Don't Sass Me

Childhood Friend

Characters:5636 Words:1218

The next lesson was Science. Today, they are all going to present the project that the professor gave last week. Before the professor came in, everyone was talking and jumping around the class.

“Are you sure you’re okay without Seungcheol helping?” Seungkwan asked, abandoning Hansol to sit beside Jihoon.

“Of course I’m going to be fine, I know I’m shy but how old do you think I am? 8?” Jihoon looked at and Seungkwan and rolled his eyes.

“You do look like one.” Seungkwan answered, and then receiving a slap from Jihoon on his back, causing him to scream. Thank God the professor is not here yet. It was so loud that everyone in the class is looking at both of them, probably thinking they are crazy. Hansol was at the corner laughing at how cute Seungkwan was.

After that incident, the professor comes in, five minutes late, Jihoon thought. After the greeting and everyone sat down, he started calling students group by group to present the project. His expression was cold until it was Jihoon’s turn.

“I’m proud to say that you did the best Jihoon, but where is Seungcheol?”  The professor asked. Jihoon was very nervous; he didn’t know what to say. After standing there for a while, Hansol decided to help him.

“Oh, I’m afraid I’ll be deducting his marks for not presenting. Jihoon, you can go sit down, remember to email me the presentation later on.” The professor said and pointed at Jihoon seat, telling him to sit down. “Okay, next to present is Seungkwan and Hansol, come out please.

After everyone presented, the bell rang. Everyone rushed out of the class to go to the lockers or the cafeteria like there is no tomorrow. Even Jihoon, Seungkwan, Hansol, Wonwoo and Mingyu, they went to the lockers to put their stuffs first and went to the cafeteria to join the others.

“Why wasn’t Seungcheol here? He is a straight A student, this will ruin his chance.” Mingyu said, sounding sad.

“Seokmin and I kind of made him stormed out of Professor Dino’s class.” Soonyoung said and laughed nervously.

“I talked to him just now. I was passing by the practice room to get to class and I heard someone screaming inside, it was Seungcheol hyung, he was a mess, crying.” Wonwoo said, making everyone look at him wide eyes.

“I knew he was in the practice room b...” Seokmin said but was cut off by.

“But why was he crying?” Jihoon continued, that was his first sentence he said after the presentation.

“You see...” after a moment of explaining, “, and that’s what happened, I think he just needs some time to think about what he did.” Wonwoo said and took a bite out of Mingyu’s sandwich, making Mingyu pout. “Hyung!!!” Making everyone laugh.

So after the lunch break, they went back to their respective classes. It was music class for Jihoon, since the new timetable only starts tomorrow so only Seungkwan will be going with him today.

“Okay class, so today, you guys will be writing some lyrics, happy ones.” The professor said and walk out of the class to go to the restroom. Jihoon was much focused but he can’t seem to think about happy lyrics, all he can think about is depressing ones, and he unconsciously wrote in down. Seungkwan in the other hand was in his dreamland, probably thinking about Hansol.

When the professor walked back in, he wanted to see some of the students work, and of course he picked Jihoon’s one because of how ‘lucky’ he is.

“Jihoon, the lyrics are nice, but it doesn’t fit even a bit in a happy genre.” Making Jihoon snap out of his mind and come back into reality.

“Oh, sorry professor,” Jihoon said and took back the paper from the teacher, sitting down once again to work on the lyrics. The professor then took Seungkwan’s paper, which was clean and empty.

“Seungkwan-sshi, please stand up.” The professor said and slammed the paper on Seungkwan’s table. Scaring Seungkwan and making him jump up.

“Yes professor.” He said while shaking. The professor just pointed at the paper and walked off to check the other students work. He sat down, feeling relieved and quickly worked on the lyrics, the whole class was snickering at him, this was the first time Seungkwan got told off in class and it was really funny.

(The rest of the day wasn’t really interesting except for Jun yelling Minghao’s name in class just because he was talking to a girl, he got punished to run 3 rounds around the campus field)

After school ended, everyone went back home or the dorms except for the group. They wanted to stay to practice their choreography more since Jihoon and Seungkwan were new students. They will also be performing weeks later.

“It’s so hard without Seungcheol here.” Soonyoung said and ruffled his hair in annoyance. He decided to let everyone have a break for an hour so he can come back to his senses. Seokmin was sitting with him on the floor, patting his back and giving him motivation. (Goals XD)

“Can you two keep up?” Minghao asked Jihoon and Seungkwan, but DivaBoo answered instead.

“Of course I can keep up, I’m known for my looks, voice and moves. I don’t know about Jihoon though.” Jihoon scoffed and rolled his eyes at Seungkwan; he nodded at Minghao and proceeded to ‘pass out’ on the couch.

After mores hours of practicing, they decided to call it a day and went back home. When they reached home, Seungkwan shouted “WE’RE HERE,” making everyone who is passing by looking at them. Jihoon face palmed himself because of the second hand embarrassment.

After both of them showered they went downstairs, Seungkwan went into the kitchen to make dinner while Jihoon watched some dramas at the living room. After dinner, they both went to the reading room to finish their assignments.

“I’m finally done with these piles of assignment.” Seungkwan said and stretched his arms. “You’re not done?” He asked Jihoon who was looking at his laptop.

“I was done a long time ago, didn’t want to disturb you so I just went on social media.” Jihoon looked at Seungkwan and smiled. Seungkwan just rolled his eyes at him and stood up.

“Are you going to sleep?” Seungkwan asked, Jihoon closed his laptop and stood up, “Yea,” he answered and they both went to their room. After a while, Seungkwan was already snoring while Jihoon was still on his phone.

Just as he was feeling sleepy he received from Seungcheol. Jihoon hesitated for a while and just answered it.


Hey, you awake?


Don’t sass me Jihoon.

Fine, but what do you want? It’s like 1 in the morning.

I just want to tell you something.


Let’s talk tomorrow morning, let’s meet at 9 at the garden behind the campus.


“Why would he want to talk to me?” Jihoon talked to himself, he set his phone at the side table of his bed and went to sleep.

A/N: This chapter is done :),the next one will be out tomorrow. Please comment down if you liked it or not.

QOTD: Favourite thing a member in Seventeen has done? Mine is Jihoon imitating a lion cub roaring.

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_usernamenotfound #1
Chapter 16: Waaahh you did great job! I love your story! I want JiCheol more!!!!
SeventeenCarat_ #2
Chapter 16: Ahhh I love this story so much I can't believe it's already ending T-T
LemonCandy1093 #3
Chapter 15: Welp cliffhangers... Rip readers... XD ahhh so is the guy that approached Jihoon Doyoon? Hmm... And lol seungcheol running from dogs straight to his jihoonie bear XD thank you for the update author-nim!
cutehansol #4
Chapter 15: i love jicheol omg !!!! keep up the good work~
Chapter 15: omg whoooo
Chapter 15: so this guy ..this mysterious guy is doyoon???ok ok ok ok i can..ok ok ok XD
Chapter 14: I really like this story so I upvoted it. You deserve it. :) please update when you can.
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 14: Ahhh yay yay fluffy fluffy jicheol!!! Jicheol is finally canon! <3 thank for this story so far author-nim its really cute(when you want it to be) XD
Chapter 14: Me : *call ambulance using my toes *
999: hello what is your emergency?
Me:help me ...I broke my arm ...
999: can you explain what happened ?
Me:I waved my hand too much since I was fan girling and it just happened ...
999:wait that you Mrs. Yua?......
Me:yeah ...
999:OK then ...*screaming behind * hey Yuan broke her arm again !!!!
ImAWeirdMonkey00 #10