guys?”

“Smooth Soonyoung, real smooth. Anyways, I am currently a single pringle and ready to mingle.”

“I may or may not have a crush on someone, but that can be neither confirmed or denied.”

“Please,” Seungkwan rolled his eyes. “He’s been crushing hardcore on this girl from his class last year who he did a proj-”

“NOPE. Nope nope nope nope. We are moving on. That is not important. I’ll even make up my own question.” Seokmin laughed nervously, scratching at the back of his neck and internally cursing Seungkwan’s inability to keep a secret (he wouldn’t have told him but the boy had some kind of drama spidey-sense, and had bugged Seokmin about his crush until he had finally relented). “When’s my birthday? Oh it’s February 18. What a wonderful month. Boo’s birthday is January 16 and Soonyoung’s is June 15. Woooooowwwwwww. Wasn’t that interesting.”

“No, but that sure as hell was.”

“Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Soonyoung.” Seokmin sent him his best squinty-eyed glare, one which had the older boy laughing nervously. Oh how the tables turned.

“Okay the actual next question is: What do you want to do in life? Who wants to start?”

“I want to be an mc. The best in Korea. Picture this one day: MC Boo taking on the world, hosting shows with the best of the best. Boo Seungkwan and Yoo Jaesuk working hand in hand, meeting y kpop idols and hot celebrities.”

“Well I’m currently working at Mansae’s, if you ever see me say hi, but I don’t know what my ultimate dream is yet. I know that I really want to work with people but I’m not quite sure in what way.”

“I want to be a dancer/choreographer. I love teaching kids though as well.” Most of their listeners already knew their majors, so their responses weren’t anything completely unexpected. But hey, it’s what they’d asked for, right?

“Lee Seokmin, will you date me?” Seungkwan fluttered his eyelashes dramatically, holding back his laughter as he read from the screen. Seokmin pulled a face, pushing Seungkwan away, who, completely in character, had started clinging to his arm like an overly attached second female lead.

“I’m sorry but no. I need to know people before I date them, sort of a friendship blooming into a beautiful relationship type-situation. On a completely unrelated note, I think it might be time for us to get a new production assistant. For those who are interested, apply on our website or send business inquiries to-” Soonyoung chuckled as a crumpled piece of paper hit Seokmin in the face, courtesy of Changkyun, who stuck his tongue out childishly.

“Lol, Seokmin you kind of deserved that one!”
    “You’re not supposed to say Lol out loud Boo.”

“I can do whatever I want! I am a grown man living on my own in Seoul. Well, not quite on my own, but close. I have a roommate.”

“I have a roommate too, but you don’t see me complaining about it.” Soonyoung looked rather smug. As a freshman, he had regretted turning in his housing application late, but now he couldn’t have been happier with his past mistakes.

“I’m not complaining about Hansol, but he’s not exactly my best friend. We don’t have special nicknames for each other Hoshi.”

“You’re just jealous of Woozi and I’s undying friendship. And if you wanted to room with your bestfriend you should have requested a roommate. Or better yet asked Seokmin.”

“Sorry but no thanks, I’m lookin’ forward to living the solo life this year, no more strange roommates for me.”

“Oh yeah,” Seungkwan laughed, “Seokmin always got the weirdest people. Freshman year he had someone rooming with him who was into squirrel taxidermy.”

“Honestly, I wonder what happened to good ol’ Jeremy. He should really stop by the music department sometime, I was there the other day getting lunch with Jihoonie  and the the squirrels are HUGE. Also overly friendly.”

“Ughhh don’t remind me. I fed them once. Just one time, and I still can’t go near there without having at least three squirrels following me.” Seungkwan shuddered. “Just thinking of their furry little paws still gives me the creeps. Do you know how many diseases they’re carrying?”


“Well neither do I, but I’m sure it’s a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day I died from rabies.”

“Please, they’ve definitely cured rabies.”  Soonyoung shot him an even-you-know-you’re-talking-crap look, a skill which he had conveniently picked up because of his roommate. One of the unseen advantages to rooming with Jihoon was that he’d learned pretty much all the different ways imaginable to nonverbally communicate annoyance and similar emotions.

“Excuse me, how would you know?”
    “Uh, I’m friends with a bunch of pre-med kids. Crazy smart. Also stressed all the time. But they know things, so, through osmosis, I also know things.”

“Obviously not what osmosis is.”

“I’m a dance major… Do I have to know what osmosis is?”

“I hate to break it to you, but yes,” Seokmin jumped into the conversation. “You’re taking biology this semester in order to fulfill your science requirements. Anyways, can we please get back to the questions? I’m sorry this is what happens when you let use discuss our personal lives on air, things get a little off topic.” He grinned at the camera, signaling Changkyun to cue the next question.

“Where do you live?” Seungkwan’s face contorted in disgust as he read the question outloud. “Ewww- Changkyun why would you pick that one? I don’t need any stalkers.”

“We all live either on campus or fairly close by. But seriously please don’t try and track us down and come to our homes or anything.” Seokmin flashed the camera another wide smile while Seungkwan grumbled about how creepy a question it was.

“Hosh, where did you put the leftovers, I’m hungry- Okay, this is obviously not a question for me.”

