The Party Part 3: Bathrooms and Frustrating Relationships

Unexpected Places

[WARNING UNEDITED: Prepare yourselves for the trash of a seventh-attempt at a first draft]

{Club OMG}

    It was late. Actually to be fair it was early but who really cares about that kind of technicality? Soonyoung certainly didn’t, especially not given the situation that he was in. At present all he could focus on was the smaller boy wrapped in his arms.

    It was something that had been happening for a long time, far longer than any of their friends were aware and sometimes he wondered if Jihoon was even aware of it himself. It was a strange place that their relationship had been caught, somewhere between best friends and something more, a line that had been blurred since the near-beginning of their friendship.

It had all started about a month into their friendship. By some random act of God, or a neglect to turn in their housing application form on time, they had been randomly assigned as roommates in their freshman year and from there things only got better. He had always been attracted to Jihoon (he had practically died from adorableness when he laid eyes on the at the time pink-haired boy), but he never expected anything to come from his crush. Jihoon was, well, Jihoon and as much as he cared about him, it didn’t really seem like the other was looking for a relationship so he decided to keep quiet about his feelings. And, of course, there was the fact that the last person he had seen confess to Jihoon had been completely, unapologetically rejected (something that he would be lying about if he said that his heart didn’t rejoice just a little at Jihoon’s disinterest). Nevertheless, he was hopelessly head over heels for his roommate-turned-best-friend which is maybe why he acted so recklessly to begin with.

    They were at a party, the very first that he had been able to convince Jihoon to attend, as the shorter boy vastly preferred to stay home on a friday night. Whenever Soonyoung would question his obviously impeccable life decisions (Jihoon had never been blackout drunk like some of their foolish friends), he would simply respond by saying “Who says you can’t have fun by yourself?” and then launch into an explanation about how he was the best company he had ever met. But after endless begging, Soonyoung had finally convinced his beloved Woozi to go to a party with him. And what could he say, he was nervous, so he had a few drinks to calm his nerves.


{Han Sung Soo Hall}

1 year ago

    “ARE YOU OKAY?” Jihoon regarded him carefully, a look of worry etched into his face. He had to yell to be heard over the music.

    “WOOOOzzzzziiiiiii, you’re so flufffffyyyyyy,” he squealed ruffling the other boy’s hair. “I didn’t know hair could be this soft!”

    “So you’re definitely drunk.” The younger boy rolled his eyes as Soonyoung continued to pet him.

    “You’re so adorable!”
    “Don’t say that!”

    “But it’s truuuueee!” Despite himself, Jihoon blushed as Soonyoung leaned in against him, burying his face in the nape of his neck.

“And you smell really nice too! And you also have the prettiest smile of anyone I have ever seen and your eyes are so gorgeous. And you act like you’re mean but you’re actually an amazing person who really cares about others and you’re reeeaallllllyyyyy talented at making music and I l-” He was cut off by Jihoon pushing him back and slamming a hand over his mouth. If he hadn’t been blushing before, he certainly was now, something that Soonyoung found to be entirely, 150% adorable.

“Haha,” Jihoon laughed nervously. “What was in those drinks? Must have been something really strong.”

“MMMPHHFFFF” Soonyoung tried to say something, but his voice was muffled by the younger’s hand, still over his mouth. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he smirked. Evidently Jihoon noticed the shift in his facial muscles because he frowned at him slightly, not liking the mischievous glint in the older boy’s eyes.

“EWWW!” He pulled back his hand, wrinkling his nose and staring it disgustedly, regarding it as one one regard a particularly sickening alien object.

“I can’t believe you just my hand! What are you, five?” Hoshi simply laughed, shrugging as he did so in one particularly fluid motion. Jihoon took that moment of slight distraction to lunge forward and wipe his palm on his sweater. This, of course, was not met without resistance and the boy were soon battling for dominance wrestling on the floor. It eventually ended with Soonyoung laying flat against the ground, Jihoon straddling his chest and hands pinning down his wrists. Their not-so-brief tousling had worn them out and Jihoon was panting heavily, his hair messily falling across his eyes, the slightest glimmer of sweat present on his neck. His head hung low from exhaustion, eyes closed and face close enough to Soonyoung’s so that he could feel the slight tickle of the younger’s breath as he exhaled. And in that moment, Hoshi felt as if his heart would burst. He wanted nothing more than to pull Woozi closer to him, to wrap him in his arms and protect him from the world as if he was something delicate and precious (which, to be fair, he was to Soonyoung). It was then that Jihoon re-opened his eyes, blinking slowly his face turning bright red as he noticed the compromising position that they were in. He was about to move away when his eyes met Soonyoung’s, freezing him in place.

Despite himself and the obvious embarrassment that he felt, Jihoon was unable to tear his gaze away from Soonyoung’s. It was mesmerising the way that he was staring at him, his face full of an expression that he couldn’t quite place. That was when it happened. Soonyoung’s gaze dropped to his lips, a question to which he waited for a response. He waited for Jihoon to push him away, to pull away, to crush whatever it was that was blooming inside of him. But he didn’t. And that was all it took for Soonyoung to lean forward and capture Jihoon’s lips with his own, a kiss that started out sweet but soon turned desperate, as if their lives depended on each other’s touch.


Club OMG

Present Time

    After that it was all history. Well except for the fact that for whatever reason, whatever it was that they had did not exist in the light of the day. Their relationship began when they arrived at a club or particularly wild party and ended as soon as they walked through the doors at the end of the night. The next morning they would return to being best friends, as if nothing had happened, as if less than 12 hours prior they hadn’t been entangled in each other’s arms. It was something that Hoshi absolutely, positively hated. He despised it, loathed it with every ounce of his entire being. He wanted to truly be able to call Jihoon his, but was stuck, trapped and unable to take that final step.