“I think they should be in the fridge, like the very back behind the piñata.” Soonyoung smiled, the piñata had turned out to be a great purchase. He had bought after Jihoon had dared him to one night when they were drunk, but it had actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Until they shoved it in their fridge and forgot about it, that is (Jisoo and Jeonghan were coming over and in a desperate attempt to seem like they were responsible adults who didn’t buy themselves giant candy-filled toys when they got drunk, they had shoved it in the only empty place which they could think of, their fridge).

“Why do you even have a piñata in your fridge?” Soonyoung colored a bit at the question, releasing an awkward laugh.

“It’s a long story for another day.” He turned back to the camera. “Did you find them?”

“How is he even supposed to respond to that?” Seungkwan sent him a judgemental stare. “Jihoon’s not here. This isn’t a phone call for god's sakes!”
    “Changkyun?” Immediately another question popped up on the screen, causing Soonyoung to smile and the other two to groan. Yes. I’m also eating yours. #imnotsorry

“Why even indulge him like that? You’ve single-handedly sacrificed the integrity of our noble show!” Changkyun just laughed at the accusation, casually shrugging.

“I do what I want and if you don’t like it TOO BAD. You’re the ones who told me to chose questions.” Seungkwan pulled a face, turning back to the camera

“To those of y’all that couldn’t hear him, since he is a mic-less peasant, he said that he loves us, is very sorry, and will never again commit such a sacrilegious act.”

“Just read the next question, .” Changkyun rolled his eyes. “This one’s for you.”

“Who’d you vote for on Produce 101? Anyone who you wish made it into the final 11?” Immediately he brightened, he had thoroughly enjoyed produce 101 and had been low-key salty about the ending for months. Not that he didn’t love the final lineup, he adored all of them, but he had become attached to way more than eleven contestants over the show’s course (something which had caused copious amounts of ice cream and sulking when some of his fifty-seven picks were inevitably eliminated).

“JONGHYUN AND SAMUEL! Obviously those boys were ROBBED! Also Dongho and Minki, Nu’est members for life!” The other two just rolled their eyes as Seungkwan launched into his entire Produce 101 season finale-spiel that they had heard far too many times since the show had ended. It had already been three months, but it seemed unlikely that the younger boy would ever truly get over it. There were some things in life that one could just not move on from [A/N EXO ot12 anyone? *cries internally*] and apparently this was one of Boo’s.

“So, in conclusion, if international fans were allowed to vote the way they were the first season, the final eleven would have been entirely different, and Jonghyun and Samuel would have 100% been in the group. All the polls suggest it.”

“Okkkkaayyyyyy, I’m going to cut you off there.” Seokmin finally butted in after nearly five minutes of pure ranting. “And with that, we once again prove that we are incapable of sticking to a single topic for an extended period of time.”

“I don’t know, I think Seungkwan did a pretty good job talking about produce 101 for quite a while.”

“I meant staying on topic, but I guess you’re technically right. He could probably set some kind of record if you just sat him down and let him talk about one of his passions for as long as he wanted.”

“Can you even imagine?” Unfortunately they both could imagine, very well, in fact. Too well.

“As much as I love y’all talking about me, no need to do it right in front of my face.”

“Ewwwwww, Did you just say y’all?” Soonyoung grimaced as the word left his mouth, for some reason he’d always had a strong distaste for it.

“Annnddddddd we’re still off topic. Seriously who thought it would be a good idea to give us our own radio show?”



Hey guys! I’ve been practicing writing dialogue a lot recently, so that’s pretty much the entire reason for this chapter. Well that and the fact that I’ve been wanting to incorporate BooSeokSoon for a while. Next chapter will be mostly Jihan-centric (I’ve already started writing it) and hopefully up sooner than this one… College applications

I've been thinking about it a lot and I've decided to delete my important update. Although I might not be able to update it as often as I'd like, I think I owe it to myself and everyone who's still reading this plot-less, fluffy monstrosity to give it the proper continuation/conclusion that it deserves. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ENCOURAGED ME DESPITE EVERYTHING YALL ARE THE REAL MVPS

ALSO SVT'S COMEBACKS GOT ME SHOOK! Woozi with red hair in Change Up completely slays my life (he's my alt bias) and the flippin performance unit hot diggity dang dong my poor heart can't take it. Idk if Trauma needs anymore attention, the visual unit are crushing it as always. 


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TheiaP #1
Chapter 19: yessss cuddling!!!!!
Asassytree #3
Chapter 18: I really do hope you feel better soon. Take all the time you need and do exactly what feels right for you. The thing that matters the most is that you feel well. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
TheiaP #4
Chapter 17: BooSeokSoon is so fun :D
Jihoon using the producer to communicate is so funny XD
And I agree completely with Boo/your rant about 101 (It was so sad!!!!!!!!! Watched the final live and it was a dreadful 4 hours)
Asassytree #5
Chapter 17: Yay! Great chapter btw! You're really good at writing dialogue!
Chapter 17: hahahaha the Holy gag trio i son point here X`D
AND YES!!! I WISH JONGHYUN ESPC HIm WOULD MADE IT INTO WANNA ONE T___T I am still a bit salty but like boo i love the current line up!!!