    But none of that mattered right now. None of his second thoughts,regrets, wishes- nothing mattered as he pressed himself closer to the purple-haired boy, as if trying to make two into one. And then Jihoon was , whispering “Hoshi” his pet name as he pulled away from his lips, trailing fiery kisses down his jawline. If he was being honest with himself, it was moments like this that he treasured the most in the world. More than his dance, even if it hurt to say it. Moments when he could pretend that Jihoon was his, they didn’t necessarily have to be kissing, although it was ridiculously enjoyable, he just liked being close to the younger boy. He just liked being by Jihoon’s side and seeing his lips curl upwards in a smile as he laughed at whatever stupid thing he was doing to entertain him. Despite the complication of their relationship, there was one thing about which he was absolutely positive, he loved Jihoon. And that was something that he doubted would ever change even if things took a turn for the worse and he decided to end whatever small thing they had going for them.

Jihoon, on the other hand, was so overwhelmed by Soonyoung’s touch that he could barely think. He had yet to admit it to the older boy, but he had been Jihoon’s first everything. First roommate, first friend in college, first crush, first kiss, and, dare he say, first love. He could get drunk on the other’s presence alone, opening up and discovering new sides of himself that he never even knew existed. It was one of the million and one things that he liked about the other boy, the version of himself that he had become largely because of him.

He was changing for the better from the shy, easily-annoyed boy that he had been in high school into something new, something better. A person that he was proud of. He wished he could say these things to Soonyoung, ached to tell him the extent of his feelings, but he could not. He was afraid, afraid of what would happen if he did. Afraid of how their relationship would change, afraid of what it would do to their friendship. Soonyoung was someone so central to his existence that he was frightened of what would happen if he was rejected. So many things would become so much more difficult so he held back. He hung on to whatever it was that they had whenever they went to a party or club and one of them got drunk. Noticing when it began changing, when neither of them had to be drunk to seek out each other’s presence but refusing to act on such a shift.

Jihoon moaned as Hoshi moved his lips to his throat, each kiss burning against his skin and sending shivers down his spine. His eyes fluttered opened at a slight noise, almost like that of the door opening, but seeing nothing he promptly shut them again, basking in all the warmth and affection that Soonyoung had to offer. Letting himself get lost in his touch, lost until his phone went off in his pocket. He would have ignored it too if it hadn’t kept ringing. Sighing he pushed Soonyoung away in order to fish it out of his pocket. 9 missed calls from Savage Hao.

“Sorry I have to take this, it’s Minghao.” He quickly accepted the latest incoming call. “What’s up?”

Jihoon” Minghao’s voice was unsteady and instantly Jihoon froze. Soonyoung sent him a questioning look.

“What’s wrong Hao? Why are you crying?” Jihoon had never even seen Minghao upset, let alone crying and the thought frightened him. It would take something truly serious for the toughest of his friends to become so unhinged. Soonyoung also frowned upon hearing Jihoon’s response. Minghao was his friend too and something like this did not bode well.

I-I-I” Minghao took a shaky breath. “He-e..

“Don’t try to explain. Where are you?”


“I’m on my way.” He ended the call after hearing a slight sniff of affirmation from Minghao. Turning to Soonyoung he sighed.

“I have to go.” Soonyoung nodded and pulled him in for a short hug. It would have been longer had he not been so concerned about Minghao.

“Don’t worry about me. Just make sure Hao’s okay.” Jihoon turned to leave but Soonyoung stopped him.

“Wait just a second.” He carefully straightened Jihoon’s clothes, smoothing down his hair that was now sticking out at a rather awkward angle. If he was being completely honest, he found it endearing but he doubted that Jihoon wanted to walk out of there looking like he had been making out. Jihoon flushed at the contact, especially when Soonyoung’s hand brushed against his throat while straightening his collar, causing Hoshi to squeal inwardly. He was just so adorable.

“Thanks,” Jihoon mumbled rubbing at the back of his neck sheepishly. Before he had time to doubt himself he quickly pressed his lips against Soonyoung’s before darting out of the room. It was just a quick, parting kiss but the sweetness of it left Soonyoung speechless. A stupidly happy grin spread across his face as he whispered to the empty room “I love you.”



    I’m sorry it took so long and that I’ve been gone for just over two months, but things have been kind of rough just lifewise. My granddad was really sick for a while and fortunately he’s feeling better now but things were kind of tough. Then there were also exams and my schedule with work got really crazy for a while. Things have calmed down again and I’m really hoping to get a regular weekly-update schedule going in the upcoming month. I will not abandon this fic, I promise!!!

    Hope you enjoyed this 2k of complete Soonhoon trash, I really want to do a meanie chapter next, but it might end up being Junhao. Who even knows where this story is going? I certainly don’t

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TheiaP #1
Chapter 19: yessss cuddling!!!!!
Asassytree #3
Chapter 18: I really do hope you feel better soon. Take all the time you need and do exactly what feels right for you. The thing that matters the most is that you feel well. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
TheiaP #4
Chapter 17: BooSeokSoon is so fun :D
Jihoon using the producer to communicate is so funny XD
And I agree completely with Boo/your rant about 101 (It was so sad!!!!!!!!! Watched the final live and it was a dreadful 4 hours)
Asassytree #5
Chapter 17: Yay! Great chapter btw! You're really good at writing dialogue!
Chapter 17: hahahaha the Holy gag trio i son point here X`D
AND YES!!! I WISH JONGHYUN ESPC HIm WOULD MADE IT INTO WANNA ONE T___T I am still a bit salty but like boo i love the current line up!!!